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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. See? BFC denies it so it must be true! And btw it's AT-STs. Sjeez, you guys better consult Dalem before you take the Combat Mission Battle of Endor any further.
  2. Usually the scenarios are released halfway through the finals when the designers had a chance to read the AARs and make adjustments. Though I still haven't found ROWIV finals scenario "Proof of Honour". Yes it needed balancing but how hard can it be to turn fog off. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  3. Yes, it's still a bit off to see such a cluster of same side players hogging the top spots. While I could see how the scoring went it shouldn't be that those who got assigned mainly Allied scenarios had an easier time scoring wise. It's pretty funny to see that the only scenario where honours are equal is "Highlanders" in which both sides could easily take a chunck out of the opposition. The less balanced the scenario looked to me, the more the results are clustered. Weird. :confused:
  4. I assume that's the NABLA ranking. The cold hard results would be reversed, I'm sure. But the results look right to me. Any Wet Triangle Allied that got a decent score couldn't help but have their scores massively boosted by NABLA because the rest of us got slaughtered. Whereas Axis had it so easy that they had to have an insane score to rise above the rest of the pack in NABLA. That's my take on it atleast.
  5. Didn't they say a Lobsters of Doom type game was in the top 5? Hence I'm changing by vote to: CM2:Battle for Hoth! After BFC got talking with Lucasarts about the name of their Star Wars game (Battlefront) Lucas Arts decided that the Star Wars universe needs a hardcore ground combat sim to complement their franchise. And BFC, seeing the lengths of the Star Wars and LotR threads agreed their grogs have ample geekiness to make it an attractive project for them. Star Wars Combat Mission? Come on, you know you want it.
  6. Yes you would need the original game to play the module. This sorta looks like something I said. What I meant was this: I will download the demo of "More US army stuff involving the 101st", probably enjoy it and then go dum-di-dum right up until they announce the plans for the CW module. Then I'll play the "More US army stuff involving the 101st" game to tide me over until the CW module is released. But prior to that news, a sale is looking unlikely. It'd have to be a pretty spectacular demo for me to buy the game without a announcement of a subject of interest in the near(ish) future.
  7. 1)St.Edouards - Briliant eb and flow 2)Highlanders - Epic combined arms violence 3)Maleme - Sloooow pace kept the suspense going 4)Moltke Bridge - Brutal if limited manuevre wise* 5)Wet Triangle - Trundling about with tanks looking for a break... and not getting one. :mad: :mad: *probably a lot more fun if I had noticed the reinforcments I received across the river. DOH! :eek:
  8. Odds on a Dieppe module with Canucks without hideous deformities have just gotten longer.
  9. Odds on a Dieppe module with Canucks without hideous deformities have just gotten longer.
  10. I usually find Aristoteles mods a bit too worn and weathered for my tastes but the Stuart is mighty fine. Thanks Aris!
  11. I'm thinking Market Garden. You've got the US, and even better the 101st which has a high saleability factor. And even a US audience will reckognize and want to play the Red Devils too. And the Germans and possibly XXX Corps provide armour. Ofcourse Garden might be an add on instead but sizewise it should definitly fit in the "nearer to Normandy then St.Lo" criteria. And the battle of Arnhem contains enough units to form the basis of either a Normandy or a Rhine Crossings/Reichswald battle down the line. Won't we all have egg on our face when it's the Ligny/Quatre Bras/Waterloo battles.
  12. Have to disagree MikeyD. Ever tried RobO's campaigns? I have only played a couple of battles with it sofar but in my attempts to keep my loveable fellows alive I am way more careful. As a result combat is frequently less decisive and bloody as the average CM battle. Which are ridiculously bloody exactly because of the lack of a context for that battle. So... campaigns can be more fun AND more realistic (tactically atleast). http://www.roqc.cdgroup.org/
  13. Heh, completely missed the inclusion of India according to the reviewer, though his list of theathers did catch my eye. "...in the Balkans, Mediterranean, North African and Italian theatres." But his commments on a campaign mode are fair enough. It's THE feature most missed in the CM series and it is fair to comment on. Not that CMAK isn't uber-complete and all but that would've been the cherry on top.
