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Everything posted by rune

  1. Boo if you look at page 2 of this very thread, you will see that indeed Stoat left a message. Yes, yes, I understand expecting you to be able to read is expecting a lot, but one can hope something sunk into that thing on the top of your shoulders. Can't call it a head...but whatever... Joebob, you aren't supposed to be waving your thingy at anyone, remember the ladies of the pool. Well, perhaps they need a good laugh... And what point did you not understand that I could: A: Referee Women's NCAA Soccer [i have to referee Loyola University tomorrow] or B: Watch you crash into trees while attempting to look like a gooney bird. As tempting as B is, sorry, you lose... hey, how do I enable padlock in the game? Sick of looking forward or useing the mouse/hat on joystick to look around. Oh, and flying into balloons with an Albatross does NOT seem to bode well. Costard, I am awaiting...you'll never amount to much if you keep your Lord waiting. Not that I think you'll ever amount to much anyway... the pool may need another Cabana Boy. ladies??? Rune
  2. and again, the masses ignore Boo as if he was the Auxilliary Backup Deputy Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread. [There is an archive, you can go back to the first thread if you are really interested] Costard, lad, write me a missive on which came first the chicken or the eg... make that the Emrys or the Joebob. Support your conclusions, and challege, oh I don't know, how about Stoat since he was feeling almost human. CMAK, say about 2500 points...then will see if you are worthy of the House of Rune. Rune
  3. Have been flying when I have time, but given the choice between refereeing NCAA Women's Soccer, or flying with you... well... let's say you don't even come in a close second. Let's just say you don't even finish the race. Costard, be a good lad and go kick Boo, if you show promise, maybe I'll allow you to join House Rune. Rune
  4. Also if the version you are running is older then the scenario, it will not show. Are you on the current build? Rune
  5. Will be joining you shortly...as soon as I find a way to get the throttle on my joystick to work in the game. I jate hitting + and -. I have shamed the Cess Patrol, I landed with no problem first attempt in a Spad. Rune
  6. And Joebob should know...after all, he was there for the real thing. Rune [wonders if Joebob will bail out like he did on the Cess Patrol]
  7. No problem. The AI just can't handle them. Rune
  8. Boo, Is stoat one of yours? Seems like he would be, not getting the hint and all after 2 years of no turns. NGCavscout, amuse me, send him a new setup...say CMAK and 1500 points. See how long you can string him along this time... Rune
  9. and if anyone would know about outhouses, it would be Boo "I live in the outhouse of the United States...Ohio" ..Radley. This is the same Boo that is proud to be the Auxilliary Backup Deputy Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread and to work under Joebob Shaw. that should tell you something right there... Rune
  10. The line forms at the right Ladies and Gentlemen of the Pool, heavier weapons at the front please, and nothing below 105mm is allowed... Rune
  11. BAHHHHHH. oh, sorry you Aussies. Bah and Humbug. You bring up a ssn from [boot] nothingness to [boot] serf, then show him the proper [boot] way to taunt and play and make him a squire [boot] and eventually get a tear in your eye as you unlease a new [boot] kaniggit upon the pool. Then he disappears for [boot] and ungodly amount of time, without a call or letter, only to return [boot] and then he thinks he is from the House of Joebob. Obviously [boot] there are some you just CAN'T teach correctly. [boot] As your penance, NGCacscout you must write no less then 1000 pages why House Rune is superior to House Joebob, all while serving the pool as its pissboy, and being Emry's cabana boy for no less then 1 week. No, no need to [boot] thank me for giving you the chance to redeem yourself. [boot] I'll expect a bottle of the finest Scotch when you come down to the CM:N preview when the time comes. [boot] [boot] [boot] Your Lord and Illinois pal, Rune
  12. Think of it this way, what is going to sell better to a US company, A WWII game set in Normandy or modern in Isreal? If you said the latter, you have not been paying attention. Going back to cover the 73 or 67 war would not be a module anyway, it would have to be a new game. Rune
  13. It's because I am seldom wrong. One time I recall, is when I said you had some intelligence, and I have never been able to live that one down. We live and learn, well, those of us human anyway. Large map, large forces, I doubt it is mine. I don't think I created anything that small. Some day when I feel like it, I will release my Iraq-Iran war scenario for CMSF. Will be nice to once again hear my name cursed. Oh, and it makes my CMAK stuff look tiny in comparision. I hope you all have super computers... Rune
  14. Or did you use assault boats? if so, don't. The AI cannot handle them. Rune
  15. Oh and personally, I vote him a Pommie. One that has actually taken the trip to Australia. Rune
  16. In order to maintain full disclosure on the forum, and to call for a vote in the Mutha Beautiful Thread, I present the following information. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32088458/ns/technology_and_science-science/ It seems the recent earthquake down under has cause New Zealand to pull closer to Australia. Hence, I call for a vote. Is Stuka an Aussie, or a Kiwi? Even more, are all resident of the abouve SUPPOSED countries Aussies or Kiwis? Does anyone but the Koalas really care? What say you, members of the cesspool? Vote on Stuka now. Rune
  17. A Page 2 bump for old times sake. beside, is there anything older then Joebob? Rune
  18. Take it from someone who knows. It isn't pretty...I got 2-3 fps and I have a screaming system. of course, I had a little bit more on the Syrian Side, a Division of tanks [T-72s]. As the author of above named scenario, I wanted it to be challenging, but not a cakewalk. I went with the company with some air support and had it tested for balance. it seemed about right, altho there was some moaning and groaning it was too hard at first. I'll accept that. I also made an iraq/iran war scenario which was mostly infantry. Big map based on the actual; ground fought over. It ran too slow under an old build, however maybe I'll try again under 1.20. Ton's of infantry in this one, few tanks. Rune
  19. On page #2, the shame. Bumped to keep the thread in its rightful place...near the garbage. Rune
  20. As an experiment, turn off UAC and see if the game launches. If it does, something happened with UAC during install, if it doesn't then something went wrong with the installation itself. Let me know. Rune
  21. ALL, If what sneaksie is saying is true, then I owe an apology to everyone. I researched all the gun data for german, Russian, and Allied forces and it was proofed by none other the John D. Salt. Ditto for the armour thickness for every tank in the game. When I pointed out during the beta stage the differences, I was told my figures were used and the data showing was just in the encylopedia. Now I see that only the Allied figures were used and it is NOT the case. I don't know why I was told that, and will take that offline, but apologies for repeating what I was told and it being incorrect. Rune
  22. read the article from the Russian tank commander who commanded the Sherman tanks. in it, he states the Sherman had better cross country performance then the T-34 which surprised me at first. It used to be on the red army site, and it was also stated in the q&a section where he answered questions. not that it has any impact on the conversation. Rune
  23. Ummm there are no bocages in CMAK. Rune
  24. Not correct. What is the ai going to do with a plan? After 2 hours, the ai will just sit there? Then why bother expandng the time limit? If you are on defense, how do you get the Ai to keep attacking after the ai plan wears out? If attacking, the well planned counter attack by the ai time limits are gone. My scenarios all have a lot of time to give the player time to do things slowly. I agree with Mike, I had them tested, and added tiime to the player who took the longest. Yes, it IS an operation in game terms. Think of what you are saying, I can expand a game literally DAYS with no time limit. To play indefinitely with zero suppliesm zero water, zero exhaustion means this is no longer an accurate wargame. There would have to be massive code changes, more command slots per unit, to cover the extra time for the ai. That or you only play attack missions. Also you know the ai won't change plans after 2 hours. There is a lot more to it then anyone is thinking. Rune
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