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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by rune

  1. Any of you losers have the original "Battle Mountain" scenario i sent out? Not the last one I sent, I need to make some changes, but lost the original scenario in an HD crash. Rune [ November 10, 2005, 08:18 AM: Message edited by: rune ]
  2. Da Sox Hey Joebob Shaw, how does it feel for your Texas team to be swept in FOUR games? Da Sox. World Series Champions. Rune
  3. Peng, I don't live online, I was refereeing 5 soccer games today. Needless to say, once done, I came home and passed out [without the benefit of alcohol]. A Blood hamster scenario has been sent to you, ket me know how the balance is for 2 player. Granted, you are only playing Boo, but let me know anyway. Rune
  4. Good thing the airpower in Iraq was so powerful, that they destroyed everything in Iraq. Oh wait...there was the counter-attack at the Baghdad Airport, but at least the Americans knew it was coming, but oh yeah, there was the surprise counter-attack that completely caught the US by complete surprise. [Objective Peach] Of course all the fighting was lop-sided, unless you count that ambush where the US lost 8 vehicles. Of course, the US was never forced to withdraw...the following report must have been faked [from 04-04-2003]: A tense situation remains near the town of An-Divania. According to radio surveillance, the coalition forces were forced out of the town and thrown back 3-5 kilometers as the result of a three-hour-long firefight. The US field commanders reported 2 lost tanks and up to 5 lost APCs. Then two days later at the airport, good thing American airpower kept everything from moving. This report must also be false: A hard situation has formed near the international airport. The day before yesterday the Iraqi minister of propaganda claimed that the coalition forces in this region would have been eliminated by this morning, and the Iraqi command ordered to storm the airport. At 10am it was attacked by 3 Republican Guards battalions enforced with militia troops. Americans requested artillery and aviation support. The battle lasted for almost 6 hours. After several unsuccessful attacks Iraqis managed to drive Americans back from the second runway to the airport building. Currently the coalition forces control the building itself and the new runway bordering to it. During the day the foes had to increase their strengths and deploy reinforcements. By the evening up to 2 regular Iraqi brigades and 2 thousand militiamen were fighting for the airport. Americans had to use all available forces of the 3rd Mechanized Division and 101st Airborne Division to repulse the attacks. Rune [ October 14, 2005, 09:04 PM: Message edited by: rune ]
  5. Salkin, New guy? You know I have worked with BFC longer then Madmatt? Since the CMBO alpha as a matter of fact. Rune
  6. Battlefront does not release sales figures. By saying what number, then a sales figure is released. It will be a number that BFC and Hunter can live with. rune
  7. And for those of you who are clueless and said we used the combat mission name and it isn't related to CMSF at all? Let's see, a tactical wargame using wego at the company level. Hey look, same as CMBO CMBB CMAK and CMSF. Grow up. Rune
  8. For those you know who they are 1. The plan was to separate the forums from CMX1 and CMX2, it had nothing to do with complaining about CMSF. 2. I love the it should have been announced earlier before CMSF, or it was announced early because of the bitching. It was announced under the time schedule we wanted, but actually a little late because the web page wasn't done. All I will say. Rune
  9. Actually I did respond a few days ago.. Check it again. If not I will try to resend... Rune
  10. here is the link that Matt mentioned. http://www.battlefront.com/products/cmc/index.html Rune
  11. For those that do not know....CMC is intended to be a product that brings campaigns to the CMBB world. You play on the campaign map till units begin a fight, to which you are then switched to the normal CMBB map. I'll let hunter explain the details. Rune
  12. You forgot we don't know the audience and there is a military contract behind this. [sarcasm inserted here] Rune
  13. No, no, no...You are all mis-reading what President Bush said, he wants them to BUY a good neighbor, yes, he wants them to buy State Farm insurance. That way, if war comes, the infrastructure can be rebuilt with insurance funds. I hope no one tells them that acts of war are not covered by insurance. Rune
