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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by SgtMuhammed

  1. I noticed that blast from vehicle weapons and ATGMs will kill friendlies but small arms seems to be enemy only.
  2. In CMx1 the AI would retarget if the threat changed. From what I have seen in CMSF that doesn't seem to be happening. I have seen several times where a tank that has been manually targetted at an infantry squad, for instance, will contine to fire on them even if an armored vehicle rolls into view. Maybe the relative spotting just makes it seem that way but it just doesn't seem that things move off their old targets like they used to. Anyone else seeing this? I could be just not noticing when they do switch.
  3. Maybe they could see the guys spitting sunflower seeds out the troop hatch.
  4. Played the same scenario. I think my helos managed to kill a couple BMPs and 1 or 2 tanks. One tank was hit by repeated 30mm passes and kept on trucking. May have been a bug as it was hit by a TOW as well. I ended with a total defeat in that one.
  5. Maybe he was eaten by the beast of aaaaaaaaaahhhhh....
  6. The guys in CMSF should be equiped with the M320 which has a range of up to 400 meters against area targets. I would guess that it would retain all the grenade types including the HEDP round of the 203. Has anyone used this yet? How is it? They didn't even have this on the horizon when I was in.
  7. BMP front silhouette. If there is more than a slight crosswind then hitting anything at that range is pure luck. The round is so big and slow that the wind will take it for a major ride.
  8. Maybe he wants to be able to put East Baghdad on the map as a flavor object. Kind of big don't you think? Or maybe he should switch to another company.
  9. You should be able to aim infantry smoke. The fact that you can't is bad design. An infantry squad is not a vehicle.
  10. I used to be pretty good with it. I have hit vehicle sized targets at 300+ meters. There is not a lot of recoil but if you fire it from your bicep you will get a nice bruise. You can hold it unbraced and still maintain control. I seem to recall a HEAT round but I may be thinking of just the Mk19.
  11. Sometimes I find them useful in conjunction with other smoke but on their own they aren't worth much. The smoke they produce is like that of a colored smoke grenade. HC white smoke puts out a rather large cloud and is quite useful in real life. Yet another infantry tweek that this game desperately needs.
  12. Use the FO the FSV will have longer delays. Not sure if it is supposed to be this way but that is my experience.
  13. I hate infantry in this game on the whole and movement is my primary gripe. I hate the "regroup at every waypoint" BS. The developers complain that we expect too much of the movement routines by not plotting detailed routes but I don't always want or need my guys to stop after every leg of a move, especially if under fire. I may tell them to take a certain route because of cover or ease of movement but that doesn't mean I want them to hang out there. Another thing I have trouble with is the turn rate for your soldiers. It should be basically instantanious. It does not take several seconds for a person to turn from side to side.
  14. They fall under the category of "cool but useless." I mean what could be neater than a 4WD with a big gun on the back? There is a reason real militaries don't just field massive fleets of armed civilian vehicles.
  15. I wonder what his definition of "is" is.
  16. If you click on the enemy icon all of your units that can see it will be highlighted. I just realized this the other night.
  17. If it is it shouldn't be. Squads are trained to grab vital equipment if the primary goes down. Maybe a couple minutes till they realize that PFC Snuffy is hit but not 10.
  18. It just bugs me that it doesn't seem to make any difference if the unit is in communication or not. What is the purpose of all those slots for commo status? I don't know how many times I have clicked on a unit that has all the commo icons in place (radio, voice, sight, pda, etc) but still has no idea where anything is friendly or enemy.
  19. I know that RPGs fired at my guys never seem to miss. On a related note, I don't think I have ever seen U.S. squads miss with the AT4. I even had a squad fire and hit with 3 AT4s at a range of 250m against a fast moving target. It's hard enough to hit at 250m on a range.
  20. I love elite. That's all I play. Sometimes the spotting gets a little strange though. In real life when a Bradley rolls past a squad I can pretty much guarantee that it will be seen.
  21. You have to check your line of sight. Several times when I thought I had a good target I would get a message that says "reverse slope" when I tried to target manually. The game will let you designate that target but it won't fire at them. I found that the best thing to do in that scenario is to line up the MK19 Stryker so that it is firing down the length of the trench. Then they seem to be able to see the targets ok and will fire like they should.
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