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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by SgtMuhammed

  1. Awesome, I was waiting for these threads to start appearing. Thank you.
  2. I think it is funny that one of the major themes of the complaint threads on this board has been that BFC has sold out to RT gaming. Here, however, is a player unwilling, as I am, to use RT mode because of the complexity of the command system.
  3. I just don't understand the venom over the UI and the cameras. The first time I fired up the demo was just like firing up CMBO as has been said. I have been playing a lot of Medieval II and reflexively tried to use the same mouse commands. When those didn't work I reminded myself that I was playing a new game and would have to learn a new set of reactions. No problem, 15 minutes later I knew the cameras enough to see what I wanted and had figured out the commands including call for fire and getting the Javelins off the Strykers. All of that was before I started to RTFM. I just don't see were all this talk of a "steep learning curve" and putting off people because they can't figure the game out comes from. The interface may not be as slick or as simple as Warcraft or Total War but I expect more from CM and don't exptect the controls to be dumbed down. Even so it takes me two clicks to dismount my troops, two clicks to give a movement order (not counting setting waypoints), two clicks to target or check LOS. I'm not in the greatest of shape but so far I have yet to get my pulse at an aerobic rate during a scenario. Are there things I would have done differently, yes. Are there things I think the devs need to look at, yes. Is the game hopelessly flawed and worthy of the venom that has been spewed at it, not even close.
  4. So I take it there are no smoke Hummers in the game either? (Haven't got the full thing yet)
  5. King Tigers, don't forget those. And do the tanks go through high hedges used to simulate boccage?
  6. That's interesting, I thought they were supposed to block LOS this time. They definitely provide cover. I have had what you guys are talking about occur as well. Luckily I was able to manuever for a clear shot before my guys fired all their ammo.
  7. The T34 turret armor debates still wake me up at night.
  8. Just hit the big red button if there is nothing you want to see. That takes you right to the orders phase.
  9. I told you we should have used that quick drying deoderant.
  10. Finally got around to playing with the Javelin. Wow. 4 shots, 4 hits, one of them by a guy from the company command team. Syrians finally started getting hits but die quickly after the first shot. AT3 with the whole Neon sign backblast thing. Guess I need to get the full version to do a complete analysis. I have noticed that my BMPs don't seem to want to fire their AT3's.
  11. Things I learned playing with the Demo. 1: The M1 is not invulnerable if you get it in a bar fight with an entire Syrian Tank/Mech team. It sure is a tough mother though. 2: The Javelin is awesome and it seems can be fired by nearly everyone. Actually this isn't too far off as we used to cross train everyone with everything. 3: The Mk19 is like a magic wand against trenches. 4: Strykers armed only with a .50 cal have been taken in by the Myth of the M2. It isn't an anti-tank weapon anymore guys, quit shooting at T72s and getting their attention. 5: I can't wait for my student loan check to clear so I can buy the full version.
  12. You know, I can't wait for people to get used to the game so that we can argue about important things like the brand of Camelbak the guys are using.
  13. From personal experience I can tell you that lugging around a spare missle plus my own equipment sucked. I couldn't crawl and was severly over-balanced when trying to climb things. Moving quickly for more than 10 yards or so just wasn't an option. On the other hand, a squad in combat rarely moves around at a sprint except for quick dashes between cover or to avoid fire. Moving full out decreases your ability to see what is going on around you and makes it more likely that you will end up somewhere you really don't want to be.
  14. Is it just me or are the BMP's awfully quiet? They seem to make less noise than the Stryker.
  15. So far waypoints seem to work the same. The only problem I have is the new keys to get to them. Just takes some getting used to is all.
  16. Berli gave up on tact about two seconds after he was born, but we still love him.
  17. I am trying to figure out the same things. I keep moving things into what I think are good positions and they get smoked while my T72 sitting on a hilltop is like the invisible man. Even dropping down to ground level has been little help.
  18. Try it. It's really enjoyable. As long as you play at veteran level, the pauses merely convert the playstyle to a "user defined turn" system. Elite removes the ability to pause, and that's pretty harsh. </font>
  19. Personally I am afraid to try RT mode. I can barely remember the commands in WEGO so I don't know where they made it more RT friendly.
  20. You can't skip time during the action phase. You couldn't in CMx1 you can't in CMx2. If choose not to see this then the problem is with you. So what you are saying is that you knew that nothing was going to happen and so you could skip the replay with the old system and make things go faster? Most of us couldn't read that much into the progress bar. Or do you only play scenarios that you create so that you know when everything is going to happen.
  21. One of the more famous, or infamous, incidents in Somalia was an ambush the U.S. staged using TOW missiles to kill the a bunch of the warlords that were meeting in a building. Like Jason said though, the buildings probably aren't going to fall.
  22. But now you can skip the entire replay if you want and still know what happened. So where before you had to wait for resolution and then replay it now you can just watch the resolution and skip the replay if there was nothing you needed to spend time on. When there is nothing happening this system is actually faster.
  23. I'll have to check it out from the Syrian side. I was playing the Demo.
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