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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by SgtMuhammed

  1. I think the lack of AT4s is largely because of the nature of the environment. Lots of close in stuff. Not exactly a good place for something that is like a flame thrower out its backside when you fire it. The Army really needs to invest in some soft launch systems like the German Armbrust (I think that is what it's called). Is the M203 replacement supposed to be much better or just more of the same thing in a new package.
  2. Amazing how your priorities change when your life doesn't potentially depend on something. I used to be able to look at a picture of half the return idler and tell you what tank it is and what the crew were having with their coffee. Now you can show me a picture with the name of the vehicle in dayglow letters and I would probably get it wrong.
  3. Only one of the three has been proven in combat against enemy armor. I love the Leo but the M1 has done it in the field. Merk has field experience as well but not against frontline enemy armor. They might as well put the Leclerc up there, it looks great on paper too.
  4. AT4 has been in service for a while, at least they were in 2000 when I got out. I never see pictures of them being carried though. Maybe they went away.
  5. Hear hear! I am so glad there are so many people willing to berate the guys on the ground from the saftey of a computer desk. No one here knows anything about the situation but everyone is sure that the soldiers should have done something else. Maybe the MPs should have gone out and threatened to give the vehicle a ticket, those are cheap. You guys must also have much higher resolution than I do because I can't tell how many rounds actually hit the target from that video. All I know is that it was still moving and in an environment where everyvehicle is potentially a 2000lb bomb there may be a reason why the guys wouldn't want it to get too close. The fact is that no one here is in any position to make any judgement about what is shown in that video. The guys fired at a target, it didn't achieve what they wanted, they ended the engagement. If it didn't match someone's idea of proper use of assets or cost effectivness or marksmanship standards I am pretty sure those guys could care less. They are alive and the enemy isn't, end of story.
  6. That's what I was thinking. I remembered that it had to go to full elevation but forgot that it has a Mk1 human loader. Like I said, it's been a while.
  7. You want bouncing try going over the same terrain in a 113. My first ride in an M1 was like being in a Rolls Royce. You really need to hit some major stuff to bounce one of those guys around.
  8. I had a CO like him once, would have followed both of them to hell and back. Rest in peace, you definitely deserve it.
  9. I don't think the 72 has to elevate the barrel. I know the 62 did but like you it has been a while since I had to worry about such things. I think a lot of the kinks have been worked out with the auto-loaders. One of the main reasons why the Israelis and U.S. went with a human loader was to have the extra guy in the crew. Maintaining a tank is a lot easier with an extra back and pair of hands. The auto-loader didn't give any increased rate of fire so it was felt that it was better to have the extra man.
  10. Thank you for the speedo image that is now stuck in my brain Steve. I could have gone all day without that.
  11. Try having to run the gas chamber for your entire battalion. My guys were whining that they had to spend a couple minutes in CS. I had to stand in that thing for 8 hours a day for 3 days. I wouldn't wish MOPP4 on my ex-girlfriend. Well maybe. A couple things to keep in mind is that the weight is distributed and once you train in it for a while you hardly notice it. You really notice it when you take it off but you just get used to having it on.
  12. That would be a good one for defending against people who are really small.
  13. That would be a good one for defending against people who are really small.
  14. That would be a good one for defending against people who are really small.
  15. What is really wierd is that you can hear an M1 better when it is farther away than you can with he is close up. At least we could in the hills of Hohenfels. I would have thought there would be more complete destruction of the ERA box.
  16. Is it known whether this has happened yet? </font>
  17. Unless you are buying it just to have it you have to handle a weapon first. As long as you have a choice don't get something that doesn't feel right. I know lots of guys in the military don't like the M9 but I have always loved it because it just feels right and I am confident in my ability to engage targets with it. I fired a couple Sigs with some friends in the police and everything was just slightly in the wrong position. I had to concentrate on the weapon too much to be comfortable shooting. I have the same problem with most 1911's, I always find myself having to search around or look at the weapon. In a real situation that can cost you. Anyway, try it out first, at least hold it and work the action. When you find the right weapon it will feel like an extension of your arm.
  18. Unless you are buying it just to have it you have to handle a weapon first. As long as you have a choice don't get something that doesn't feel right. I know lots of guys in the military don't like the M9 but I have always loved it because it just feels right and I am confident in my ability to engage targets with it. I fired a couple Sigs with some friends in the police and everything was just slightly in the wrong position. I had to concentrate on the weapon too much to be comfortable shooting. I have the same problem with most 1911's, I always find myself having to search around or look at the weapon. In a real situation that can cost you. Anyway, try it out first, at least hold it and work the action. When you find the right weapon it will feel like an extension of your arm.
  19. Unless you are buying it just to have it you have to handle a weapon first. As long as you have a choice don't get something that doesn't feel right. I know lots of guys in the military don't like the M9 but I have always loved it because it just feels right and I am confident in my ability to engage targets with it. I fired a couple Sigs with some friends in the police and everything was just slightly in the wrong position. I had to concentrate on the weapon too much to be comfortable shooting. I have the same problem with most 1911's, I always find myself having to search around or look at the weapon. In a real situation that can cost you. Anyway, try it out first, at least hold it and work the action. When you find the right weapon it will feel like an extension of your arm.
  20. It's about the most dangerous thing you can do. That is why city fights tend to go through infantry like dirty underwear, especially if you lack heavy support. It is tiring, dirty, terror filled work and you get to do it over, and over, and over.
  21. I had a buddy in the Corps that used to say that he hated the Blue water/Green water workups more than the actual floats.
  22. I had a buddy in the Corps that used to say that he hated the Blue water/Green water workups more than the actual floats.
  23. I had a buddy in the Corps that used to say that he hated the Blue water/Green water workups more than the actual floats.
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