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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. Where have you picked up that BFC considered PBEM less important then internet play? It is, and has always been, a question of what is realistically feasible to implement. These guys have been giving us the wargamers dream for the last five years and suddenly they've had their brains eaten by zombies and are out of touch with their fans? God knows there have been plenty of fans in an uproar (over nothing)so they are aware of what the community wants. They have clearely stated that they are hoping to include PBEM, they just aren't in the postion to promise anything about that yet given the limits of PBEM file sizes. Now, if any other company would say that they can't make promises that means that there is no way in Hades it's going to happen. If BFC says they can't make promises, they aren't fully 100% certain of it yet. Yes, a company being truthful towards their customers is unexpected and confusing. So calm down, read what BFC has actually said on the issue, then calm down some more.
  2. Nice mentality too. "Oh, I'm going to hit someone on the head with a sledgehammer, better bandage my hand before I get hurt!"
  3. Everyone here seems to believe that PBEM files MUST be bigger in CM2 then in CM1. Why? </font>
  4. With 1:1, how will the squad LMGs be handled since we have no direct control over them. In Close Combat when dealing with infantry I spent half the time manipulating the squad in order for the MG gunner to get to the place where he had a good arc of fire, the other half I spent cursing as it steadfastly refused to deploy to a position where it had a useful LOF. How will CMx2 deal with this? On a somewhat related note, how would a team/squads formations work? Are there any? When advancing down a road a column/line astern formation would pretty much be SOP while line(abreast) would be the way for advancing through woods. Is there anything to fascilitate this? And lastly a question not strictly related to control. How are 1:1 units going to be portrayed? They were supposed to be spread out, but if all the men really do keep 5m apart you do kinda lose track of the unit as a whole with parts of it over a sizeable area. Or are you going from the assumption that the "spread out!" order wasn't/isn't one of the most issued orders for nothing and portray a squad as a tight formation. It's kinda heard to decide which I prefer. Yes, historically men tended to clutter but not always and they certainly weren't supposed to. Certainly not when digging their foxholes! But IMHO there is a real danger of losing track of the unit if they aren't portrayed as being fairly close together. But if you model them as close together, how to model the casualties of a shell falling nearby? Wipe out the squad? Or back to the "OMG, it exploded right at their feet and nothing happened!" fudge. Third option is an order of Stay Close/Spread Out for squads, but I can hear Charles and the UI groaning even as I type this. Gosh, am I glad I'm not a game designer! And my current job and boss SUCK!
  5. If by some unlikelyhood the new game is set in North America, I fully expect Steve to fly over and record European bird song just to annoy us. On the speed of sound thing: Eeewwww, no thanks! Is it realistic? Yes! But I still hold the view that it isn't CMx1 (or Hollywood) who's portrayal of sound is wrong rather I hold the view that the laws of physics themselves stuffed up and should be changed. It would be increasingly hard to follow what was going on and who was doing what to whom. Besides, I would think the computational power needed to keep track would be prohibitive.
  6. I'm all in favour of remote detonation(1). Could be used in many intruiging ways. Campbeltown at St.Nazaire, anyone? Demolisions were usually an operational or stategic matter, not tactical but some great scenarios could be made. (1) Provided the blast has a shockwave.
  7. Maybe bazookas and mortar tubes are moddable now - assuming they are part of the Space Lobster arsenal. </font>
  8. So... Normany:OUT Walcheren:OUT Crossing the Rhine:OUT Anzio:OUT Salerno:OUT Sicily:OUT Gallipoli:OUT etc. etc. etc. Steve, are you aware of just how many dreams you just crushed?
  9. That might be, I wasnt sure. I havent touched the FOW mode since setting it to extreme shortly after installing CMAK.
  10. I dont know what QBs you are playing but my turn movies easily get to 1mb. 2mb and higher isnt too rare either. With all the new bells and whistles 10mb might very well be reached. And not everyone uses G-Mail so their mailboxes might fill rather quick! Steve himself said they are really trying to get it in. They arent stupid so ofcourse they are trying that. Nor should we be under the impression we were given the heads up on this issue just to mess with our minds, if it was easy to implent PBEM they wouldve done so and kept quiet about the whole thing.
