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Everything posted by SgtMuhammed

  1. Here's a suggestion, if it has been mentioned before please forgive me. A line of sight tool that shows a sector sketch for the unit. In the defense units could be assigned a sector of fire and then the player could look at that sector to see what in it the unit can see and engage. Basically the unit would have a pie slice that would be blue (for example) where it has LOS and red were it doesn't. Yes you can do this with the current tool but this option would more accurately reflect the preparations involved in defensive warfare. Such an option would not need to be available to attacking or hasty defensive units as they will not have had the opportunity to prepare like the troops in a deliberate defense (with the dug in option on).
  2. Of course they could be really evil and make the piper a separate unit, the loss of which would immediatly cause a massive drop in universal morale. One of the earlier suggestions on additional info on units seems like it would be a good idea for a book. There could be a whole series on "The Units of CMXX" that would give a little historical and tactical information on the equipment and the various organizations. I think it would go a long way towards allowing players to recreate realistic battles without having to do a lot of independent research. [ April 15, 2003, 04:39 PM: Message edited by: sgtgoody ]
  3. I don't know if I would wish that even on a lawyer. Turns are coming, or at least breathing hard.
  4. I don't know if I would wish that even on a lawyer. Turns are coming, or at least breathing hard.
  5. Along the same line; have you ever noticed that you can fire arty at an enemy tank all day and do nothing but button it up, but let one of your own come within 200 meters of the area of effect and a short or long round will blow it up without fail? This has happened to me so many times I thought it was a feature.
  6. Like some of the others have said, aircraft are a hit and miss affair (no pun intended). Without the ability to mark targets for them it is hard to get the full tactical value out of them but they can make some decisive attacks both for and against you. (Does anyone else find that during a friendly fire attack they always seem to go after your most vital unit?) My personal philosophy is that if they cost me a ground unit that I feel I will really need then I will skip them. If I feel my ground forces are able to handle my battleplan then I might buy them just for variety but I don't put any great expectations on what they will accomplish. Stuka story: In a recent PBEM, I was waiting with a platoon of 34s for the enemy main body to pass so I could slash into their flanks. Along comes a lone Stuka and drops his big bomb into their hide position. 3 gun damaged, 1 immobile, all shocked. On a related thought, does infantry have any sort of AA rating. Small arms brough down lots of aircraft. I wonder if it is taken into account in CM. [ April 15, 2003, 07:10 AM: Message edited by: sgtgoody ]
  7. Hear, hear. Whenever I think on Seanachai I often see my grandfather. A horrid little man who smelled of old cheese and used to throw the contents of his colostomy bag at everyone. But then every family needs someone like this. After all, what are we here if not one big dysfunctional family?
  8. Hear, hear. Whenever I think on Seanachai I often see my grandfather. A horrid little man who smelled of old cheese and used to throw the contents of his colostomy bag at everyone. But then every family needs someone like this. After all, what are we here if not one big dysfunctional family?
  9. We see our hero sitting dejectedly in front of a smoking monitor. He wears a torn and bloodied set of tanker coveralls and smells as though he hasn't had a bath in days. A dinged and pitted CVC rests on the floor next to him. Man, that is the last time I check out the General Forum. Gamey updates: vs my leige Nidan1 my forces are being soundly pummeled as is proper. Nuff said. vs Sir lincoln'scrabs his pitiful force has finally decided to make an appearance. Little does he know that I have two Finnish 12 year olds guarding that flank. It goes without saying that it will hold. vs Leftenant Hortense my panzers are gleefully watching him scramble to deal with my massive flanking attack. He now wishes he hadn't complained so much about my rate of advance. vs javaslinger (hasn't earned a name parody yet) his forces voluntary panic has left my men with little to do but mop up. Undoubtedly what little tactical sense he has is straining to deal with my simple manuevers. [serious] If anyone has had trouble emailing turns to me you can thank Bill and that monster we all know as Hotmail. My alternate address is sgtgdy@netscape.net.[/serious]
  10. While I haven't tested it it seems that cutting off their hope of escape tends to make them surrender. Rushing them head on tends to make them run and get cut down. If you can take them under fire from another direction they tend to surrender more. Rushing them with an AFV while also taking them under fire with other units has good results as well, especially if the AFV can come in from the flank. None of these are sure fire but they are what I have observed.
