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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by rune

  1. Reason there is a time limit, No water resupply in game, no ammo resupply in game to the vehicles, exhaustion of the pixeltruppen moving in 110 degree heat, scenario design becomes a nightmare, [how much artillery do I give since i expect to take the objective in 2 hours and the player is now at the 8th hour] and that is what is just off the top of my head. An unlimited time mission becomes an operation, and would require many different things. Rune
  2. URC, But immobilized could still be fit for duty the same day. OK, got stuck in the mud, pulled out, and made the rendezvous point the same day. Report says I am available, but how many were just yanked out? In CMBB, immobilized could be broken or stuck. Could be as simple as a thrown track, where the crew repairs and is available in a couple hours after the shooting dies down. In the reports it would have them ready to go for the next day, but we have no idea how many there were. I was hoping you found some good references to be proved wrong, but I would think it was so common that it wasn't mentioned. Changes of subject, i remember reading someplace that a lot of the early war tanks losses on the Soviet side was due to transmission problems, as well as obviously lack of fuel. If I remember correctly, it was from a German Officer, so don't know how much weight that carries. Rune
  3. URC, Mixing apples and oranges. The numbers you report are losses, while comparing them to bogged vehicles in CMBB. Even if you compare to immobilized, a immobilized vehicle is not reported as a loss in those reports. I highly doubt you can find, [please prove me wrong!!!] how many tanks were immobilized or bogged at some point during those marches. We don't even know if a vehicle broke down, was towed and repaired after that march. So comparing them to immobilized or bogged vehicles in CMBB is meaningless. How many of those CMBB pixeltruppen would have been recovered by a recovery vehicle, or towed out by another tank or whatever after the battle? How many made it back to the depot and would have been repaired? Rune
  4. ASL, Just to be frustrating, I included multiple AI plans, so what worked once may not if another plan is used by the AI. I won't give any spoilers. Also, there should nto have been anyone not in a building other thent he destroyed column unless they were moving. Rune
  5. OK 2nd version of the scenario has the alligators radioactive. Rune
  6. hey I made a really groovy scenario for anyone who wants it. It has laser guided alligators and they fight little baby Easter chicks. Rune
  7. Sneaksie http://ww2photo.mimerswell.com/gun/ita/fg/75-32.htm http://www.afrikakorps.org/italianartillery.htm I think I have some in some artillery books, will see if I can find them and scan for you. rune
  8. You'll hate Still lacks some variety Venue is still near-future Syria Not an essential entry in the seriesSo he does complain about it being Syria, and doesn't understanhd this is a new series. Shame on him for not doing his homework. Rune
  9. Seanachai, you are old... Granted not Emrys old, but neither is Mount Rushmore. Will that suffice? Rune
  10. Apocal, I saw, what I meant, and it came out badly [apologies] is they did do it in OIF, but did not do it in the invasion of Iraq. I talked with several warthog drivers, and felt their frustration at having to fire the gun at long range. Add into it the lack of night vision [the upgrades are fixing this issue, if not already fixed], and there were some unhappy pilots. Some of the work arounds were ingenious [working in pairs with one using the ir of the maverick]. Did they ever finish repainting allt he warthogs to grey? I know the dark green was considered a possibile reason of a couple losses. For others keeping score, the OA-10 is basically the same thing as the regular a-10, but equiped with more smoke hydras to mark targets. Rune
