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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. Sorry to hear that. A bit unrelated to ToW but have you looked at a different ISP? It is practically unheard off paying for traffic these days. It's standard just to be paying for your subscription and get near unlimited Fair Use in return.
  2. *unboggles mind* Have you ever stopped to consider that people who go and lie down in long grass/wheat fields are suddenly tricky to spot, ergo they are not to be seen by your soldiers and thus not by you either? I really, really don't understand your problem with this LOS issue. And again, units do not randomly disappear. They disappear/appear only when certain logical visibility conditions are met.
  3. Oh FFS! First four hours now eight?! How about spending two minutes? Because we are just suggesting you explore the camera options, not re-code the user interface manually. Honestly!
  4. Have you looked at what's firing at you? Those aren't just T34/85s out there, there are some seriously bad ass vehicles out there. 100mm SP AT guns, 122mm armed JS-2s and the monster 152mm assault guns. Any of which can ruin the day of Wehrmachts finest.
  5. I sorta agree with you on this issue, in so far as it's daft to see a truck hit the entire row of trees beside a road. But it's not much of an issue is it? If you don't want them bashing over trees, then order them in such a way that they don't. It's not hard to make 'em avoid trees! You were giving stupid orders and the troops were daft enough to follow them. Who's really at fault? I fail to see the issue here. If your troops can't see the gun, you can't. That's entirely sensible! Your troops aren't randomly getting wind of stuff. If they can place an eyeball on something, so can you. Trees, bushes, houses, tanks, etc etc get in the way of LOS. Things are as they should be. Only point I'll concede is the dead crewmen, which leaves the AI at a disadvantage in that you can drop arty on guns and see how much damage you've done by counting the dead crew. At a guess I'd say having the game check LOS to dead people is CPU intensive without adding much to gameplay. And if the dead soldiers is a big issue for you, then disable them in the options screen.
  6. I just find it a bit disappointing and puzzling that you find nothing good to say at all. Surely it isn't all bad? Personally I find the camera interface one of the better ones out there. IMHO it superior to CM and Total War. If it's not to your taste, then there are several things you can change, yet you can't be bothered but feel justified to complain. You don't think that is a little hypocritical? That you are getting poor performance is worrying, your GFX card should be more then sufficient. I have a modest 7300GS and run it smooth at max everything. What's your CPU and RAM? Can't help that you are running Vista, which currently just isn't the OS of choice for gamers. Still, it shouldn't be bad at everything turned down. I can't imagine why that would be. What's your cards default AA settings? Maybe they are set too high? Also, you complain about the unit indicators and then whine when you can't find your troops! (a problem I don't suffer from btw) Aren't you just being a bit difficult?
  7. To add to that, on top of Shrecks and Fausts the Germans also have Panzer Würf Mine to take out tanks. If all else fails, you could go for the tracks with regular grenades. Though that will mean that if successful that luckless infantryman now has a tank parked right next to him.
  8. What gun doesn't recoil? Because all I've seen is that they most certainly do. Perhaps you mean that the gun doesn't "jump" on firing? A properly placed gun wouldn't, and I reckon it'd be a nightmare to animate anyway.
  9. In a way I think it's smart for BFC not to use bittorrent. They'd want their customers not to be too comfortable with it. Why? Check back on BT in a few days and see the full game. Wouldn't want to give people any silly ideas, now would they?
  10. Often, guncrews that lose a crewman will flee. Especially when facing snipers, they don't like those. Sometimes though they stay put. Depends on morale and stuff. And your difficulty setting. The higher it is, the more you'll see people running to the rear.
  11. Gosh! Good luck to you and yours in this.
  12. I corrected that sentence for truthiness for you. But then again, as one of the testers I'm not waiting as eagerly for the release as you guys are. Yeah, it's mean to tease you guys. Seriously though, just be good and wait for the game/demo, it's worth it IMO. And no, we haven't been sitting on this game since Christmas just to mess with you. The game is better for it.