  11. I would think inflicting the Pool on another country would be grounds for execution. Either that or they could exile you to *shudder* Cleveland.
  12. I have heard that the next CM will be more modular making it easier to do things like add on packs (if I am understanding Steve correctly). I think an innitial release covering the war in the west and the med from 39 to 42 followed by expansions into Russia and Normandy would be fantastic.
  13. Here I stand, no here, under the air freshener (boy we could use a new one of these). Tis a joyous day amid that uncertainty we call "Real Life." I declare my loyalty to Sir Nidan1 and pledge my sword to his service. For those who may doubt my worthiness I proclaim the following: vs my liege I am suffering ignominious defeat as is, of course, proper. vs Sir lenakonrad the mere thought of facing me in actual combat has frozen his men into inaction. Turn 30 of 40 and still no contact. As he has not returned a turn in over a week I can only conclude that this is rather informal methode of surrender. vs Sir Hortlund His limited tactical sense has led him to believe that the human wave is the only way to attack. I can see his pitiful forces desperately trying to reposition themselves just so they can be crushed beneath the treads of my Panzers. vs Sir Aussie Jeff out of respect for both his position and his failing mental capacities I have agreed to play the monstrosity he calls an operation, and I am still defeating him handily. I suspect though that being beaten in a scenario of your own creation is more a form of self abuse than anything else. vs Javaslinger we find yet another who believes that Napoleonic rules still apply and are baffled by such novel concepts as "covered avenues of approach" and "proper use of terrain." Of course my battles against those of the outerboards are all glorious victories in the name of the pool. Long live the Pool! [ March 20, 2003, 08:37 AM: Message edited by: sgtgoody ]
  14. Even more interesting is driving along the Autobahn and noticing that if you look at the right angle all the trees line up. Most of the forests here in Germany have been so cultivated they are more like parks than some parks I have seen.
  15. I still want it all. Start in Poland, go to Norway, then France, the Med, Barbarossa, Normandy, and on to Berlin. I want to be able to play the entire war with all the bells and whistles. I hate having to use different rules to play the Eastern and Western fronts.
  16. Good thing he doesn't have to win cause I am kicking his butt. Actually I would be if his guys could actually find their way to my lines. I'm by the big flags you nutburger! What's more, and I never though I would be saying this about him, you owe me a turn.
  17. Or Charles could get really evil and give us the one with the test turret and the 20mm main gun. He's a floating brain, what else would you expect?
  18. Ahh the Maus. 128mm main gun and a 75 coax. Of course the thing would have to cost about 5000 points with rarity turned off.
  19. It is tradition that the khukuri is supposed to draw blood once drawn. Like all traditions some people take it more seriously than others. Some Gurkhas will show one to you then cut their thumb before putting it back. I remember hearing from some friends I had in the Royal Marines that when the Argies surrendered before the final assault on Port Stanely a lot of the Gurkhas were pissed off.
  20. I did manage it once. I had a 34 with only HE left and the AI had a Stug with gun damage. I was trying to swing around behind him and the 34 went straight through his location. All it did was push the Stug forward a little and then the 34 continued on its way.
  21. And I think the rest of us (well maybe not lemonkrabcake) know that that would be the final straw that tips this whole thing into the abyss. For the love of *fill in blank* Mace please refrain.
  22. Most infantrymen will tend to use their rifles right up to the point there they had to start clubbing people with it. The weapon value of the bayonette is pretty limited but having even such a simple weapon is good for morale, there is nothing worst than being totally unarmed on the battlefield. Ironically, recent studies have shown that there have actually been very few incidents where the bayonette was actually used. Even medical reports from the Napoleonic era don't show as many bayonette wounds as one would expect. Most often it is the threat and the shock of the charge itself that causes formations to break from a bayonette charge.
  23. But if you can't talk to yourself then you will have no one to carry on a conversation with.
  24. Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that if you set the force mix to random you tend to end up with infantry? I just generated 15 battles in a row and ended up with an infantry force mix in each one. Not a major issue but it does get old after a while. Also I have noticed that some really strange maps have started coming up recently. I just had one that looked like a giant waffle, lots of little hills without one tree.
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