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Everything posted by SgtMuhammed

  1. An added factor is that a light machinegun isn't really all that light. The closer you get to one the harder it is to move around to engage targets effectivly. At clost range you have to move around a lot more than you do at longer range.
  2. Just gives you a little hint of why the Panther (specifically the version with the IR sight) was considered one of the best, if not the best, tank in the world till the mid 50s. One of the lessons of the Panther that seems to have been lost on modern armor designers is that you don't have to have a big gun you just have to have a good gun.
  3. Most of the traction problems with the Sherman came from using the narrow all metal traveling treads. They had versions of the treads with better traction but many tanks in the Ardennes lacked them because it was a "quiet" sector. I don't know if the good track got shipped to the Soviets though. Even with the good tread, however, the 34's wider treads would have given it better performance.
  4. Yes there were 76's without the muzzle brake. They were ofter refered to as the 76 long (with MB) and short (without) even though the barrels were the same length.
  5. Quest for the King Part 2: Having figured out how to get into the PKW CL, we find our hero careening down the autobahn toward the port of Bremen. Because he has forgotten to leave any part of the vehicle uncoverd by duct tape he has no idea where he is going, but as he has yet to hit anything all seems to be going well. Peering inside the vehicle we find that he has MOVED TO THE BACK SEAT! WHAT THE... "Hey, don't worry I set the cruise control." With a grilled bratwurst in one hand and a map of Luxemburg in the other, our would be king saver begins plotting his route across the stormy Atlantic. [ February 27, 2003, 07:18 AM: Message edited by: sGTGoody ]
  6. rune, This is one of my favorites. Well done. So historically how did it turn out and where can I find a good account of the battle? I have read Kursk by Glantz (as well as several other accounts) but I don't think he goes into detail on this one (not sure though as it has been a while). James
  7. Remember to that when the Soviets were using large numbers of LL tanks they were doing so because they need them in a hurry. It would be a luxury to have the time to refit the main armament. Even with guns of similar caliber there is still a ton of work involved. By the time they had the time they really didn't need to use lots of other people's armor since they had plenty of their own.
  8. Saw that coming. Priest, welcome to CMBB. You are really going to love this game. (Can you smell the irony.) One thing to remember is that these tanks did fight somewhere. Sure there is a rarity factor but if you look at the accounts it wasn't because they never appeared on the battlefield but because they only appeared in ones and twos. In other words, if your opponent buys one or two then it is pretty realistic, if he buys a company (which actually did happen, rare but it did happen) then you can be upset. Plus you can wonder how the heck he got those points.
  9. Ammo quality continues to be a problem for the Russians. I have a buddy who was a tanker in Desert Storm. He was telling me about finding one of the SABOT rounds they found laying in the desert. He couldn't believe how poorly it was made, it looked like a bunch of pots and pans melted together.
  10. For me it is the good ole PAK 40. It can kill pretty much anything and you can move it if you have to.
  11. If I recall the main difference was that the Germans made better ammo for it. I also believe they rechambered it to handle the German rounds.
  12. Look for Ser Ulianov, he is a 82mm spotter and is really good. Plus he always brings a flask of Red Army Vodka. Usually all I buy are smaller (below 105) calibers. I hate the long delays of the larger pieces and tend to just use arty for smoke during attacks or MEs.
  13. I am starting a relief organization to replace the young Swede's exotic picture collection. I am calling it "Ho's for Hortlund." I will begin making billboards and possibly television commertials. Here's an example. *scene* A bright eyed young Swede sits dejectedly staring at a blank monitor ANNOUNCER: Imagine the horror of lack of pornography. Doomed to nights of forlorn loneliness. Can you possibly allow another human being to suffer so? We here at "Ho's for Hortlund" say no. That is why we are focusing our efforts to restore the lost treasures of our stricken Scandinavian brothers. We need you to look deep into your hearts and hard drives and make whatever contribution you can to this worthy cause. All donations will be appreciated (we hear he isn't very picky) and you will sleep better knowing that you have aided a fellow man. Scene slowly zooms in. We can here our hero slowly muttering... Gone, all gone. Camera focuses on a bottle of hand cream and a box of kleenex, then fades to "Ho's for Hortlund" logo. ANNOUNCER: Give now, give often.
