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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. I don't particulairly care for screenshots, a few months back I dug up the screenies of alpha CMBO and... YUK! So I can't blame them for not doing the same now. However, I am getting the feeling the only reason Battlefront aren't saying what the subject of CMx2 is, is because they get a kick out of teasing us lot. I'm not sure weither that's immensly funny or insulting. Pretty pointless though, unless they are going to try and up the hype by it's total mystery.
  2. The way I read it, we might still get to way for a year for Romanians, but this time we can spend that year thundering across the steppe in our Panzers and T34s. Yes there is a risk they might get diverted from doing everything, but I have faith in the BFC crew that they will do their damndest to get everything in. Sooner or later. No biggie.
  3. I used CMMOD, logging in there should've worked. But I'll imageshack it, hang on. Much nicer on COG's bandwith too.
  4. No kidding! The British army, reknowned for littering the battlefield with their vehicles, kept it in running order. An Arabian gang, for crying out loud, kept it in good knick. So who totals it into the extreme? The much vaunted IDF. Sheesh!
  5. It's so tiny it's hardly worth the mention but it's my first ever mod so I just had to show it off. Behold: My Vickers .303 I'm not sure who supplied me with the source .BMPs I used to make it so if you see something of yours let me know and I'll include you in the credits. [ May 24, 2005, 12:59 PM: Message edited by: Elmar Bijlsma ]
  6. Thanks Oren. Hmmmm, with three previous owners I would hold off buying this car.
  7. I'm trying to upload a little mod but I can't select the type. From reading the CMMODS forum it seems I'm not the only one but that person managed to get past it by using the arrow keys. But I can't seem to get that right. Anyone with ideas? Oh gods, a puny effort as my modding debut, and now I even have to ask for help with that.
  8. Yes, me too. But when you hear it in game it's a bit odd to hear a sniper load his gun from several hundred meters away from the camera location.
  9. Very good to hear on all accounts. Now... you modders get back to work! *cracks whip* A camo-ed and kitted out Sherman Vc Firefly will do.
  10. I actually like the CM interface. It might be a bit basic but that also means it's a hell of a lot less fiddly. If you compare CM with for example the Total War games the CM wins hands down. It's a bit more restrictive with regards to view heights and angles but not in such a way that I feel I'm missing out and the trade off with ease of use is fantastic. The 'ctrl+click on map' to change location is something I greatly miss in most other games I play. If it ain't broke, don't fix it, though customization might be a good thing. Myself, I'm happy as it is but I'll end up getting used to pretty much any scheme should BFC change it.
  11. IIRC there has been no confirmation but there will be dynamic lighting so hopes are high that light (illum rounds, burning vehicles/houses will play a part. I sure hope so because except for the St.Edouards ROW scenario I absolutely hated night fighting in CMx1.
  12. Nah, the white scout car is a better fit IIRC. But yeah a bit of an oddity not including a SAS jeep of some kind. Problem probably is that there never was a 'SAS jeep'. They bolted so many weapons onto their jeeps that BFC would be hard pressed to find a typical loadout to include, though I would've suggested a twin Vickers'K' and a .50 though awatercooled Vickers, Boys, MG34 etc were common too. *edited after checking* Yup, it's the White SC with a .30 and a .50 which seems the best candidate. And with light armour perhaps simulating the ad-hoc bullet stopping gear stapped on. You lose 10mph compared to the jeep but it's the closest match. If you think it's still undergunned use the Staghound AA which has twin .50s but they are in a turret which is a down side. As fast as the White but way too much armour. [ April 30, 2005, 01:20 PM: Message edited by: Elmar Bijlsma ]
  13. Hey, pretty cool. Thanks for posting, MikeyD. Never heard of them. It really shows true Grogdom is unattainable with such vehicles botched together in the field. Just for the record though, you meant 3 inch howitzers, right?
  14. People will howl with derision at the mere thought of me answering a question directed at experienced players but I'll do so anyway. Yes Fruhlings wind is a toughie even for the more experienced player. There won't be too many of them who won it first go. Once you 'figure it out' the level starts becoming fairly easy, winning at 200% force bonus for the Allies. You'll find the other demo scenario, Line of Defense, much easier, either as attacker or defender. I recommend it over the tutorial as a learning tool as you'll have almost every type of unit and terrain represented in it. It's a blast to play to boot. Enjoy!
  15. AVRE and Crocodile are in, just later then you'd expect. I believe Buffalo and Crab weren't possible* with the CMx1 engine. The Puma AC is another neat vehicle missing in CMAK. *Or not worth the effort.
  16. I thought the CMAK high hedges worked the same as 'bocage'? Never tried it but I remember one of the BFC guys mentioning they'd set it up like that. Did they leave out the tanks passing through bocage after June '44 afterall? Sloppy.
  17. Nope, no typo. I'm on turn 2 or 3 against Sgian Dubh myself. I understand RL issues got in the way and while I am inclined to be patient in this is, it's getting silly.
  18. I just hope tank shells can now hit tanks other then they were shot at. And with the crew modeled individually it becomes more important as to where the round strikes. So I hope the round visually strikes the compartment of the crewmember it injures. That would be lots better then a shell hitting dead center every time and damage being randomly assigned.
  19. Great to hear your wife is on the road to recovery. Very good to hear indeed. You might also get a kick out of knowing that after seeing your appeal on CMMODs I've signed up to be an organ donor. Silly COG, thinking about CMMOD after all he's done for the community already. Good egg, that man!
  20. My PC was returned to me one day ahead of schedule. No wonder because it was soon apparent they didn't fix the problem I brought it in for, despite me specifically asking if they checked. :mad: So it may take me a few days longer yet to return files.
  21. Just a message to all my opponents, my PC is in the shop to have a new power supply fitted and to be checked out to see if I farked it up. I should be getting it back wenesday. Until then I won't be sending any turns. Sorry.
  22. I hate to ask again but Sgian Dubh, you really need to start returning files or let us know what's up. With 2/3s of the time gone being at file 006 is a bad sign. Please get in touch with us or Kingfish if you are not sure you can continue. And Flenser, two turns to go, don't leave me hanging in suspense.
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