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Everything posted by SgtMuhammed

  1. The pathfinding for the "London Pubs" campaign is a little tricky.
  2. Actually it is going to be about the pre-invasion buildup. Lots of moving guys in and out of tents and stacking supplies and moving tanks off of ships and into motor pools. It's really an untapped part of the whole Normandy experience.
  3. I love to hear the lamentations of the women and the children, to take my enemy's woman while... Oh, you mean in the game. I love a good infantry assault. When you suppress the target and cover the area with smoke and then send your guys in to secure the building. When it works it is a sight to see.
  4. From my understanding you can't get someone's personal records without their permission. My dad had to threaten the Social Security Office with FoIA action to get some clerk to give him some of his personal information.
  5. That decision though is out of your control. The arty that is assigned to the manuever units are the guns that are dedicated to support those units with fire. CB dedicated units wouldn't be part of what the manuever commander could expect for support. Say you have a 3 battery arty unit. 2 may be designated to CB while the other is dedicated to direct support of the manuever unit. The manuever commander wouldn't have 3 arty icons (to put it in CMSF terms) he would only see one. If the manuever unit happens to locate an enemy arty position he can call fire on it or "his" guns can be taken by higher but normally that decision making takes place at a higher level than is simulated in CMSF.
  6. But if you zag and everyone else zigs you can end up with a sudden metal to metal interface and bring the whole dance to a sudden stop. Having tracked vehicles attempting to Sagger dance I can tell you that it doesn't really work unless you have trees or other cover to hide behind. I think it is just something to make tankers feel like they are doing something before they explode. It is better to just pop smoke and run for cover.
  7. Good question. I think I meant to ask this myself but got distracted. I'll see what I can find out.
  8. You would probably only have time to zig once you actually notice the missile and people actually begin to react. Even a slow missile is moving pretty fast. Not much time for the follow on zag.
  9. Same here. If you target an individual vehicle then you are, in effect, telling the pilot, "You get this one we can handle the others." An area fire mission will tell the pilot to roam around and shoot up things for a while. Apaches with an AT rather than a Ground support loadout will have more Hellfires.
  10. That is scheduled for the Hoth module. 9 out of 10 times you aren't going to be able to recover you vehicle within the timeframe of a CMSF battle. Forget the actual repair time, you would first need to model the 15 to 30 minutes of cursing and yelling that accompanies damage assessment.
  11. I hear Vlad the Impaler had the voice of an angel and that Hitler played a mean French Horn.
  12. Those cartoons would get you hounded out and labled racist here.
  13. I would still bet the under on how much of the stuff Bush enacted will actually go away. History shows that government agencies and old laws are hard to get rid of once they come into being.
  14. Steve, Your OOB of 25th ID is out of date. Here is the OOB from the division website: http://www.25idl.army.mil/units_div.asp I believe that 1-5 INF has been deactivated or moved to Germany. 25th went through a bunch of reorganizations over the last couple years so I kind of lost track of all my old units.
  15. CB consideration is one reason why I tend to put more mortars in my scenarios and fewer arty pieces for Red. Mortars are more mobile and can be set up in areas that are harder to see from the air, a big killer for the enemy big guns.
  16. That's up to the designers. I plan on making some tweaks to "Pooh" and "Milk Run" and releasing them as stand alone battles, probably after 1.11 is released with the updated campaign.
  17. It's funny. The people here who voted early to escape the crowds ended up waiting for an hour or more in long lines. I voted today at rush hour and was in and out in about 5 minutes.
  18. Believe it or not the terrain in that mission is actually scaled down. I used a Russian topo map initially and you would not believe how steep that area is. Looking at Google though, it didn't seem to be as steep so I halved the scale. Fun map in any case.
  19. They are supposed to spread out along the hilltop. Sometimes they do sometimes they don't. Oh well. Aircraft work well against infantry but the long wait usually means it is better to use arty. Plus anything that survives the initial hit will still be there, with arty you have a more prolonged pounding.
  20. Unfortunately there are compromises for any game. If you think about it the fact that you have a perfect view of the map at all is quite unrealistic. You can recon the entire map without ever putting a single boot on the ground. Real commanders would kill to be able to do that. There are discussions about many of the things mentioned here but it often seems that things that should be simple never are. Hardware limitations, programing code, and unforseen effects all conspire to send seemingly easy changes straight into the toilet.
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