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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. Go here: http://www.the-underdogs.info/game.php?id=4967 for TFTD. Couldn't help you with Apocalypse, haven't tried that one in years. Enjoyed myself greatly with it, but not as timeless as the first.
  2. Uhm, turns out it's not a simple as all that. Results seem to vary, judging from Tech. It does seem DX10 cards+Vista is bad news though. If you already have Vista then you might wish to consider a good 7900 card. But yeah, I can feel for you. My 7300GS will see me through another year, maybe two, but then I have to bite the bullet as well.
  3. Yeah, tried two sound mods and neither was quite what I wanted. I'm pretty much looking for a bit beefier small arms fire. There were some decent sounds in both mods I've tried, but there was always something that just ruined it for me. Worst offender is the sound of bolt/brass for sniper rifles. Even in CMBO this annoyed me. A sniper some hundreds of meters away fires, and a satisfying *bang* rings out. Good. Then, still several hundreds of meters away from the sniper, I hear the brass being ejected and/or falling on the ground. Really? Not good. That's the pity of CMSF, the modding can be unwieldy. It was easier in CMx1 titles for a n00b like me to mix and match sounds. I borrowed sounds left and right to beef up the gunfire sounds (especially the ghastly Stengun) yet in CMSF the whole packing unpacking is making it a bit more unwieldy.
  4. AIUI, it should run on Vista but won't cope with the newer graphics cards (nVidia 8xxx series and beyond) or will run so poorly on those cards that it's unplayable. Have a look at the CMx1 tech section for more informed opinions.
  5. Moon, could you clean up the way the images are handled? They show up as 1/1 in separate galleries. Just lump them together in a single gallery or take them out of the galleries completely. The way it is now isn't very user friendly. And now, to criticisms: Is "Sturmgeschutze battery" as seen on the briefing screen proper German? Sounds to me like it's saying assaultguns battery, which I don't think is correct even in German. But that's just a little nitpick. What really raised my eyebrows is that features are being added. Erm... you may not have noticed but this game is way, way, waaaay over due. Drop whatever new thing you guys wanted to add, fix up whatever you've got and get this thing out the door. Having said that, you guys probably shouldn't be listening to me. By the time this reaches market it'll be essentially an expansion for a six year old game. You'd have to pretty much be giving it away for me to even consider buying. And I frigging loved CMBB. And they think I'm BFC's lackey over at The Annex. Go figure!
  6. Clavicula_Nox, this review of MoH:A is for you. Be warned though, swearing and a vicious dig at the US included. You've been warned!
  7. Unexpectedly came across footage of what I believe to be a T-40 towing a car from mud. Wouldn't this be a pretty rare beastie these days? Seems to be in a very good condition too. A collector might kill for less I would think, even if it isn't a particularly 'sexy' tank. link
  8. Thanks thewood, it's what this thread really needed: point scoring for the cool kids in class. I think the rest of you may be on the right track with the QBG angle, as I can't seem to make it happen so far. I do have a few QBG maps, but not a lot, so maybe I haven't seen them yet for that reason. Any QB parameters that seem to produce this bug more often? Also, what FOW setting are you using? Thanks. [ April 21, 2008, 09:16 AM: Message edited by: Elmar Bijlsma ]
  9. The .50 on the Stryker is its only weapon, therefore it's a priority that it is kept supplied with ammo, hence it's done automatically when ever the need arises. The Abrams also has the coax and the 120mm and really isn't relying on the flexible .50 for its firepower so I reckon it is better if reloading it is user controlled to prevent automatic behaviour getting the TC killed.
  10. Actually, firing on tanks with small arms fire is a feature, not a bug. Firstly, it DOES do damage. Check out your Abrams' sensors and smoke launchers after it's been subjected to heavy MG fire. Secondly, it's related to troop quality. Poor quality troops are more likely to spray a tank with small arms fire. As for the CMx1 thing. I don't remember MGs opening fire on tanks they couldn't hurt. I did see the occasional .50 or MG42 take out lightly armoured tanks. One .50 armed recce vehicle hurtled past a PzIV/L70 and took it out from the rear with it's .50 in a single burst. :eek:
  11. Is it really a problem? I think the utmost attention of the designer should go towards the scoring of an honest attempt at playing the scenario/campaign. If someone thinks it's an exploit to abuse the resulting scoring system by ceasefiring early, then all he needs to do is not abuse it.
  12. The reason for picking those three is, I assume, that the Krauts, Clogs and Canucks share much kit. From Leo's and PzH2000 to Panzerfausts and C-7. And much of that kit (the AFVs in particular) is rather spiffy too. And it probably helps that the Germans have a good sized chunk of the wargaming market, or so I understand. The reason NL and CDN are in the running at all is because unlike the Germans they have a long track record of showing up on the sharp end of international forces.
  13. *edit* On second thought... not worth it.
  14. I am Elmar Bijlsma, and I support this message. And not just because I can be easily bribed.
  15. Hylten, I reckon it's worth giving it a try. In the past I've had old saves work with newer versions. And sometimes not. Good luck!
  16. Hylten, I reckon it's worth giving it a try. In the past I've had old saves work with newer versions. And sometimes not. Good luck!
  17. Hylten, I reckon it's worth giving it a try. In the past I've had old saves work with newer versions. And sometimes not. Good luck!
  18. If I may ask, what exactly bothers you so much about them?
  19. I'm siding with Handihoc on this. Market Garden seems eminently suitable for CMx2 and the module system. And it it has easily as much recognition on the market as the other suggestions despite being nowhere near as visited by wargames.
  20. Well, at least now we know Hunter is still alive.
  21. Well, WEGO is the system where both you and your opponent plot orders for your units. When you are both satisfied you press GO and the game calculates the next minute of action using both sides plots. So it's turn based, both taking the turn at the same time. It's a great system, allowing for the thrill of real time action yet the relaxed pace of turn based.
  22. Have you considered trying the demo? Not a whole lot we can tell that you seeing for yourself won't do much better.
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