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Everything posted by aka_tom_w

  1. Sorry I thought this was a JOKE :eek: Or some form of sarcasm or flame bait? He was joking wasn't he? As a compromise they will let you play with their "new improved" campaign system where your units "maybe" can now gain some from of experience or something like that. Isn't that what they said? -Tom W
  2. I for one am stunned into silence (as contradictory as this post makes that sound. ) The last time I saw an EMP bomb go off was last season, (season 4) on "24". The bad guys didn't want to get caugh with their hand in the cookie jar and the CTU ( and Jack Bower of course) were breathing down their necks to get critical info (for national security reasons of course ) off their corporate servers and hard disks. Low and behold the CTU boys get too close to the "good stuff" and the bad guys let of the EMP in the corporate head office and it FRIES everything electrical for a 10 block radius (including all cell phones) in a Los Angles. BUT thats JUST TV science fiction. So that was "24" and that show is almost science fiction when it comes to stuff like that so who would think the Syrian's would have an EMP and use it? I would bet dollars to donuts it won't be modeled in ANYWAY in the CMSF game! BUT in real life the EMP bomb would be a HUGE equalizer for the underdog. But if it was that great why didn't the Iraqui's ever get one or set one off??? This page talks about it but it this article was written in 1998 is it is NOT the most current technology. What is current technology like now I wonder? This is just a better formated page web page quoting the same article that John originally posted about RF TED's and EMP bombs. [ December 11, 2005, 08:05 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  3. Is that REALLY Charles' workstation? Is he really left handed? is he really coding on a Mac? (note the G5 box) you know they say that left handed people are the only ones in their right mind (something about cross over with the majority of us right handers spending most of our waking time in our "left hemisphere") What the heck is that oscilliscope looking gizmo!?!?! I NEED more technical info on the hardware specs of that set up or I am going to go crazy looking at it and trying to figure it out. :confused: Lets see, there is one G5 Two Keyboards Three Monitors Four other boxes of some sort (one looks like an ocsilliscope, one skinny one on top of the ocsilliscope) and another box on top of the G5 (extra Hard drive?) What gives? -tom w
  4. Are you refering to this technology? web page countery battery radar ? I thought I heard of some form of counter battery triangulation technology that involved siesmic (seismic?) information collected from very sensitive seismic sensors used to locate the location of the incoming indirect fire? (Or was I just dreaming or delusional?) Or is that just a neato idea that does not actually work in the real world? -tom w
  5. Are you still using drunken, nearsighted, demolition derby drivers as the standard? </font>
  6. depends on the scenario there may be scenarios where the USA can't win because of LARGE numbers of Syrian units and or missile systems? you never know, I think the possibility is there to see a demo scenario where the US forces might have a VERY difficult time winning, in that scenario they may be out numbered and can only hope for a draw by determining the best course of action is to wait for reinforcements, CAS, arty or heavy armour to show up or withdraw, depending on the force composition and the scenario victory conditions. BUT don't listen to me I am JUST speculating. -tom w
  7. And he says things like in "that other game" In one of those command and conquer games that commando character has a few choice lines but its been at least 5 years since I played that I can't remember what he says. Some kind of bravado things like "Bring it On!" or something. who knows what that guy said in that old game? -tom w [ December 09, 2005, 07:43 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  8. Given some of the idea's posted in this thread I would expect the Sryian's to be very "sneaky" (or stealthy, in military terms) in defence indeed. AND the their military hardware inventory indicates they have plenty of anti tank guns and ATGM systems on hand so they could hide them almost any where. (I am guessing) -tom w
  9. syria's weapon systems on hand now This page lists Syria with 500 D3's in the inventory (122mm gun) it also breaks down the WHOLE inventory by weapon system, VERY interesting. It looks like they have a a heck of a LOT of military hardware. How good it is, who knows, but they sure have lots of it! If they have learned anything from previous Middle East battles, and wars with Isreal any hypothetical US invasion should not be as easy as some here might think. (Although to be honest I too believe it will be a "turkey shoot" for the US forces, except for all the ATGM and other anti air missile systems and RPG's the Syrian's have on hand.) NOTE From this web page you can compare any two Nation's military strength head to head. Sure the USA and Syria don't match up well, BUT for reference purposes you can match up Syria with any one of the other Nations in their list and see them side by side. (they have a LONG list but it does NOT include ALL nations). A side by side comparision with Isreal is interesting to say the least! -tom w [ December 09, 2005, 04:21 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  10. I miss those days and that old forum as well..... -tom w
