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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by gunnersman

  1. Execrable? Whoa! Where'd that come from? I'd thought I've heard them all. Not know them all...heard them all.
  2. I was at the pilot shop yesterday when I noticed there was a computer setup with the latest simulators as well as the latest version of TrackIR 4. The new TrackIR 4 has six degrees of freedom. I was allowed to sit down and play the new Microsoft Flight Simulator while using it. It was amazing! I never bought the other versions because it did not strike me as all that useful and I could never justify the expense. But this new version is quite impressive. If I had the disposable cash I would have bought it right then and there. Then it occurred to me why limit it to just simulators? Why not other games like Combat Mission? It may seem like a bit much for a game like CMSF but it could be used for scrolling around the screen. It is very easy to use. It is very natural and effortless. I don't know what it takes to set up support for something like this. I just wanted to toss it out there since I couldn't find it on the search function.
  3. :eek: I just love it when I go away for a while and then come back to see whats new.
  4. ****Well, jeez! At the least get rid of the asterisks.
  5. What I dont like is the fact that they say "Download from Battlefront.com and play now!"
  6. Hehe, yer darn tootin. Sammy was THE man. Ya dig?
  7. It has nothing to do with "non-Anglo" names. Who the hell are YOU to say that? Its rather amusing to see people pick the names of great leaders or someones idea of a leader (or a manly man) and apply it to themselves. Not only that but it strikes of unorigniality and someone with low self esteem.
  8. Hehe. What a way to nip it in the bud.
  9. Thanks Sivodsi. It took some reading but I think I found it.
  10. srximus, well put. I can understand what you are saying. I can't relate, but I can understand and empathize. It seems that there are those of us that tend to see the good side of some aspects of life. In this particular case sometimes that is in the form of glorifying military figures i.e. Samurai, mid evil knights, soldiers in general, what have you. We take these figures then romanticize them. Sometimes we maybe take the romantacism too far. It seems WW2 is still pretty fresh in everyones mind. Technology will not let us forget. Although we should not let our want for good blind us to the potentials of evil. However, it is hard for some of us to imagine that potential.
  11. Nice find ajj912. Thanks for that. Why is it when some tanks are destroyed their barrels seem to be in the full down or fully raised position? And when is a tank considered "knocked out"? I've never understood that.
  12. Yeah. I hear ya. I dream of the day when computers are so fast and so powerful that graphics are not a problem and physics is not a problem. I dream of being able to model the bullet path of the MG42 while firing full auto and being able to track every bullet AND ricochets in real time. I dream of realistic real time war games being able to resolve the proper LOS of soldiers, ATGs AND tanks... buttoned and unbottend, properly. I dream of HE explosions with properly modeled shrapnel...that is random. I dream of Tanks with high fidelity modeled armor and interiors for advanced damage modeling. I dream of soldiers tanker and AT gunners with their own ability to think and resolve a situation properly...maybe even randomly. I HAVE A DREEEEEAAAAM!!!!!! But man...the coding would have to suck. Wouldn't you think?
  13. Yea, I thought about adding that, but I was getting tired of typing....great minds think alike.
  14. Well it doesnt just have to apply to troops in building. The point of THE sabot's post is that it should be easier for an unbuttoned tank commander to spot a target as opposed to a buttoned up tank commander. The buttoned up TC would have a much more difficult time spotting tanks, AT-guns, troops, etc etc. Not just that, but also there should be some sort of modifier for how well camoflauged a tank or AT-gun or platoon of soldiers are. The profile or silohuette of a tank or ATG against a particular background should be taken in account as well. Such as a tank on a ridge or crest of a hill. But that would have to be relative to whatever unit is spotting it: Freindely tank "A" spots an enemy tank cresting a hill with no trees in the background while friendly tank "B" who is 200 meters to the left of tank "A" does not spot the enemy tank because the enemy tank is in between a treeline and Tank "B's" line of sight. In effect the enemy tank has tree's in the background of Tank "B's" line of sight but not tank "A". Thus Tank "B" may not spot the enemy tank as quickly because Tank "A" has a clear bright skyline for the enemy's silohuette to stand out against. Wow. That was longer than I expected....Im winded now.
  15. From what I can tell, from AAR's and from what reading I have done, there does not appear to be minefields for the time being. Then again, there are many things that are not in it that are being planned for later add on. There are PanzerWerfer mines and hafthohlladung magnetic mines and the like...but no minefields it appears.
  16. Intersting. It looks like a more complex version of Axis and Allies. Thats harsh. Sounds like someone got up on the wrong side of the bed of nails.
  17. Hey man, its your life. Live it however you want to. If you swing that way, you swing that way. Dont let anyone put you down.
  18. "Probability at 1000m"...Does that mean hit probability?
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