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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Mace

  1. Picked something up on the weekend? Anyhow, hope ya get better! Mace [This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 03-14-2001).]
  2. just trying to get that allusive last word before lock down! Mace
  3. I owe you? I OWE YOU?!!! I sent my return file out late last week and given a lack of response from you I was under the impression that you were being damned unsociable (rather than generally unsociable, like you are now). However, being the top-aussie bloke that I am, I shall resend it on my return home. Mace
  4. The deer is mortally wounded! It is lying at the side of the road after suffering a transfer of momentum from a car-deer interaction, in fact it won't be maneuvering at all. I think that invalidates your algorithm. However, Stuka would be a proponent of maneuver, as is evident with his fine passion for mounting roadkill (and I don't mean on the Den wall). Mace [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 03-13-2001).]
  5. ...insults to those passing by, all the while hanging from trees and making a general nuisance of himself. However, that was not to say he was without some value, for he was the prime reason why mankind descended from the trees, primarily to get away from his intolerant behavior and to look for places where property values would not be so deflated. As Croda swung from limb to limb, a small red laser spot appeared on his forehead. At the other end of the beam was...
  6. Lorak, Priest, please excuse me if I interupt your discussion! Dekey, ya, send me a email so that terms can be discussed. Check my profile for all the relevant information, and don't forget the sheep outfit. Mace
  7. I thought you got hold of them by the scruff of the neck?
  8. In Australia, gun laws prevent us from hunting with any sort of automatic weaponry. And I think that using thermonuclear devices would be just overkill. As for gamey, I think my wife's cooking would be a fine example! Mace
  9. You have a choice of: Kangaroo, Wallaby, Koala, Wombat, Platypus, Echidna, Quoll, Tasmanian Devil, Numbat, Possum, or Bandicoot. It's fine to stick your tongue into the mouth of any of these except the tasmanian devil, and please make sure in all cases that you don't get the ends confused! Mace
  10. Phillies, as Knights of the cesspool we have certain standards to maintain! With the tender moment you've just shared with us you threaten to raise these standards and we must ask you take the serenading elsewhere. Mace (and don't forget to take those violin players of yours with you ON THE WAY OUT!!!)
  11. Yep, both fine descriptors of Babs! GPig, as for the tracked-Kitty, try to manuever behind the KT you can, using closer cooperation b/w your AFVs and infantry (infantry can shield your AFVs from nasty surprises). Mace
  12. ...have an alternative plan of action. This being to poke your eyes out with a... [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 03-12-2001).]
  13. Blah! One of those days methinks! Joe (are you happy now, mate?!!!) Shaw: etc etc etc Mace [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 03-12-2001).]
  14. Prison time has that affect. I however do appreciate the time taken by you Dekey to come up with some perceived improvements to the Pool. I'm sure that you spent a lot of valuable time thinking this out, time that could have been otherwise spent pacing your cell, or dropping soap in the shower, etc. It has taken me however less time to think about it (circa 1 second), and to come up with a response.... NO!!!! Now for an update: Speedy: Nothing good has ever come out of South Australia, the current game proves it. I shall just say Speedy is a gamey mongrel who doesn't realise the aim of this game is for him to loose, and me to win (and not vice-versa). Lorak, expect a Speedy gloat shortly. JD: Started well with an my well executed tank ambush removing several panthers, a Hetzer and a PzJg IV L70s over a couple of turns. However, JD has chosen to ignore Fionn's 75mm rule and his better endowed AFVs (packing 88s) pick mine off at long range while I hunt down his last remaining Panther. Nuff said! Sir OGSF: A good battle this one (ie one that is going my way), although he has had the audacity to plug my remaining M18 Hellcat with a Hetzer. He will pay for this, I will not feed the POWs when he surrenders. Joe Moore: Read Joe's excellent reports on our battle in previous posts. Something about him wallowing in dispair as my uberhamstertruppen move into the far corner where his troops are contained to deliver the coup de grace (or just to gloat). Elvis: Stalemate at the Rune Valley. One of of us are going to stick our heads out and get it shot off, hopefully it'll be him rather than me! I did however enjoy ambushing a group of half tracks crossing a river bridge..this is a poignant moment that will stay with me the rest of my life (which indicates that I don't have one). Mensch: Mensch loves artillery, it is obvious because he has so much of the stuff. However, Artillery and snow don't mix and his fire has been somewhat inaccurate. The brave French on the other hand have decimated one of his platoons already. Stuka: Mace's Kittymod Macey SS vs Stuka's Kittmod Stuka (big ears)Paras now underway (a moderate sized battle to be completed in *GACK* 30 turns?!!!...I better start running then) If I forgot anyone else it was probably intentional. Mace [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 03-12-2001).]
  15. ...the paper bag you had on your head, and the one on hers in case yours came off! You also found that the gear stick always managed to...
  16. ...Seanachai, spouting verbatim words of his favorite poetry, and rousing his troops with stirring (if somewhat offkey) sing-a-longs! "Some one shut him up!!!!" cried the...
  17. Regardless of JD's views, I say we just stone him for the fun of it! As for the tying of naughty bits, I'll leave that for you hamsters, no way the rest of us are going anywhere near there without the correct equipment! Mace
  18. Send me copious amounts of money and I'll see what I can do (ie bugger all)! Mace
  19. ....a large mass of over-sexed penguins involved in the largest (and longest running) orgy ever seen moved across the pending battlefield and disrupted the planned slaughter! The combatants were....
  20. The one thing I most enjoy is getting the last post in before it gets locked down, but then again I have no life! btw people, don't worry about Mensch, he is quite harmless.....providing we keep him locked up, strapped up, and pumped up (with tranquilisers) Mace
  21. Thankyou for your small (miniscule, tiny, petite, etc) contribution there, Dekey. I'm sure you've added greatly to this discussion! Mace [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 03-09-2001).]
  22. Wow Luftwaffe, you're even dumber than we originally thought! You have an IQ of 2 , and it takes 3 to grunt Mace
  23. Not only am I about to be penetrated, but I think I'm also going to feel somewhat violated by the process! Who was the drongo who agreed to be allied this time around tho? Oh wait..that would be me! =P Mace
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