  14. Oh thank you very much. The slice of salami has just gotten smaller and it's all your fault. :mad: :mad: ...
  15. Better late then never I guess but boy oh boy, that's pretty late. It's really positive which is quite the achievement this long after release. But the review itself is poor, giving a very good feature list but little play impression which shouldn't have been too hard given the time it took. Read it here: http://www.wargamer.com/ [ June 06, 2005, 05:46 AM: Message edited by: Elmar Bijlsma ]
  16. Well well. What a nice attitude we have here towards those not lining the roads waving the appropriate flags. I don't mind it from Steve. In fact I damn near welcome it, because with three amazing games under his belt he earned it. As long as he doesn't charge me $0.01 for every hour I enjoyed with CM he can call every name under the sun, because I do not have $1.000 right now. And if he says CMx2 will be the best thing since sliced bread, then, even if it hasn't got all the features I care for, I will trust him on that. I voiced my concerns, I trust Steve and the rest of BFC have considered it and I trust their judgment even if I might not always like it. *edited because trading insults isn't the thing to do* [ June 05, 2005, 05:09 PM: Message edited by: Elmar Bijlsma ]
  17. Well well. What a nice attitude we have here towards those not lining the roads waving the appropriate flags. I don't mind it from Steve. In fact I damn near welcome it, because with three amazing games under his belt he earned it. As long as he doesn't charge me $0.01 for every hour I enjoyed with CM he can call every name under the sun, because I do not have $1.000 right now. And if he says CMx2 will be the best thing since sliced bread, then, even if it hasn't got all the features I care for, I will trust him on that. I voiced my concerns, I trust Steve and the rest of BFC have considered it and I trust their judgment even if I might not always like it. *edited because trading insults isn't the thing to do* [ June 05, 2005, 05:09 PM: Message edited by: Elmar Bijlsma ]
  18. Steve, I realize you are just grabbing figures out of the air for the sake of argument but much of what I'm hearing very much dissapoints me. My fears might be unjustified, or you just might not care about my fears on their own but while there is even a remotest chance that CMx2 might still be influenced by us I will voice those fears and objections. Hence: RED ALERT! Is the lesser scope then CM per module or after the CMx2 series is completed? Because if at the end of several modules I still won't be able to take.. oh, let's say... a Crusader AA out for a joyride I'd be pretty upset. How will the complete set of CMx2 titles match up to the units already in CM? And will we know what modules are planned when the first CMx2 title gets released? Bcause, to use your example if we get US Normandy, and then Bulge modules I'd be waiting with baited breath for Commonwealth modules to be released. (I confess I'm a bit of an Anglophile anyway, predisposed to thinking "not the Yanks at the Buldge again") If it then transpires that you go off to model the eastfront and Space Lobsters of Doom first and never get round to Commonwealth... Ugh. Then I'm stuck with games which, despite your enthousiasm for them, won't be more then a pacifier until you get to stuff that really rings my bell. I would be very hesitant to purchase any part of the CMx2 series before knowing you were heading in a direction I'd really like. Please understand, I'm not just curious, I'm increasingly getting the idea CMx2 might not be for me. Maybe that's out of lack of solid information *wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge* but maybe it's because BFC is heading in a direction I don't like. And that latter thought frightens the snot out of me.
  19. Is it a green StuG that has lost it's command? Conscript vehicles can't have a cover arc and green units must be in command to have it, I think.
  20. Oh, and for the Allied player, as Michael pointed out: Smoke is your friend. It might not seem sexy peppering your opponent with smoke, but it sure beats taking a poor shot even if it doesn't feel like it. Smoke can buy you the time to get closer and get a better shot. As long as you are American you as a rule shouldn't go toe to toe as long as you have smoke. Toe to buttocks is sooo much beter.
  21. Steve, I hope your not waiting for us to be reasonable and understanding (looks at Peng and Waffler threads ) about what you've been telling about CMAFAIK (*) sofar. While keeping your cards close to your chest is a sensible thing, not letting us in on which century it's supposed to be set in is overdoing it a wee bit IMO. Ohwell, I guess there is no real gain for you to let us to know. But it would've been nice. (*)Thanks Le Tondu
  22. Brits are indeed the best bet against uber armour for your friend. If he insist on using US tanks, start fearing the M18. It's still limited to a 76mm but speedy as Hades. Speed might not something you usually look at when buying armour but M18s are the fastest way to transport a 76mm into an enemy's flank. Enemies will have a hard time getting their guns to bear as these suckers zip from cover to cover.
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