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Everything posted by Mace

  1. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by russellmz: ..."well my baldy,..."<hr></blockquote> ..."lovely one. We have been through many adventures and I have suddenly realised one thing. You are very special to me. In fact, Madmatt, I think I love"....
  2. I always new the German's had good taste! btw Hi Warphead! Mace
  3. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by CMplayer: Click here for a very nice close up photo of one of these 'daisy cutters' that have been in the media lately. Frankly I can't figure out what the fuss is about.<hr></blockquote> I do. Step on one of those barefoot and you'll know about it! Mace
  4. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by CMplayer: I wonder just who they consulted?<hr></blockquote> Why is everyone looking at me? Mace
  5. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: Sheesh, Aussies.<hr></blockquote> Here, let me help you out as your were obviously stymied for words. (Unusual to say the least, next to Seanachai you're probably one of the more verbose here). Anyhow, what you meant to say was.. 'Sheesh, Aussies ... are perhaps the best example of homo sapien in the world. Their intelligence, wit, athletic prowess and good looks are the benchmark that the rest of the world's people aspire to. I Joe Shaw, count myself lucky to be associated with them. I sure hope their greatness rubs off on me!!!' Don't thank me for helping out here, it was the least I could do for a mate. Mace {edited to improve presentation..and to annoy Germanboy} [ 11-06-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]</p>
  6. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hanns: [QB]Boy, an insult about sheep coming from Mace is like the lütefisk calling the gefilte fish white! Amateur......... [Edited to include this pic I found of Mace with his very own "Love Ewe". Enjoy! {link removed for obvious reasons} [QB]<hr></blockquote> Haha, very funny......not!!!! I'd remove the link if I was you because, mate, obviously what you've linked to is something that I don't think BTS is going to like having associated with thier site. Besides, we don't really want to see personal pictures of what you get up to in the privacy of your own home!!! Mace
  7. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hanns: Not that I'd know anything about sheep mind you. <hr></blockquote> That's what they ALL say!!!! Mace
  8. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Speedy: P.S.- Mace I am going to be drunk on Saturday, so I did actually go and vote for the Stenographers today. Buggered if I know what the vote counters are going to make of my voting papers. I actually did quite a nice little nude portrait of Natasha Stott Despojitttala in here voting box. <hr></blockquote> I personally plan to show up drunk at the polling booth Saturday, it'll help ease the pain of actually deciding which of these nongs to vote for, given the 'presence', 'charisma' and decent 'policies' our current lot have!* by the way, I'd love to see this naked picture of Natasha** you've rendered, I'm particularly keen to see just how you've depicted her voting box. Mace * A little note for our non-aussie peers, voting is compulsory in Australia. ** Natasha, =======>
  9. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Speedy: Oooooohhhh, oooooohhh I vote for STENOGRAPHERS.<hr></blockquote> I don't think any are running in this weekend's federal election. {Posted just to remind my fellow countrymen that it's Melbourne Cup Day, and I get a holiday and they don't unless they live in Victoria) Mace
  10. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stuka: Hey Auswarrior, all the cool Aussies, (with the exception of Mace) hang out in the Peng thread.<hr></blockquote> My fellow *Gack* collegue Stuka *choke* failed to mention that I'm greater than just cool! Mace
  11. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lord General MB: The betniks...<hr></blockquote> ...called up a special forces unit (the 1st girl guides) to lead the attack. The girl guides were veterans, their door-to-door cookie selling techniques honed to a fine art after years of action. Was the Manitee platoon concerned? The answer to that was.......
  12. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Elvis: If either, or both, of you would care to send me a set up file I'm sure i can remedy this situation.<hr></blockquote> You are now added to my 'pending game' list. At the time when one of my current games are completed and a slot (s..l..o..t, not s..l..u..t! Sit down Bauhaus) presents itself, you will move up to my 'prepare a setup for him' list. I think this should be within the week. You are also on my 'number every turn because he really, really, REALLY hates it' list Mace
  13. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stuka: BTW, whatever happened to the Seanoochian conquest of Australia? Or, ala the 'Operation Sealion' thread, was his proposed invasion of Australia just a ruse to divert attention from some other, even more despicable plan?<hr></blockquote> Actually his invasion has commenced - I've noticed him standing in amongst the plants in my front garden for some time now. His little red nose shining in the dark, his green jacket buttoned neatly but clashing somewhat with the red pants he wears...and that pointy hat he wears looks damned silly on him. Oh wait, that's the garden gnome! Mace
  14. Hmm, Stuka, now that you mention it, I trashed Elvis in the only game I played against him as well. So that's another winning record against him. Do you think his memory is slipping with old age, or is just his adversion to numbering things? Mace
  15. Easy fix, Buy CMBO now (because it covers the Western Front), then CMBB (because it covers the Eastern Front) once it's available for purchase. That's what I'd do (and I'm an Aussie as well) Mace
  16. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by OGSF: A Jedi maind traeck?? <hr></blockquote> What's this, discrimination against religion? Yes, in the Australian census just completed this year, I entered Jedi as my religion of choice. The farce is strong within me, you have been warned! Mace
  17. ***************Correction*************** He who will not be named has now agreed to build a game for us. He who will not be named is Canadian (but we won't hold that against him) but resides in Germany (ditto). He who will not be named indicated that we should expect it within 48 hours!!! ************************************************ Mace [ 11-03-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]</p>
  18. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by OGSF: An' Mace, ye latex wearin' carpel tunnel sufferer...wi'd ye noo care tae bae properly slaughtered ain a wee gam - sae your choice fraim tha stankin' den o' fetid scenarios, aka, Der (bleedin') Kessel? Ye damp snot rag? Bastaarrrd?<hr></blockquote> SirWhatsamallcallitwhosybobsyfetidhaggis, I'll gladly extract a scenario from DerKessel. We shall play it and you shall slaughter me as you manoeuvre brilliantly and focus your attacks with finesse, while I do everything but, or my name's not Lorak! Expect a file over the next 16 hours or so (don't wait up though). Mace
  19. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Moriarty: You swallow the Spaniel or do you have something you'd like to share with the class?<hr></blockquote> I betcha he's got food, and he's not going to share!!!!! Mace
  20. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by russellmz: "...HAS BEEN ACCUSED OF..."<hr></blockquote> "being tardey with bumping up the FAQ to it's proper place! Thas was equal to Russelmz's over use of capitilised letters, a crime that carried the penalty of"...
  21. Rune is, of his own free will, kindly informing anyone with a nvidia based card that a new driver is out. There is no need to have a go at him. btw, you haven't gone under other nicknames here, have you? Mace
  22. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Elvis: Elvis - loser<hr></blockquote> Stating the bleedin' obvious aren't you, mate? Mace {smiley added to infuriate Peng pods}
  23. I'm impressed Seanachai by your knowledge of some things Australian. Getting to know your enemy, huh? Mace
  24. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: Now it's the end game and he's charging my major VL ... like he could take it in a million years, I mean ... he's Mace ... <hr></blockquote> Victory is not important to me! The only thing important to me is that I leave my opponent in a state of permanent mental anguish and confusion by game's end. It's quite obvious I've achieved my goal by the current behaviour of my esteemed collegue Just-a-bus Joe Shaw Mace Mace
  25. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stixx: Cool... Or there is a Bandicoot pressed in to the gaps between the road outside my place. Any use to ya?<hr></blockquote> All dead critters should be forwarded to Slappy, care of ???? Mace
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