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Everything posted by SgtMuhammed

  1. They are a lot of fun but sometimes the computer seems stuck in WWI. I don't know how many times it has tried to give me an assault with a battalion or more of infantry across an open map against a town. You can get some pretty interesting stuff though. I mean when was the last time you actually bought a PI?
  2. Which takes us back to the low quality of Soviet ammo. Any gun is severly limited if what comes out of it is sub par.
  3. This is a big one but not nearly as big as "To the Volga." Time: 8-10 July 1943 Battles: 7 Turns: 15 Map: Large (long) steppe and wheatfields Size: Battalion (+) on each side plus reinforcements. Author: James "Sgtgoody" Goodman Semi-historical based on 2 Panzer's attack towards Olkhovatka with elements of 505th schwere Panzerabteilung (Tigers). The map is made up but I would appreciate info on where I can get a real map of the area. Recomended as Axis vs AI (the AI's trouble attacking really shows with this one) or two player if you have a lot of time. Use default settings vs the AI. This is the first one I have been willing to release to the public. It's rough but I will polish it once the major kinks are ironed out. Any takers?
  4. I agree with everything tracer said. Really well done.
  5. When I was a M60 machine gunner I used to adjust my sling so I could fire from the hip while walking. Came in real handy in tall grass just don't let the 1SG catch you. Also during mout once all the riflemen were dead we 60 gunners used to hunt each other. We called it pig hunting. A light or medium machine gun is no real problem to fire while moving. Not real accurate but it will keep people's heads down.
  6. I like using PIVs not just because of their cost but because they make me be a better tanker. It is too easy to just bull rush with the big cats and not really use good tactics. Speaking of the Tigger (and tiggers are wonderful things), NA was the official combat debut IIRC. They had been used in the East but as prototypes and in small numbers. I wonder if AK will cover the Anvil operation in Southern France. In that case this game should have the largest stable of AFVs of them all.
  7. I've used it a couple of times for crews and useless units. I've noticed that it seems to tire units almost instantly though. As far as when to use it, if you are ever playing me I recomend using it for all units during turn 1.
  8. While the round might fit into the weapon the different casing size would prevent it from working. If the casing is the wrong size the round will either not fire because it can't seat correctly on the bolt face or a myriad of other reasons, or it might fire but burst as any gaps in the chamber will cause the casing to swell and pop. Remember, the casing isn't really designed to handle the stress of the round going off. It forms the inner wall of the chamber and the chamber takes the force of the blast. Improperly seated shells can cause everything from misfires to explosions.
  9. Send it too me man. I have one I am working on concerning 2nd Panzer and 505th Pz Bn in their attack in the Olkhovatka area further west. It is an operation covering 7-8 July and the morning of the 9th (7 battles 15 turns each). Right now it is semi historical but as I do more research I hope to be able to make it more precise.
  10. Nice map. Only problem is that a town of that size would be a battalion or larger objective. Not really a small battle.
  11. The AI does a pretty good job of looking like Gumby all by its self. Ironic that it is one of the best ones out there. I love PBEM and will probably try TCP once I get back to the U.S.
  12. How about changing the rarity system so that instead of rare units costing more they are just not available? Every unit would have a percentage based on its rarity. Sometimes you can buy it, sometimes not.
  13. Heretic! The old "Real Life" excuse doesn't work here bud. I'm putting off administering first aid to an accident victim just to get my turns sent. Where are your priorities man?!
  14. You either need to re-read your texts or buy better ones.
  15. Some more reading to get you in the mood: World War II in the Mediterranean: 1942-1945 Carlo D'Este Rommel in the Desert: Victories and Defeat of the Afrika-Korps: 1941-1943 Volkmar Kuhn (umlaut over u) D'Este is a broad overview with some tactical data while Kuhn has a more detailed account, from the German side. Unfortunatly there are few tactical maps but there is a good OOB.
