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Everything posted by Mace

  1. I have no idea who he was, but I never thought I'd witness a dive by honking! Mace
  2. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: (What do you call an old, boring friend in Australia?)<hr></blockquote> Ooh! OOOH!!! I know this one. Joe Shaw on Holidays Mace
  3. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Moriarty: To wit, since the continent known as Australia is south of equator, things there are done in reverse. Ergo, if it were moved north of the equator, then the continent would be incontinent, Down Under would be Up Above, Outback would be In Front and Mace's use of multiple exclamation points would be declaring his undying respect and admiration for you.<hr></blockquote> Coulda, woulda, shoulda! But it's not, so there!!! Mace
  4. Justicar Joe Shaw, you have finally revealed yourself to be the GROG you in reality are! You should be ashamed!!!!!!! (<---- lots of exclamation marks to display my loathing and disgust) Mace [ 11-23-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]</p>
  5. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Slapdragon: First off, I know you drink dish water. I mean really, anyone who brags about Fosters as a fine quality drink I know must be a little at a loss from reality. And in drinking diswater, you begin to look a little more like your hero and the archetype for all Australians, Paul Hogan.<hr></blockquote> *Sigh* Slap, I thought I made my self clear in previous posts, and my fellow Aussies will back me up here (I know AussieJeff will have something to say. I mean he always has something to say. In fact, he has so much to say that I suspect he is in fact Mrs Mace hounding me on-line as much as off...poor Mace), but we export Fosters (not bolded because it is not worthy) and keep the good beers for ourselves. We did the same to Paul Hogan. He now resides somewhere in the States. Mace
  6. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai: Mace, since you seem intent on encouraging this 'Aussie Jeff' creature to carry on in a very unbecoming way, would you like to take some responsibility for him? <hr></blockquote> No. Not really. btw, nice to read a few words of wisdom before I retire for the night, even nice to read your posts, Seanachai. I realise that most of the folk in the USA don't know what to make of us Aussies (look at Slapdragon, I think he developed an aneurism trying to understand us), but I think you've come closest to sussing us out! It was that post concerning the antipodean fascination of projectile vomiting...we call it 'chundering' btw. A good beer drinking session isn't really over until you've got your head in the toilet bowl and are partaking of a few 'technicolor yawns'. Actually it is my life goal to one day travel to the States, visit you guys, and throw up in your toilets...a very moving cultural experience for all of us, I must say! Mace
  7. M1A2 Abrams!! Well it would be if CMBO was based on modern warfare. Mace PS Didn't we have a favorite CM vehicle thread a couple of months ago?
  8. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: "Oh, I feel the need to move my bowels ... shall I do so now? Why yes, I believe I shall. WIFE ... it is bowel movement time again, prepare for the cleansing of the nether regions upon completion." <hr></blockquote> It might be 8.24pm there, but here it's 12.24pm. Joe Blow, you have ruined my appetite with all your talk regarding Bowel motions, and my sandwiches are no longer appealing! BLAH & DOUBLE BLAH!!!! Mace
  9. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MrPeng: OZZIEJEFF is my love child - a procreative gift from a heavanly tryst with one of Mace's newshornsheep. Thankee Maceyboy. <hr></blockquote> While I have learnt to take credit for things not of my making, especially when it results in financial reward..I must be honest and say that OZZIEJEFF did not spring from my loins! Nor did he run, walk, or meander, saunter, skip or rush, not even crawl. In fact, he wasn't even pushed! So thank some one else, but still send me the money! Mace
  10. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by AussieJeff: Me ol' mate, the greatest thing since sliced bread, intelligent, witty, dashing, top Aussie, the one and only MACE can lern ya all about the rules, eh mate?<hr></blockquote> Very good. You forgot to bold my name as a mark of respect though. btw, Ever notice how Seanachai and AussieJeff never post at the same time? Mace
  11. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by AussieJeff: Look over there, me ol' mates Mace 'n Noba<hr></blockquote> Now look 'ere, Sunny Jim. I realise you, like me, are from a god's own country* and Australia prides itself as a society where everyone is treated equally. However this is the MBT, I am a mighty Kniggit and you are just but a simple SSN. This is because I have proved myself worthy of my current title (mainly through the threatened publishing of various photos of the old ones in compromising positions), so please refrain from mentioning my title without at least some recognition of my social status. The correct way to address me is: me ol' mate, the greatest thing since sliced bread, intelligent, witty, dashing, top Aussie, the one and only MACE) * Please note - the good lord grew up in Quambatook, Victoria, then persued a career as a jackaroo outback until he decided "sod this, I'm jack of it! I'll think I'll create meself a universe instead and populate it with everything from sub-atomic particles to galaxies, suns and planetary systems - then spawn various intelligent lifeforms who will marvel at my brilliance and worship me! But first, a beer!!" [ 11-21-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]</p>
