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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

George MC

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Everything posted by George MC

  1. Best bet is download the demos e.g demo for Combat Mission Beyond Normandy or Fortress Italy or Red Thunder (all WWII) - and give it a spin. It'll give you more a feel for the new game engine than folks discussing features - experience it for yourself is the best bet I think. The game engine is at version 3. Comparing CMBO to the new version of combat mission is, well comparing apples to oranges. Enjoy!
  2. He! Nae worries. Mind some might play better than others - the game engine AI player does have limitations e.g. can't dismount then remount infantry; is not 'aware' the same way a human is. The CMS demo scenario - Rolling Thunder - has Blue attacking and it's a good one to try to get your head around how to combat M1s plus it has a lot of good Russian kit to play with.
  3. You can still play the scenarios that were released with the game as Red Vs AI (it's a condition of a scenario being included with the game that it's playable vs either side) - just often - depending on the situation e.g. attack that the AI may not handle an attack as well as a human player would, so the designer may label it as preferable to play one side vs the other AI. Still it would let you use Russian kit.
  4. Noted I'll amend the name and I plan on sprucing up the briefing etc based on the info i got from Sgt Joch (thanks very much for that by the way Joch). Wee job so should not take too long...
  5. cool - I enjoy playing complicated sweeping scenarios too Re the comment about arty - that's how the modules come in CM no mix of arty type. It was easier to just note is as X times 105mm tubes etc.
  6. Thanks Kraze for playing this and for the the feedback. Pleased you enjoyed it
  7. Thanks for the update Good effort in this. I guess the 'unknown' soldiers are a bit like 'red shirts' in Star Trek - you just know when they beam down to a planet the red shirt ain't coming back! Thanks again for the playthrough and taking the time to post your comments. Really appreciated ta
  8. Hi Augusto Just picked up you posted this in the 'Der Ring' thread but assume you meant this one: "I am a slow player, i watch every turn probably 20 times from 20 different angles, and if something cool happens, i cant spend up to half an hour just reviewing that particular scene again and again and again . I am 12 turns in now and - so far - there have only been minor setbacks. 1 Tiger lost for 9 T-34s and 2 Stalin tanks. Those Stalin tanks are really tough nuts to crack. At first i tried sniping them, trusting in the superior marksmanship of my elite crews, but although my guys scored hits quickly, it took about 5-7 hits to disable each of the 2 dead Stalins. Right now the remaining Stalins are pushing towards the center of the map and i am racing them to arrive first because i think my best chance to kill them without loosing too many Tigers is by setting up an ambush. But it is a risky plan - i am using the village that runs from SW to SE (what is it called again? Milankova?) as concealment for one of my Tiger groups as Avenue of Approach although i dont know if i got all of the T-34 that were in the village. There could be a lone survivor who could try to get the Hero of the Soviet Union medal! Currently the scenario is very exciting, i cant wait to see if my plan to ambush the Stalins works. Let' s see what happens next, i will report back then. Also - on a side note - i think there might be a little error in the Briefing, or maybe a misunderstanding on my part. You are talking about a "rollbahn". What do you mean by that? I associate the term "Rollbahn" with an airport." I used 'Rollbahn' as Carius refers to the main road as the 'Rollbahn'.I've seen it used in a lot of contemporary accounts to describe a main road used as a supply route etc.
  9. Hi Blueonblackk83 Thanks for that - glad you enjoy em I'm at work just now but off the top of my head I use in CMRT Kieme's buildings (plus Tankalots barns); Kieme's terrain; Aris' tanks; Aris' special effects (with some of Vein's effects mixed in); JuJu's bridges and fences; Vein's Germans and Russians; faces are a mix of Aris and Mord's. Most of the stuff you can grab at the repository or GreenAsJades Combat Mission Mods Warehouse. Cheery!
  10. If all goes well with Carius you can finish it pretty quick. If it all goes really badly with Carius you can finish it even quicker!
  11. Aye be good to hear how you get on H2H. It's not be playtested in that regard and I think the Germans (as in RL) will have a tough time so I'd suggest giving the less experienced person the Soviets. Good luck with it
  12. Ah good suggestion... Funny how simple things often elude my brain! I can easy update em as i still have them as paintshop psp files. Good luck with your Russkie PAK!
  13. Cool Just checking. I had to go and check the brief myself but the info is there. It's only a few odds and sods you get anyroad. Good luck
  14. As is your incessant banging on about this. I mean it's great to have an opinion and espouse it, but the great lengths you are taking this to is becoming - odd. And TBH I've had enough of this rather cringeworthy show of childish behaviour. So I'm out.
  15. Hi Sgt Joch Cheers for the feedback - glad you enjoyed it It's an interesting time in the Tiger;s history as the Soviets have tanks that can face up to it, so in effect it's ascendency (in the east) is on the wane. Still used well it's still deadly. You read Guderian's comments about Tiger crews vs JS-II? He was pretty scathing of their over confidence (based on the thick armour of the Tiger) and their often lack of respect for basic tactical principles as they'd gotten so used to being able to move about the open battlefield with some degree of impunity. This ended up in them losing more than a few to shots from Soviet JS-IIs.
  16. Hi Luke I assume you are playing as Germans? The briefing info about any reinforcements is also in the main brief (it's under the groups it pertains to - e,g, I/Pz.Rgt 31 HQ Group ETA 25 minutes. You to be sure - you can't play this as Soviets against the German AI as there is no German AI Plan (down that road lay madness!!). Good luck with it and keen to see how it plays out for you
  17. Ah yeah - now that would be great. Do you get to fire your under performing staff officers though?
  18. He! I've played it several times and just started another run on it. I know it's not for everyone but I love playing this type of stuff - why I make em My 'trick' is not to attack with everything at once. I tend to work with an advance group and have the other stuff in back up. So at any one time I'm attacking with a company + group supported by maybe a platoon in overwatch, the others keep tucked away out of sight. Once this unit has it's objectives, they 'go firm' and you pass through the next group and so on. I also tend not split squads at this level of play so I don't get to drawn into micromanagement. Given you have lot's of stuff losing one tank or one MG team due to 'sloppy management' is less of a blow at this scale. Still the map can be used and cut up as folks desire for smaller engagements. If they do so I just ask I get credit for the orginal map design Anyways thanks for the positive feedback and support
  19. Wiggum15 - are you at all capable of rationale and mature debate? From your previous posts it does appear as if you are going out your way to appear both irrational and immature. TBH your attitude and the way you interact with other posters comes across as hostile and combative. You wonder why other posters then react in the way you do?
  20. thanks - it's an interesting action and not without it's own controversy and debate. Re the Blowtorch and panzer Count scenarios - nope no plans at the moment I'm afraid. If it was going to happen I'd wait until the appropriate module came out rather than try to 'bend' the current timeframe of CMRT to another earlier or later timeframe. Never say never though
  21. It's out Grab it HERE Please be sure to read the 'READ ME'. Oh I'd also strongly suggest downloading and using Kieme's building mods plus Aris's excellent modded CMRT armour. Enjoy
  22. Hi Booty Great idea mate - worthwhile project I think. The old proving grounds was invaluable for designers in ye olden days! Just uploaded a scenario for you to SDIII. Upload appears to have gone OK but can't tell re finished item as I can't see the entry on the site.
  23. Thanks for the interest in this. It's nearly in the bag. Just some finishing up to do and it's good to go
  24. Settles what colour the 'dunkel gelb was though (assuming that's the original paintwork).
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