  16. Hey! One of you Oddstralians needs to go to AJ's house and change the batteries on his pace maker. He has been a little too quiet lately. And now the news... In a monstrocity of his own design (gameyness gone wild) AJ managed to snatch (down Bauhaus) defeat from the jaws of victory. Perhaps the Operation I sent him has shocked him into inaction. SEND ME A TURN YOU VEGIMITE SUCKING PILLOCK!!! (With all due respect to your lofty status of course.) My noble liege Nidan1 continues his dastardly campaign against my peaceful sunday school class and easter egg hunt. We are hoping for UN intervention. Our reason challenged Polish Dutch wanabe lenakonrad has finally begun his attack. To bad the battle is in turn 35 of 40. Perhaps they were too busy drawing copulating penguins on their helmets. One can only wonder. My bold flanking manuever has so startled our young Swede Lt. Hortlund that he has started drinking to cushion his pending defeat. Trust me my friend, it only masks the pain. When you come to your senses you will still be losing. The mysterious and verbose javaslinger has been taking tactics lessons from the Republican Guard. If he ever comes out of hiding and sends me a turn I can continue to enlighten him on the wonders of flanking manuevers and covered routes of approach, something he seems quite unfamiliar with. Battles against the outboarders continue to be glorious victories for the Pool. [ April 28, 2003, 03:45 AM: Message edited by: sgtgoody (esq) ]
  17. Felt it was rather crude to praise one in a thread of one's own making. People might think you did it just to read your own name. Turn out!
  18. Most likely the Flampanzers were assigned to a higher headquarters and not counted as part of the line strength. That is pretty normal for specialized units like that. The exact vehicles per subunit will probably be hard if not impossible to come by. The tendency was to break them into light, medium, and heavy companies but there was a lot of mixing within the companies. It was not unusual to find new tanks in an old platoon or vice versa. You might be able to luck out and find some personal accounts from that time that will help.
  19. Guess I'll join the Opponent Appreciation Society. Lt. Hortlund: Really turning into an online friend as well as an opponent. Becket: Fun to play whether he is beating you or you are beating him. Aussie Jeff: Just a real good guy. lenakonrad: The only time I get turns faster is when I play the AI. Pretty funny guy too. Sgt Kelly: One of the guys I really look forward to hearing from. Nidan1: Even if he is an old jarhead he's still a nice guy. Horus: Unfortunatly he seems to have fallen off the face of the earth. PBIman: Really fun opponent, even if he is a Brit. This list is in no order, I just typed them as they bubbled into my head. I would play any of them in any scenario at any time.
  20. The ability for scenario designers to take away units in between battles of an operation. I also second the call for being able to give the AI a plan during scenario design. Different defensive states should come with increasing fortification bonuses. Hasty defense should be come as you are while a prepared position should include trenches and minefields free of charge. Minefields, wire, and trenches should either be larger or you should get so many square meters when you spend points and then be able to paint them on the map.
  21. Yes, nice report on the Tiger. And the one on the Stug is? [ April 26, 2003, 04:27 PM: Message edited by: sgtgoody (esq) ]
  22. Rain doesn't necessarily mean your chances to bog will go up. If the ground conditions are still good then you are pretty safe with nearly anything. Of course there are always those vehicles that seem to bog even on pavement (Stugs spring to mind) but the ground conditions are more important than the weather. Think of it as not what the weather is doing but what it has been doing. If the rain just started the ground will still be fine. If it has been raining for a week it is a different story.
  23. First off let me thank all you modders for the work you do. You really do enhance an already outstanding game. Anyway, if you can find the time I think it would be helpful if you could group some mods by battle. Things like the Kursk pack and the Stalingrad pack. I know that I have downloaded several mods that I think are the right ones only to find that they aren't quite what I was looking for. Just a thought. Thanks again. [ April 24, 2003, 05:12 PM: Message edited by: sgtgoody (esq) ]
  24. Gotta be careful about what you find out there in cyberspace. Lots of good stuff but tons of crap as well.
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