  12. Sorry, best leave it for we professionals Madmatt, I have last word. Please lock it up!
  13. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hanns: I hereby demand that Sally Struthers be airlifted<hr></blockquote> What, and cause another Solar eclipse? Mace
  14. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by russellmz: ...the basement of...<hr></blockquote> ...that place behind the...
  15. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by AussieJeff: AussieRulez<hr></blockquote> Why do I have this sudden urge to sing Australia Australia uber alles. I wish Stalin's Organ was here to share this special moment. Mace.
  16. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: What the bloody hell? Is Seanachai RECRUITING on the Outer Board AGAIN! <hr></blockquote> See, Seanachai, I told you you'd get the Justicar all grumpy and moany if you invited them in. Perhaps it would be better if you stood amongst the flowers with a fishing rod in hand and a pointy red hat on until this all blows over? Mace
  17. The whole bleeding lot of you, all whinging like members of Pommie Parliament! Who gives a sh*t if a challenge thread title doesn't include 'Peng' in it, we can just call it the MBT Challenge or the Cesspool challenge, or we can come up with a new name. I for one will continue to post in any replacement as I enjoy the company of my peers, and the out-worlders are a scary and frightening lot. As for those who say it shouldn't continue, all I can say is: SOD OFF, YA SLACKERS!!! Who's with me (besides my sheep)? Mace {edited for Germanboy annoyance value} [ 11-19-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]</p>
  18. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MrPeng: OK! I DECLARE THE MBT DEAD. I wash my hands of any involvement in Future MBTs or Peng Challenge threads, and will sic my attornies on any who begin another thread with my name in it. <hr></blockquote> Sorry, but it's an albatross that looks very nice draped around your neck. And since it causes you so much discomfort, a very good reason to keep it going for perpituity! Mace PS smiley added to really annoy Peng
  19. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Geier: It's probably because I lack your special grasp of how to use exclamation marks! If only I could work that one out, I'd be brilliant!<hr></blockquote> Too right! Exclamation mark usage is a skill best left to we professionals!!! <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>You, are an idiot!<hr></blockquote> And you, Sir, are a Swede!
  20. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Geier: I have noticed that the standards of this hopelessly useless place has slackened. Bloody typical. No longer do we taunt, challenge and despise the way we used to here. <hr></blockquote> I'd like to point out that with your post, things haven't improved! Mace
  21. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai: you Nong!<hr></blockquote> Seanachai (bolded as a sign of respect, he is after all a denizen of the MBT), you talk the talk, but you don't walk the wombat! It's 'Ya nong'!!! <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Oh, and then go to the Peng Challenge Thread and insult me properly. That was nothing like a proper insult. Limp, very limp.<hr></blockquote> Now you know how the Justicar feels about inviting non-MBTers into the pool. He'll probably give us an earfull for the next day or so! *groans* Mace
  22. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lawyer: Also, I've been so damned good this year that I deserve some special treats.<hr></blockquote> That's perfectly understandable. Given your line of work no one else will be buying you presents for Christmas. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>In proper respect to Dubya, I urge the rest of you to "return to your normal lives".<hr></blockquote> Lawyer, you seem to forget that the MBT is well represented by citizens (and other miscreants) of many countries, and that the statement is not applicable to them. Now if Little Johnny said "the ecenomy needs stimulating", we'd naturally would do our bit by telling him to "p*ss off, and stop hogging TV air-time" then head off to the pub for a few beers. Mace
  23. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by SuperTed: especially with Matt posting pictures of himself on the site <hr></blockquote> Oh I don't know. Some of Matt's photos have been quite stunning - but then again he's not in them! Mace
  24. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Madmatt: If there is need, I can revert to date sorting.<hr></blockquote> You use your little black book for that, right? Mace
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