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Everything posted by BFCElvis

  1. Steve, Thank you for this bone. I like it as the offical title. Has a nice ring to it. Merry Christmas, Elvis
  2. Hey Joe, I was just looking at the Dorosh picture in the Podcast thingie site. Is the other guy there Shane McGowan? Love, Elvis
  3. Thanks. You can go ahead and lock this up. Somebody else already said what I was going to and now I won't have to come off as an ingrate...although some blowing up would have been cool (heehee).
  4. Sir Steve Sir...Permission to speak freely about above mentioned video, Sir?
  5. Because of the volume of pictures it is giving me a real feel for what you are living in. Can people send you things? Like snacks or real food or porn or any of the other things a guy needs to get through the day? If so how?
  6. My favorite: "We Acknowledged Nothing Knowingly Except Really Silly Peng Challenges"
  7. Jason,my understanding of CMC is that the maps are created for each tile before a CMC scenario even begins. So they will not change because of size of forces or points or anything else. From what I've heard you could have a platoon HQ unit vs another platoon HQ unit fighting on a 2km x 2km map. 4 men vs 4 men. That is an extreme example just to illustrate my understanding of how the CM maps are used.
  8. You're right Tom. Conceptually MikeyD has it down pat. That being said the impression I have of SF is that BFC hopes to make it a "This product is GREAT" thing and use the "street cred" that CM gives them to separate them from the rest of the crowd. With that thought in mind something that has some basis in reality (i.e. NOT the totally made up generic Midddle Eastern country) would be needed to maintain the integrity of the CM brand name.
  9. Dear Vermin, I am moving in the next couple of days. My current email address may die soon so I have set up a tempory email address: johncostello60@hotmail.com Love, Elvis
  10. Thanks,Andreas. Looking at the whole thing something non-grog about the picture dawned on me that I think may be the biggest clue yet.(Smeone correct me if what I am about to say is wrong) The picture in the puzzle appears to have been created by the artist for the Combat Mission series artwork. Unless I'm wrong CM is the ONLY artwork he has done for BFC. Which leads me to believe the announcement will be that a WW2 version of CMX2 will be released at the same time as Shock Force. Opinions on this theory?
  11. OK...Who has the most updated pic with all currently available puzzle pieces in place? Andreas?
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