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Everything posted by Mace

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Herr Oberst: HerrOberst, who made his triumphant return just in time to say, "Pardon me, Seven of Nine, but..."<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ..."I would really, really love to assimilate you. I have always found your Borg nanosensor package somewhat arrousing, and I have always longed to probe your..."
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CMplayer: I've heard they've got an interrogation chamber under the fairy castle and you get worked over by a bunch of goofys with rubber hoses.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> A S&M theme? Sounds OK to me! Mace
  3. Inane oneline posts are at least over quickly. Unfortunately Lawyer, your posts linger like flatulance in a crowded elevator. Mace btw why the continuing reference to old TV characters?
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stalin's Organ: But no matter, for you see Flyspray somethign that passes for thought is not thought - but merely the local, inadequate, substitute.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh I get it, by local inadequate substitute you are no doubt referring to your immediate location. Mace
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stalin's Organ: ....Now that I've pointed out the mistake in what laughingly passes for a thought process <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The Justicar's thought processes may be laughable, but they are still thought processes, and thus indicative of a certain amount of grey matter. For example, If a surgeon was to make a small opening into Justicar Joe Shaw's Skull, Joe would bleed. I suspect if the same was done to you my Serfy friend, the resulting inrush of air into the, for want of a better word, 'brain' cavity would probably drop the external air pressure by some substantial amount, and leave many of the surgery team woozy for lack of Air. As for Lawyer's little contribution to the discussion. I would suggest Lawyer that the words 'mutate' or 'metamorphose' are perhaps more suitable than 'cloning'. But your confusion is understandable, I realise that the biological and physical sciences are a bit overwhelming for those in the legal profession. I mean, the only mathematics a Lawyer needs to know is how to add up the bill. Mace [ 10-14-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stalin's Organ: So to me the term "Kinigit" just means another useless loser (smiles sweetly)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> *Wheels ACME Justicar of the MBT, Joe Shaw in on trolley. Wrestles him into a corner of the room, plugs the power cable into a powerpoint, then desposits a nickle into the slot* Ok, Justicar, you have just witnessed a disparaging remark about the backbone of the MBT, we band of the few, we mightly stalwarts of all that is anti-grog, we...*blathers on for half-an hour*...and we the mighty band of warrior Kniggits. Such comments are the most heinious of crimes and we await your just decision - something about putting his eyes out would be nice, or perhaps we can arrange for Sir OGSF to flash this nasty, nasty man a glance of just what is under that kilt *shudders*. Mace
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Michael emrys: There was Panzer '44 and an earlier version of the same system for 1940 but whose name I forget just now. Ring any bells?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Panzer'44 was one of the games. The other game you're thinking of is Kampfpanzer which covered Armored combat for the periods 1937 to 1940. Perhaps the most frequently boardgames I can recall playing with Brian was SPI's Sniper and Patrol. Mace
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Brian Rock: When I was in High School in the mid 70s (another survivor of Shepparton High)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yep, it was an extremely tough school with a large mortality rate! Mace
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ted Striker: What rock have I been under! :eek: This game is amazing! You all just brought retired grognard out of retirement. Thank you. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hi Ted, Just before you start playing the demo order the full game, then you'll have something to do while you wait. Mace
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Brian: [/qb] In the US perhaps. In Australia and from my limited experience of the UK end of the scale, what I said holds true. You should also realise when I refer to "wargaming" I'm referring almost exclusively to figure gaming (and primarily 1/76 scale figure gaming as well). Yes, that might appear to limit the matter but that was the sort of wargaming I was involved with. Boardgames were looked upon primarily as a curiosity for the most part. Eastern Front hardly got a look in - primarily because of lack of models available. Western Desert and NW Europe were big focii.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The Shepparton Wargames club I was a member of played more Eastern Front miniatures than NW Europe, and using the Soviet vehicles available in 1/72 (eg Fujimi's KV1 and KV2, Airfix's T34/85), we could modify these to produce the SUs and a fair representation of the ISU series that weren't readily available in the late 70s I also remember dropping into the Victorian Wargame association just before they went belly up (very early 80s?). They were holding an Eastern Front miniatures session on the day, and according to the guy I spoke to, there was a strong representation of keen Eastern Front gamers. Mace
  11. Hmmm..Given the reaction above, I think I've discovered a pyschological and gamey ploy that I can use to my advantage in future games. Mace
  12. She's back!!!!!! Does that mean I can start removing articles of my clothing again? Mace
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stalin's Organ: If it wasn't for me you'd have nothing useful to contribute.....come to think of it you have nothing useful to contribute anyway - so SOD OFF<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Now, now! I've been contributing nothing here longer than you have. That's why I'm a mighty Kinigget of the MBT, and you're just you. Mace
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram's Ghost: <font color="green">...Mace's grandfather, Flail. Flail stepped over to the sheep and took his teeth out... </font><HR></BLOCKQUOTE> <font color="red">...and said "Hmmm, nice text color change there, Hiram! Been reading up on HTML tags?" We could never work out why grandpa always took his teeth out when he talked, or rambled on to some 'ghost' that the rest of us couldn't see. Perhaps he was loopy, or perhaps it was due to...</font>
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stalin's Organ: Good grief no - I'm glad yo've been promoted to a suitable elvel of stupidity and incometance!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That's you've, level and incompetence. As an elitist organisation, we do try to maintain certain standards to impress the outsiders. It's just a shame that most of ours have slipped to somewhere around our ankles. Mace
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by killmore: I liked "Chicks with the tank" part<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I particularly liked one of the pictures Mace
  17. ..and if it slipped your notice, oh Lorak, I was victorious (just) over that scaley, cold blooded one Goanna. Mace
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lawyer: Edited after posting to remark that I didn't beat Mace here afterall. You just can't beat a professional gub'ment sloth at his own game.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Especially when he's home for the evening (remind me to tell you how time-zones work one day). Mace [ 10-09-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram's Ghost: ...the ugly vulcan known as "Mace" was going to battle for his sheep-mate. "Roight!" Mace exclaimed, as he reached for his...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ...phone and dialed the number of his psychiatrist. "I'm distraught", he said sobbing uncontrably while peeling off the wallpaper and eating it, "am I paranoid or are they picking on me"? "Vell", responded his shrink, "its like dis. You see....."
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon: Five in the morning and I’m already thinking stiff and erect in the same damn minute<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I always heard Bromide in the tea will fix that. Mace
  21. Warphead is the answer to military modeller's dreams. The reference material he provides is excellent. Mace
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy: You sure have your fair share of morons in Australia. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I don't believe we have greater share of them than any other country, but Australia does have the better quality of Moron. Mace PS. I look forward to suitable responses. Lawyer's I am most eagerly waiting for.
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slapdragon: Gee fellas, a humble squire learns so much from the level of conversation here.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I'm pleased to be of assistance! We can hope that that you'll soon move on to more advanced squire studies, like how to use the toilet, how to eat and drink without dribbling, and how to dress yourself. We await your advancement with some degree of eagerness (eg the reduced likelihood of slipping on expelled bodily fluids left on the floor) Mace [ 10-07-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram's Ghost: ...only a small hirsute Australian gentleman named...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ...the Prime Minister, famous for eyebrows, was disgusted by the lack of professionalism shown by Cubbies in not correcting his post, and passed numerous laws preventing this from happening again. Further, this simultaneous post not only resulted in a warp in the story, but caused the implosion of the Farzit dimension and the death of Gadzillions of sentient beings. What was the relationship between the erroneous post and all this distruction? It was like this....
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