  14. For the 1000th time [Not aimed at you Sanok or Ruddy who snuck in before this posted], we are not promising something till we know 100% for sure, but at this point in time, it looks like it will make it in. The reason we said it MIGHT not be in, is it if breaks something in the game. We won't know that till coding is more advanced. Steve did NOT want to promise something till he knew for sure. I guess some people would have preferred saying it was in then just not having it if it did break something. However, isn't it better to be honest and upfront about it? Rune
  15. Actually yhr number is more like 1500 with more just sold. Add to that the SA-19 SAM, and things get lively for helocopters and low or slow moving aircraft. Also, they have the newer rpg that is supposed to be nasty. Not the cakewalk that people think. Rune
  16. What I posted was the contract for the gun and autoloader went to Curtis_Wright. Production is to be complete within months, and the MGS version of the Stryker to be out Fiscal Year 2007, which is late June 2006. As much as the Pentagon wastes money, i doubt they will waste the money on a system they aren't going to use. Rune
  17. Easy...it is made to support the infantry. Specifically some rounds are made to punch through bunkers. The biggest drawback, in my opinion, is it only carrys a whopping 18 rounds. Rune
  18. I object to your objection. Let Joe Bob Radley do his thing. Rune
  19. Vanir, As interesting as the SA-18s are, I would be MUCH more worried about the kornet anti-tank missile. nasty things... Rune for those not familiar with it: http://www.army-technology.com/projects/kornet/
  20. Actually the Syrians got some new toys. Syria prepares for arrival of Russian S-18 missiles Geostrategy-Direct, www.geostrategy-direct.com, October 11, 2005 MOSCOW - A Syrian military delegation headed by chief of staff Gen. Ali Habib has concluded arrangements for the delivery of the S-18 Igla-S missiles, Russian industry sources said. The Syrian delegation, which completed a three-day visit to Russia on Sept. 30, discussed delivery, training and maintenance of the S-18 as well as the procurement of other weapons. "The two countries have agreed that [s-18] delivery would begin no later than early 2006," an industry source said. During his visit, Habib and his delegation toured Syrian defense facilities, including the production line of the S-18, manufactured by KBM Engineering Design Bureau. Industry sources said Habib discussed such issues as support and training for the S-18 with his Russian counterpart, Yuri Baluyevsky, as well as representatives from the Russian state arms export agency Rosoboronexport. The sources said the S-18, originally a shoulder-fired surface-to-air missile, has been modified for deployment on Soviet-origin armored personnel carriers in the Syrian Army. The system is designed to fit more than one vehicle. On Sept. 28, Habib met Russian Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov in Moscow. The Russian Defense Ministry said the meeting focused on "maintenance and modernization of Syrian military equipment by Russian experts, the training of Syrian military in Russian military academies and potential purchases of Russian weapons." Habib also reached agreement with Russia for additional purchases of munitions. Industry sources said they included the Kornet-E anti-tank missile, procured by Syria over the past two years. Moscow also agreed to increase the training of Syrian military officers, a Russian Defense Ministry official told the Interfax news agency. The official said the number of Syrian military personnel invited for study in Russia would increase from 30 to more than 50.
  21. Remember, the reports about gun jammings and balance problems were from late 2003 and early 2004. The gun and autoloader have been re-designed. If you look at the latest test firings, look at the barrel and see how it has changed. Rune
  22. As of 5 days ago, Curtis_Wright was awarded the contract for building the gun system and auto-loader. I doubt they are building it for a system that has been cabcelled. Deployment for the MGS is Fiscal Year 2007, which would be sometime in Late 2006 or early 2007. Rune
  23. DaveH Go back to square 1. Who is making Modern Naval battles? The same people who made Down in Flames, and look, it is NOT the Battlefront guys. Do we have a time frame in mind for CM:SF, yep. However, I will let Steve decide when to announce it. Rune
  24. On drugs is the only way to talk to Speedy or Joebob Jr., errr... Boo. Hope you feel better soon, as the wonderful time of winter is fastly approahing, and you will enjoy the winds and temperature there. Hmm, also drop me a note in my email. Rune
  25. Which leads into the more important question, what exactly IS the turning radius for the Heavy Mark VI Space Lobster? Do they even have turrets? How about the gun dimensions on the scouting crayfish? Hmm...what would happen if a space Lobster of doom hit a power line WITHOUT butter? Wayyyyy too ealry to be thinking of these things. Rune
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