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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. Sherman M3? Boy, I really do need to catch up on my reading. You are, I assume, speaking of the early M2 armed M3 Medium tanks. Most M3s were armed with the M3, which is the same gun as the one in the Sherman. Lovely Americans with their insane numbering scheme, what were they thinking? Look, Jurgen, no offence, but you seem to believe German tanks were all über. They were not, and especially not the Mark IVs. They were a pre-war design stretched to the limit. Their armour especially remained behind the times. As a result even the general purpose gun of the Sherman, a much newer design, could easily defeat it's armour. You seem to have rejected what others have told you as wrong. I hope you re-read their posts, as they are some of the most knowledgeable ww2 grogs around. If what they are saying does not conform to your beliefs, I suggest you investigate why that is. You'll find that in this particular case you are just plain wrong.
  2. What!? No blast wave? BFC, fix or do sumfink! The units look pretty good. The rest, naturally, still needs a little work. But it's much more resistant to mocking as the early CMBO alpha screenies. Good one BFC, and thanks for sharing.
  3. Wack-a-mole army style. Drop the round and try and shoot it as it comes out.
  4. Considering how Jim Boggs got his name into CMSF, I think we should all do our utmost no more of our names get added.
  5. Steve, any word on how CMSF is going to model HMG (.50) and automatic cannon fire? I always felt that small caliber cannon were lacking effectiveness in CMx1. Don't get me wrong, it's AP and HE values were no doubt spot on, but when firing on infantry, especially those in building, I felt the small cannonfire wasn't making as much of an impression on defenders as it should. I was particulairly reminded of this during the ROW V Dieppe scenario. Oodles of 20mm of various persuasions in the German inventory. But gameplay just didn't at all match the reading I've done on Dieppe in regards to the impact of 20mm fire on it's target. If you read stories of survivors of the raid they tell of the very large impact of automatic cannon fire not just on the boats but also on infantry fighting in streets and from houses. Yet in the game 20mm fire is little more then a nuisance, try as you might. Particularly suppresion wise I would think the 20mm should've scored MUCH higher, though lethality should've been higher too. IMHO, ofcourse. Same for the .50 cal, except opposite. It's performance I always suspected as being a fudge. Since it's firepower number was used for both infantry and armoured targets it's effectiveness against one was compromised to get closer to simulate it's effect on the other. In short, it was too powerful (in some circumstances) against infantry but too feeble against lightly armoured targets. Again, IMHO. Has this been looked at and will CMx2 model it differently?
  6. Your mind is made up, you can't be reasoned with. You can't identify who's the customer in this situation. You've said before if the old customers don't like the game, screw 'em: you'll just go find new customers. Well, I dare you. Here's your chance to prove me and other wrong. Leave PBEM out and see how the game fairs. I double dog dare you. I triple dog dare you. You're absolutely diluted if you think the argument of the PBEM bigots boils down to a lack of reading/listening skills. Diluted. Oh, and the idea that it may not be technically possible is crap. If it's not technically possible, and you're the technologist, then who's to blame? That's a pile of manure that's been spread way too thin. Either you make a good game or you don't -- that's all that matters. Lastly, you realize that you attacked first, right? I didn't use language any more harsh than you lead off with and you immediately escalated into these insanely bad impressions of your core customers. For shame.</font>
  7. I'm amazed, simply amazed that Steve hasn't yet threatened to pull PBEM if this kind of idiocy continues.
  8. For all your release date discussions go here.
  9. And this to Steve, he hasn't even seen Madmatt in action yet. I can't wait!
  10. Hah! If you stand on top of a hill during a thunderstorm, in a copper bathtub waving an iron rod with one hand and holding a treatise on atheism in the other whilst screaming "All gods are bastards" one does NOT get to complain about getting hit by lightning. People tried arguing with you but you failed to respond to any factual challenge that was made. Instead you retreated into prejudice and bizarre logic instead. You are wrong and have been shown to be wrong. Please do yourself a favour and reconsider your position, you aren't doing yourself a favour continuing this lost battle.
  11. If I may make a suggestion, please rename some of the units to something more clear and concise. The Hetzer for example has an incredibly unwieldy and confusing name. Panzer Jaeger 38(t)(PzKpfW 38(t))anti tank SPG on Skoda LT-38 mod 1938 base tells me the same thing thrice and a half times, it's too much. Naming it: PzJgr 38(t) Hetzer anti tank SPG would suffice.
  12. Uhm, yeah, that was... special, PE2. How about concentrating on the important bit: a .303 Vickers + crew screenie?
  13. That's just BFC politely waiting for us to make a suggestion. How about a closeup of a .303 Vickers MMG and crew?
  14. But not Yiddish. Thus the Allies cunningly wrote the instructions for every cannon and tank in Yiddish. Unable to use enemy equipment, the Germans lost the war.
  15. There is another way. Place vehicle on map, change the terrain underneath it to something tanks can't move through.... presto! So CMCs mission generator could do the same, lock them in place for setup so the player doesn't move them off the terrain.
  16. Will the infantry these vehicles carry still prefer to sit on top rather then inside? What's with that anyway? Especially nowadays with IEDs a big threat you would think the squishies would wan't to be on the inside.
  17. While one side of me would want to see SPs included(The same side of me that wants shockwaves ) the other side of me knows it's seriously unrealistic. Nowadays artillery is accurate enough not to need to trundle right up to a target to nail it. And keep in mind that the AT capability of infantry in particular has dramatically increased. Why would you want to get into the range of an RPG/ATGM when you could lob shells from 30km away? Direct SP fire is just like a bayonet... if you need to use it you have already FUBAR-ed the situation.
  18. Why use the search button? There is bound to be one of you <10.000 guys bouncing on his chair with excitement just waiting for the opportunity to tell us what he has learnt about ToW. :confused:
  19. This is a good explosion btw: but I find the lack of blastwave disturbing. But I certainly did enjoy that, Moon. Thanks!
  20. Whay you meant was that you want them both, right? RIGHT?!? :mad: :mad: :mad:
  21. Well, yeah, but didn't German mortars kill more Allies then all other arms? WHERE ARE THE MORTARS!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
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