  14. I can't remember the exact proceedures they used but I seem to recall that they tended to number everything in series. Regiments of a certain time and type were all 100s or 200s, etc. I used to know of a book, never read it but my Lt. told me about it, about the German FL guys in SE Asia but I can't for the life of me remember the title.
  15. So you're serious, you lost all your porn, and games, and porn, and mods, and porn, and mp3s, and porn, everything?! You may as well just pack it in now. (You really lost all your porn?)
  16. First he upgrades to 1.02 without converting any of his files, then he viciously attacks an innocent machine to avoid admitting that I am kicking his butt. Come on man you *snicker* really *hehe* weren't doing *chuckle* that bad *ROTFLMAO*. So what I guess you are saying is that I will get a turn when Sweden melts.
  17. I do that when I play the AI. You get some really interesting force mixes, not to mention the Random setting seems to love 1941.
  18. I stand for and in the Pool. My trespasses were in time of trouble, when all that we held dear was in confusion and disorder. Being a simple SSN I was powerless to influence the great events around me. Hopeless and alone I wandered through the outer boards. While civil war and undeclared weapons of mass destruction were raising their ugly heads in the most sacred Pool I sought a refuge. Sadly I stumbled, dazed and confused, into the intellectual void that is the Waffle Thread. Perhaps, thought I, that I could bring wit and wisdom to the barbarians, much as the Roman Legions did in Gaul. Alas my efforts were in vain as I felt IQ points being sucked away with each post. It was horrid, like listening to the Spice Girls. I still wake screaming from the memories. So I returned to the Pool, whatever chaos awaited me there I would endure because even at its worst the MBT is better than others at their best. How I rejoiced when Meeks took the crown and elation filled me when the schism with the Justicar was healed. This was home. A place of wit and wisdom (well if you leave out Sir AJ and his squire anyway) worth fighting for. Soon that need arose as a specter from the outer boards attempted to sully the waters of the Pool. Without regard for my own safety I rose to the defense of the Pool against the foul invader and helped to drive it into Coventry. Ah but the joy was short lived as a new crisis arose and our noble King was taken by out of focus pseudo-dogs. So even now I prepare the Passat Kampf Wagen for battle in my lone quest to defeat the oofpds and return the King to his throne so that prosperity and happiness (you know that whole King Arthur thing) will once again bless this land. I stand for the King and for the Pool over which he reigns. (We could still use some room fresheners in here though.)
  19. This report brough to you by the makers of Ovaltine: The Beast v Ivan_RU: no shooting yet Debrecen v Sgt Kelly: moving into position Xmas Battle v Bullit: holy cripes it looks like a laser show. Hosszupalyi v Barrage: the killing time is here Rear Guard v PBI: a nice sunday drive
  20. Actually I think Berli is responsible for this one (as he is for so many others).
  21. Hey Jason, Can you post a link to the picture in question? I saw a couple marder pictures but would like to know the exact one being discussed. Thanks, James
  22. <font size=+1>To Save A King</font> Part 1: In the quiet town of Seubersdorf, Germany great things are afoot. Young squire in waiting (or waiting to be squire, something like that) SgtGoody is busy putting the final touches on his PAV (Passat Assault Vehicle). We behold a breathtaking sight of the mighty battlewagon. A fire engine red 93 VW Passat covered in duct tape and plastic wrap (had to use that cling free stuff, we're working with a low budget here folks). In the front seat is a six pack of Coke and a map of Luxemburg (hey a map's a map right). An old antena ball peers out of the plastic like a noble scout. The brave warrior steps back from his handy work and utters the imortal words... How am I supposed to open the damn door?!!! <font size=-1>to be continued.....</font> [ February 26, 2003, 02:24 AM: Message edited by: sGTGoody ]
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