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Everything posted by BFCElvis

  1. Dear Fionn, You can't blame a guy for trying. No, I didn't see your post but at this point I would go to any lenght to score a win. Because you have answered this thread I must go to plan "B" (and as we all know if plan B was as good as plan A it would have been plan A).....Expect my gamey crew rushing VLs in the next file. Love, Elvis
  2. Dear PL, For this game I threw out my no numbering rule and the turns ARE numbered. I guess it will be 2 weeks on Tuesday since I sent the file and a week ago Saturday since I resent it in case he never got it. Love, Elvis
  3. The question is, in a PBEM game how long should you wait for response from an opponant without hearing anything back before you can assume they have surrendered and just sending files? I have been playing a game and the turns just stopped and I have emailed the person asking if he received my file etc..and have gotten no response. I received no email telling me that real world issues would be putting the game on hold. After close to 2 weeks should I assume they have just quit?
  4. I would be happy to receive a beta copy from BTS and drive from Philly to NYC and show you guys the game......Who's gonna ask Steve or Matt to send me one? I am afraid to asak Matt because he scares me and Steve and I don't speak since that thing with his car that I didn't really mean to do but the deer jumped right out in front of me and I would have tried to swerve to avoid it but my beer would have spilled on my hooker........It was ugly.
  5. Dear Cpt Janeway, It is in poor form to brag about ones dial-up modem. Those of us with DSL and cable merely laugh. Love, Elvis [ July 21, 2002, 09:20 AM: Message edited by: Elvis ]
  6. Th official word from over a year ago is that CM3 will be a completely new engine and most likey be the early war. The Wstern Front will not b revisted until after the new engine has been around..probably CM5 or 6.
  7. The following is justElvis' imagination going wild and filing in "between the lines of what I would like to think Matt is saying (no basis in fact or reality here) Matt : "I need all your names because we are about to send the manual off to the presses and I want to make sure I thank you all for your help"
  8. Naughty Pak...naughty naughty naughty...and on another game forum...the shame.
  9. I know the forum of which you speak and that I will not name..but even their designer mentioned that CM:BB is still 3. 3 or 5 makes no difference to me and does not change gameplay in my mind.
  10. Great post tom. I was wondering the same thing and we got a killer post from Matt out of it.
  11. Dear Posers, Here is a brief update on my cesspool games for all those who don't care. AussieJeff, has beaten me with a last turn autosurrender in a premade scenario that he designed and choose which side he wanted. At least one of us got to play this mess blind. I look forward to a rematch where neither of us knows the others force strenght, set up areas and reinforcements. Hiram, I have forgotten how this game is going because I only see a file every 2 weeks. Peng and I played several very short TCP games on the 4th and it was neat fun losing them all. Fionn seems to know what I am doing before I do. Fortunately for me 5400 points buys a lot of cannon fodder. I see very little chance of winning this monstrosity but I'm not dead yet and we are just getting to the midway point. Compared to my previous Fionn games that in itself is a victory...mark it as such please Lorak. Love, Elvis
  12. Dear Treeburst, Aside from being a right bastard you must be a refresh monkey. Non-refresh monkeys retained their pre-refresh status because they were not refresh monkeys. And for this should be given their just dues by receiving CM:BB before anyone else. Love, Elvis [ June 14, 2002, 10:51 PM: Message edited by: Elvis ]
  13. I am still all for CMBB bein shipped out starting with the lowest member number and going up from there. Perhaps in blocks of say....150....yeah I like that ...send to the first 150 member numbers and don't worry about anyone else. For the record Matt, I'll give you my card number now and you can charge me now and sent it when it's done. I know you'e good for it.
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