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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by SgtMuhammed

  1. WEGO is exactly the same now as it was but instead of a blue bar you see the turn being resolved. You still give your orders during the orders phase and you still have VCR controls during the playback phase. All that has changed is that instead of watching the progress bar move across its little window you watch the turn in real time. You had no vcr controls in CMx1 while the turn was being resolved and you have none in CMx2. If you want to put your troops on autopilot then give them movement orders that take them across the map, just like in CMx1. Some of the commands are a little different but the overall process is the same.
  2. I noticed that ATGMs seemed rather innaccurate as well. I had an M1 sitting in the open for several turns (see the CMSF Folies thread for why) and several shots sailed over or short of it. Only one actually managed to hit the tank.
  3. I've seen my syrian inf run away in a panic [/QB]</font>
  4. I can second that from experience, crawling sucks. Wasn't there another thread complaining that infantry were too fast?
  5. I hope they start with Italy vs Ethiopia, then Italy vs Albania. Two horribly neglected areas if you ask me.
  6. Might as well get this started. So what has been your biggest whoops!, so far? (Please only post your goofs, there are many other threads for bitching about the TACAI.) Mine: I accidentally told one of my M1s to dismount. During the resolution phase I noticed a team of infantry running away from the tank towards the overwatch position that I wanted the tank to occupy. At first I thought I had lost a tank but then noticed that one of my Strykers didn't dismount its troops. So I send them back to their tank and watch in horror as the TC and gunner are killed by an ATGM that slammed into the tank as they were trying to get in. The driver and loader survived and were able to get back in and drive the tank to cover but the track was out of combat. I have to admire the gumption of those treadheads. I never got a single complaint or WTF look.
  7. Demo works fine for me as well, which is really nice as I always seem to have problems with new games. Will probably get the real thing this weekend.
  8. Maybe it is because I just upgraded to a dual core about a month ago but I have not had any of the problems that I have been seeing here. Core 2 D 3.0 2gig ram 7600 GS Game runs like silk.
  9. How about PRTFM? You can add me to the list as well.
  10. Played as U.S. with no vehicle losses, 3 WIA, and 2 KIA. Those casualties were only because of my mistakenly telling a tank crew to dismount and then the tank was hit by an ATGM while they were climbing back in and becase a fire-team happened to be passing by an overwatching M1 just as it got hit by a T72. No damage to the tank but 3 guys wounded out of the infantry. I only really used my tanks to engage my grunts just kind of watched the show except for the mortars who took out the ATGM team. The scenario turned more into an American ambush as the Syrian tanks seemed to be trying to push through the gap in the hills.
  11. At Right Guard we subject our testers to the greatest stress imaginable to see just how well our new stick prevents wetness.
  12. By the way calling fire on infantry in the woods was really neat. Not for them but it was fun for me.
  13. WTF! (That is my caption by the way)
  14. Michael, I know, but I haven't been able to bait you all day.
  15. You are talking about scrapes. I think they are abstracted.
  16. One properly motivated man in average ground (dirt, no roots or rocks) can dig a chest deep hole in about an hour. </font>
  17. What kind of hole are you thinking of. A real foxhole takes several hours. I think the troops are assumed to be making scrapes and finding cover if they sit for a while. At least they were in CMx1.
  18. Only have the demo so far but I am impressed. Going to be interesting to play from the Syrian side.
  19. I have noticed that when moving over hills or bumps troops often dissappear into the ground. (May be just a demo problem)
  20. I have noticed that when moving over hills or bumps troops often dissappear into the ground. (May be just a demo problem)
  21. Pentium D 3 Ghz 2gig ram 7600 GS Nvidia 512 meg WinXP SP2 1200 x 9something res. I'm just running the Demo but it runs fine.
  22. At least you didn't have to walk uphill both ways to load a stack of punchcards into the reader that you shared with the entire southwest US with nothing but an old vacuum tube to keep you warm.
  23. I really like the WEGO system so that will get my vote now. RT brings visions of Warcraft and Command and Conquer but I will definitely play both.
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