  11. Wow.... Lock coming any time now I guess I think this thread just imploded See my signature line for clarification... -tom w
  12. I am still wondering if the AI will be "smart enough" in RealTime. Will the AI provide a more challenging game in WeGo mode? Or is this a NON issue? Still wondering? -tom w
  13. Oh boy, Tom!!!! If it was in the press, it must be TRUE!! That's GREAT!!! Torture rarely works effectively. [/QB]</font>
  14. oh yes one thing is for sure "It IS a delicate issue" I made a new thread because I can't believe ABC released all the information about the new secret prision in North Africa and the water boarding because ALL that stuff should be classified and not for public consumption. I supposed except for all those "news/media" types that are constantly waving "The people have the RIGHT to know !" flag about freedom of the press and freedom of speech and freedom to release classified information like the identity of CIA ex-spy Valorie Plame. (and so on) -tom w
  15. web page source ABC WOW if all that is true should it not be classified and remain NOT disclosed for public consumption! Its says they were Waterboarded and it worked!!! Is that "torture lite" is that JUST torture? Also from ABC History of Waterboarding ABC news source This web page says there is a prison in Morroco web page not a good source Anti-America More info on Waterboarding -tom w [ December 06, 2005, 09:25 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  16. LOL is that not akin to "inventing" cans of tuna with mayo and relish already in them so the tuna salad is ready to eat out of the can? Maybe what is needed is antiseptic ballistics gelatin in VERY tightly packed bubble wrap (large over lapping 2-4 cc bubbles) sandwiched between layers of bullet proof kevlar in the form of a vest or body armour! NOW we are on to something! -tom w
  17. that was immediate lack of oxygen and blood flow to the brain simulating something like instant decapitation. (I have had some personal experience recieving Jiu Jitsu chokes like that as well, very effective when corectly executed) The shot to the body they are talking about (Not the spinal cord or the brain) however may still give you that 15 seconds of the oxygen to the brain that the poster or the articles are refering to resulting in the time the enemy needs to pull the pin or unload his magazine in full automode on you. If I understand the point correctly. -tom w
  18. more Is this the SAME bullet type as Nerd King is talking about here?: [ December 06, 2005, 07:13 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  19. there's more here: interesting terminal ballistics web page
  20. See the image at the bottom of this thread, (the last post on the page) that show's a diagram of the temporary cavitation effect of the 5.56 mm round.) -tom w [ December 06, 2005, 07:10 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  21. Still searching for the Swiss Stopping power ballistics study this might help from this web page -tom w
  22. Way way back in the early days of the CMBO chat room or BB like this one there was a discussion VERY much like this one I think. The whole issue of the size and weight of the round came up and there was some reference to a particularily GOOD Swiss army study (or they commissioned the study, or something) that weighed in heavily on this issue. The details are sketchy in my mind but one of the factors that seemed to make rounds more deadly IIRC was the weight of the round. It seemed (in general) IIRC the wider fatter, heavier rounds proved to have more stopping power. I wish I could reference that study (I will search for it when I have time) to see if there are specific rounds like the 5.56 mm round debated here. It was an old study and may be out of date. Does anyone here recall the study or the investigation byu the Swiss into stopped power of the small arms round I am refering to? The thing about the study is that they IIRC had good methodology and did in fact reccomend at least one specific round as the best, but I don't recall which round was the winner. (Sorry for the sketchy details) This is a great thread and I am intersted in reading more about this topic for sure. thanks -tom w
  23. In Canada we lost our gun rights when some nutjob targeted women only in a University in Quebec on this day (Dec 6) 1989. The response by the Liberal Federal government was to over react and set up a MASSIVELY expensive gun registery to license and register ALL legally owned firearms in the country. It has not, in ANY way, helped deter crime. Most police and law enforcement agencies find it useless and some have even gone on public record as being opposed to it because the problem is not hunters and legal gun owners, its the BAD guys with the illegal weapons and this is mostly gang and drug related hand gun activity in urban area's we are talking about and the gun registry DOES not touch that issue AT ALL. BUT every year in the Canada's College's and Universities this happens: "Tuesday, December 6th is the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women. It commemorates, in particular, the massacre of fourteen women in Montreal on this day in 1989; and in general, the violence perpetrated against women every day." -tom w
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