  13. The Osprey is an intriguing vehicle, but it does seem it's a complete failure too. a nice try but no cigar effort, and it's amazing that no-one pulled the plug. It's a jack of all trades, master of none. While it's speed and range sound interesting at first glance they are outweighed by the downsides. There's always something that can do it better then the Osprey. It can't lift much compared to such workhorses as the Chinook. Sure the Chinook isn't fast and hasn't the range, but how often are you going to really need that? For the hum drum stuff not that often and spec ops can make arrangements with a tanker. Not as often as you need to have an ability to auto-rotate, I'm sure. No door gunners? That's just daft, especially something that's reportedly so vulnerable on the approach as this. I wanted to like this aircraft when I first heard of it but it just falls so far short of what it needs to be. And for that money troops could've designed a new powerful new helicopter and build a massive fleet of them. It was a nice try, an idea worth exploring but they should have given up much, much earlier, when the problems first started becoming apparent. I don't mean the crashes and stuff, that's what you get with new ideas. No, cancelled it when it became apparent it's performance wasn't living up to the hopes. All in all the Osprey is confirming me in my belief that the US is too focussed on neat gear for every occasion. Developing Maus tanks while they should be building MkIVs.
  14. Don't worry, the Brits do have access to Comet and Challenger so are quite capable of fending off the German heavies.
  15. Rubbish! The Germans had many ways of killing T34s, the 88 was just the most spectacular. There are many, many reasons why the Germans stalled in front of Moscow. T34s and lacking 88s were not significant factors.
  16. Yes, I see the mighty Heer now. "OMGWTF, the Tigers ran over our Flak 88s, we should surrender now" Once again one itty bity thing is being magnified out of all proportion and used to conclude that the entire game must surely suck. Pathetic. ToW is a perfectly enjoyable game, without 88s, enterable buildings, smoke, mortars and what have you. Would it have been nice if one or more of the above were included? Yes. But you'd be wrong to write the game off because it hasn't. So... TRY THE DEMO!!! Then, perhaps, you can form an opinion.
  17. *reads note wrapped round brick* Hey **YK2**, do you really think he'll be fooled by that crap?
  18. Do I need that beer to bribe Mace or sumfink? :confused: *dons protective gear* I do not drink beer. Or budweiser.
  19. Gosh, eleven posts on a row, that is impressive. Technically, Lars is in there somewhere too, but really, who cares? Congrats on getting wed, **YK2**. Same guy as the one you went to Germany with a while ago, I assume? Great that you are handing out beer and all, but haven't you got a drink with a straw and a little umbrella? Now, on to the business at hand:CAN I GET A FECKING WELCOME OR WHAT?! or all of you manning the lifeboats, heading for to the antipodean thread? :mad: :mad: :mad: *edited because I hate to leave the impression **YK2** is handing out bear. Because she isn't.* [ April 12, 2007, 09:37 AM: Message edited by: Elmar Bijlsma ]
  20. I doubt that, I got on their nerves. I can be pretty annoying. Nidan1, does the suckage of this thread never end? You, double posting? Tsk! Someone, shoot this thread.
  21. NO! NO! NO! That just didn't happen in a tactical battle. AS such, I'd lament any time wasted on it rather then any other features. I'd go for mortars and such. And yes, the Flak 88 too.
  22. I just had to come here and mock the thread starter. What's the world/peng thread coming to if such things as editing The Rules and fumbling the thread title are allowed? Next thing you know you'll let Belgians in.
  23. While it is a remarkable oversight, I can assure you it isn't such a big a problem as you might think. Firstly, there are a plethora of voice chat programs out there and since you'll be connecting via an IP number most players should be able to set something up. And secondly, when things kick off you either type or you win, not both.
  24. Moaning about what others may find attractive about pre-orders doesn't interfere with that too much, I hope?
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