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Everything posted by Mace

  1. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai: Good Christ. You people actually make fun of each other's accents? This is like finding subtle philosophical disagreements on the nature of 'good and evil' in a the various blocks of a maximum security prison.<hr></blockquote> How can you not make fun of "fush and chups"? Mace
  2. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Wild Bill Wilder: Let's see, six kids, 13 grandkids and now ...unbelievable! <hr></blockquote> Does that mean you mortgage the house once a year to pay for Christmas? Mace PS congrats!
  3. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Odd... I thought he was talking about you Mace<hr></blockquote> Hey, don't knock it if you haven't tried it!!! *Pulls Stuka's fingers out of his ears* I said DON'T KNOCK IT IF YOU HAVEN'T TRIED IT!!!! *heads for the same liquor cabinet* Mace
  4. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: Some of them even dress up in these cute little leather outfits with masks and spike heel boots, they really get into the spirit of the thing.<hr></blockquote> I wasn't aware =^..^= was a stenographer?! Btw, you forgot the whips, which I suspect are handy devices used to keep the banter flowing steadily. Mace
  5. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by redwolf: Ni Madmatt doesn't respond to bug reports so if anyone wants that fixed he has to report himself.<hr></blockquote> You can report it, but bare in mind that there will probably not be any more bug fixes for CMBO, unless BTS can squeeze some time in between completing CMBB and working on the CM2 engine. Mace
  6. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lawyer: Hey, don't denigrate the character of Allied commanders if they don't share your kinky sex tastes<hr></blockquote> Sorry, you talking to me? btw, have you sent those tickets, dear chum? Mace
  7. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stuka: Yep, once they cross the Manson-Dix...err, Queensland border, its all downhill from there. <hr></blockquote> Calrification: That's if you're moving South to North. Now bring on those Stenographers! Oh Yeh baby!!! OH YEEEHHH BABY!!!! Mace
  8. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lawyer: My sanity and my wallet will be safe.<hr></blockquote> Correction: Your wallet will be safe, it's far too late for your sanity. btw, Sent those tickets out yet? Your mate* Mace * Yes I'll suck up for a free beer, I'll go further for both a free beer and a trip to the States, if you get my drift! *nudge nudge*
  9. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by rune: Yes, there is shopping at North Pier, and what is wrong with crawling out of a pub? <hr></blockquote> I prefer to be carried out of the pub myself, it saves on my legs. *waits for Lawyer's tickets to arrive* Mace
  10. You have no idea of the Evilness you are about to release!!! (err, sit down Berli, it's another form of evilness) Mace
  11. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by AussieJeff: Stop playin' wid Joe's wimmen <hr></blockquote> Oh no! You've mentioned Joe Shaw's women! That may mean another display of his Mormon Wives. AAAaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAaAAAAaaaaAAAAaaaaaaa!!!! Mace
  12. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stuka: This thread is for other, more cultured perversions. Right Mace?<hr></blockquote> Yah, dat's right! *scratches bottom* We don want no stinkan pooftas here, dis is a top-notch cultchard place dis is! Mace
  13. Remember! Photos, we need photos!!! Oh and a AAR. Know your enemy, and all that kind of stuff. Mace
  14. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MrPeng: Yes, Dear the laundry is folded. No, Dear, it has not been put away. Yes, Dear. No, Dear. Right, Dear. Yes, Dear the laundry is put away now. NO DEAR, I am NOT PLAYING on the computer. YES DEAR I WILL VACUUM THE EFFING OFFICE! GODDAMMIT, DEAR! I am TRYING to write a very important essay! OW! Hey! quit it! No No No OWWWW! I'll do you a treat for that one you horrid WITCH!<hr></blockquote> I've just had a nasty realisation how similar our lives are, Peng! Quite frightening really. Mace [ 12-02-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]</p>
  15. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by D'arcy Montague: Thus, here I am. If its insults you wanted, then perhaps you should have started a 'Trans-tasman fraticidal dispute' thread.<hr></blockquote> I find the MBT* suits my fratricidal needs. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>There really is no need to bandy about nasty words like derogatory.<hr></blockquote> My apologies (mainly for the mispelling). We have Seanachai posting here on numerous occassions (and ...and... HE's FROM THE USA DON'CHA KNOW!!! :eek: ), so if we can make (many, many) exceptions for him, a citizen of the only other country to contribute to the ANZAC legend is definitely welcomed here. Mace * aka The Peng challenge threads [ 12-01-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]</p>