  11. Guys, I know Apocal is Air farce [grin], but going to add some things he may not know. The A-10 gun was designed to attack at a 30 degree dive, obviously it can do more or less, but that is the optimal angle. During the invasion of Iraq, it is quite the opposite of what Apocal states. Talked to many warthog drivers, and they were not allowed to get below a ceratin altitude in general. [Of course there were and are exceptions] The guns were fired at long range, and many times failed to destroy the targets. Add in the factor that mavericks were also used, the target was not considered destroyed unless high volumes of smoke, and the friendly tanks on the ground shot at anything that even looked intact, the amount of gun kills really isn't known. A gun run from the front generally would NOT take out a T-62 during trials of the gun. This was countered by attacking from the sides or rear of the tank. 3900 rounds per second [the a-10 no longer has a switch for different speeds for the gun] the first second of the gun not as many rounds are fired as the speed of the gun winds up. however, enougth rounds on the deck is going to mobility kill any modern tank, however a lot of reports of tank smouldering were reported, which were not counted for kills. For what it is worth. Rune
  12. No, With Windows 7 there is STILl the problem with the nvidia driver. You can get it to work, but it still runs slow. Rune
  13. Gpig, It was mine. As for your question, depends on what AI plan was used, I used all 5 ai plans on this one. Each one has different units moving different ways. Also remember, this was made before a lot of changes to the game. I would add AI artillery now, and put some more IEDs in the way you went. Was meant to be played either way, but with al lthe game changes not sure how it would do as Syrian now. Glad you like it. It did play differently under 1.01, but glad people are still ahving fun with it. Rune
  14. Kamui, No problem, it is why I had a smiley, a little tongue in cheek humour. Glad to be of help, I remember discussing it with rexford several years ago. The 2lber aphe was used in limited combat, what also surprised me was the British tested an APHE for both the 17lber and the 25lber. Those rounds were never fielded, but at some point there was interest in the type of shell. Rune
  15. Kamui, Never make assumptions based on a freeweb site. The British did make and use APHE for the 2lber in fighting in Africa. Tests were conducted after Beda Fomm by 2nd R.T.R. and the shell was used. Source: Thomas Jentz, "Tank Combat in North Africa" Just found a web site that has a photo of the round and also quotes jentz. Rune
  16. Windows 7 uses the vista core code. besides, it is more of an issue with the nvidia drivers and directx 10 then it is with the o/s. Rune
  17. Adam, After that, you can go for the vista driver the 181.22 latest ones I think, and it works well with the 64 bit version of Windows 7, as well as fixing some small graphics problems and some big ones from Fallout 3. No flickering and no issues, I have an 8800GTX. Rune
  18. you don't need to do that. Unofficially, apply Windows 7. The default video is NOT opengl compliant. Immediately upon reboot before doing anything else, apply the hotfix [this is in Microsoft's documentation] Immediately after that reboot, run the microsoft update, and grab the newer nvidia driver. The game SHOULD work at this point. However, if you want [it worked for me] go to the nvidia web site and download the latest driver for vista, the 181.20 i think it is. It will installl AND run. I did notice and messed with the sync, it put my monitor at 59hz, I changed it back to 60. Rune
  19. The core of windows 7 is still Vista, no nothing has changed, if you had problems in Vista, the problems will be there in Windows 7. I am running the 181.20 nvidia drivers. Rune
  20. Yes I have, It can work but takes a little work. Rune
  21. Weather this morning....temp -30 F, Wind Chill -56. That's as cold as a witch's... attitude. Trains are derailing, cars are spinning out, dogs and cats are living together...it is a typical winter in Chicago. In other news...it was nice to fly once more as the Cess Patrol shooting down madmatt while flying a P-63. Rune
  22. For you stikkypixie yes that is all it will take. Anyone playing this git from Belgium do NOT expect turns as I much rather hear the screams of anguish after he upgrades to a beta operating system. Not that he sends turns anyway... Rune
  23. Blergh the lot of you, here in Chicago we hit 239.111 K right now. For those of you in Europe, that is -39 C, or for you aussies, the roos are frozen solid. For those of us in the US, that is a modest -29 F. Supposed to warm up today to -10. The only thing more painful would be going outside and meeting Emrys. Oh and if any of you Morons [apologies to Moron Local 6 7/8s] on how to get CMX1 or CMX2 to run in Windows 7, I can unofficially give you instructions. Rune
  24. The Russians fought in Normandy? Rune
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