  11. I asume he means playing with the players FOW off but the AI operating with FOW so you can check how the AI performs. The difference being I assume the AI acts differently when it knows where your assets are? This would seem like a good tool to tweak the AI for scenario design purposes. Might also be a useful option for playing someone with lesser skills. A Dorosh mode.
  12. I really do hope so, it really looked good on the high powered guns and large caliber expolsions. It might have been dropped on my list of things to add because it didnt really add to gameplay but boy it sure added to the experience, seeing 8inch shells howling in and creating those neat looking blast waves. Not to speak of the 14inch shells. OH BOY! Sure, it looked a bit naff on 2 inch shells, hand grenades and collapsing buildings but if its not too much bother put them back in for large calibre explosions and large calibre/high powered muzzle blasts! Please? Pretty please?
  13. They dont WANT to. They might HAVE to. With all the extra goodness they are putting in, filesizes may become excessive for sending through mail.
  14. oh and I have to second Gpigs request of keeping the balance of realism and fun intact. From reading some of the snippets of info I sometimes feel like BFC is heading more away from 'fun' then I prefer.
  15. Campaign mode Either following a unit trough a long stretch of fighting gaining experience, new units etc or some operational setting or whatever but please, please give us some context to our battles. If not feasible atleast provide for 3rd parties to bolt something on to import export unit data. Convoy move Difficult to code or not, the inability of vehicles to travel down a strech o road without rubbing hulls is just sooo infuriating. Cover from vehicles Might be tricky to implement on moving vehicles but moving troops forward behind the cover of an advancing tank is just so damn sexy. But cover behind KO-ed hulls is just a must-have minimum. Fuzzy visibility distance Tired of being area fired to death from 1m beyond visible range? I sure am. Better portrayal and control over artillery The near impossibility to lob shells into a wooded area... not fun. More control over weight/rate of fire and pattern would be nice. Same for on map mortars. More meaningful spotting rounds would be great also. *Gosh, did I really go for six instead of 5 wishes? Inflation!* [ August 25, 2005, 01:00 PM: Message edited by: Elmar Bijlsma ]
  16. I understood it to mean they'd rebranded it as Combat Mission 3: Afrika Corps but that'd be dumb as you'd expect them to go the rest of the way and make it Combat Mission 3: Africa Corps. :confused:
  17. I understood it to mean they'd rebranded it as Combat Mission 3: Afrika Corps but that'd be dumb as you'd expect them to go the rest of the way and make it Combat Mission 3: Africa Corps. :confused:
  18. Just finished St.Nazaire, bored to tears near the end, only the flag grab was vaguely interesting.
  19. Paypal-ed a little. Thanks for the heads up, I really needed the reminder to send the occasional dosh his way.
  20. Thanks for the update, good to hear you did well. See? Heavy HE delivered directly can do serious damage. You might have been slow firing but he had to hit you will for you getting a nearby miss would do. That gave you an advatage in that he couldn't just hide just out of sight. Did your opponent try to use his mobility or did he try to outgun you? From how it reads he tried the later, big mistake.
  21. Talk about a blast from the past! It's been ages since I removed the muzzle break of the NA 25pdrs because the muzzle break was only used in Tunisia (and thereafter) and there not too often. AFAIK they were only allocated to areas where heavy tank units were expected to be engaged as the muzzlebreak allowed them to supercharge the AP round. Anyway, I've been looking to share this with the rest of the community but with me not being an artist of any merit whatsover I can't seem to improve the end of the muzzle for love nor money. The shading near the bottom of the barrel always trips me up when trying to add muzzle blackening to it. It never looks right. Mikey, would you be kind enough to see what you could do, and perhaps add it to your existing mod? Here is the plain version I'm using. IMHO it looks better without that ungainly muzzlebreak. I had to leave the 'rim' at the end on because without it the 25pdr looks noticably too short.
  22. Oh, forgot to report that one. I am seeing that too, also using Firefox.
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