  16. The Kiwi's are slipping. Here we are, page 3, and they've only just posted their derogitory remark. It really wasn't worth the wait, was it? Mace
  17. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stuka: Sirs Mace, OGSF, Stixx, Speedy and Goanna here<hr></blockquote> Sir Stuka Citizen of god's chosen country, denizen of the great southern land, MaaaaAAAAAaaaate!. Stixx is an Aussie, yes. But he is also a SSN, and as such should not be bolded. Give him time though, give him time! Mace [ 12-01-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]</p>
  18. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MrPeng: The art of the 'pool lies in striking the balance between the sublime and the vulgar, the moronic and the philosophical, and most importantly, the drunk and the sober. <hr></blockquote> I prefer to lean towards vulgar moronic drunk myself. And now for your perusal and viewing pleasure, a naked woman...no wait! Sorry I can't find the photo. It'll have to be a few Action reports instead (perhaps an action report involving a naked woman, is that what we need?): Kitty: Between the two of us, we've managed to knock over 2 operations and 3 scenarios (as well as a bank, two convenience stores and old Mrs Migillicuddi down the street) in a veritable frenzied orgy of game play and reveiwing over the past couple of months. That I have won just over half of these due to the distraction my natural rugged good aussie looks and charm has on the feline one is moot, mainly because Lorak (more anon) is not here with us to record the results. Anyhow, I am now being the French to her Nasty Bosche swine and am caught up in horrendous street fighting on the streets of Paris. Mensch: One of his own works if I remember correctly. Germany, foggy, and so damned muddy even the mud gets bogged down. Tanks are forced to travel along sealed roads or train tracks, infantry are forced to carry many pairs of clean socks (and underwear). At least Mensch is making it easier by following the rule 'driblets, not mass' with his AFVs, and a massed uber-force knocks them off one by one. Die lots, crispy critters, and Tank Crew vacancies come to mind. Lorak: Just as I captured some of the VLs of our defending scribe. In fact I think it funny that the current middle-east crisis and Lorak's impending loss were occuring at about the same time. Things that make you go 'Hmmmmm'! The Justicar: Just started (thanks to he who changed his name from Germanboy to undress) - more at a future date Scheduled games: Sir IforgottenwhathisnickissoI'mmakingthisup - awaiting a game of Mensch making (still) Mace [ 12-01-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]</p>
  19. Ok guys, Let's cut CombatGeneral some slack, he's apologised for spamming the board somewhat, and that's a lot better than some of the others we've had here. So welcome aboard mate! Mace
  20. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by russellmz: ...the rodents had sent in the gamiest, mightiest cm unit of all: the...<hr></blockquote> ...running machinegunner, well known for the ability to...
  21. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Michael Dorosh: Have you given any thought to joining her?<hr></blockquote> Oh come on Mike, that was a bit below the belt! Mace
  22. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by OGSF: Ah miss tha hapless but ernest wit o' Bastables. Ah hope he an' Lorak are dwin okay. <hr></blockquote> That reminds me, Bastables is about due to complete his tour of duty in East Timor. I guess we'll have to hide the tuppaware, because he should be back here shortly. Mace
  23. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lawyer: Athlon<hr></blockquote> Gee, you're smarter than you look! Mace
  24. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by CombatGeneral: These are things I demand as an American.<hr></blockquote> Yah, but Madmatt's a bigger, badder 'Merican than you, and he's the forum supervisor. He Wins!!!! Mace
  25. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: I'm still mad because no one recognized my post on REMF Corporal's post about why BTS locked his Peng Thread post. Don't we have any Herbert Kornfeld fans here?<hr></blockquote> OoooOOOoooooooh! Remind me never to mess with the guys from Accounts receivable! Mace
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