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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by SgtMuhammed

  1. If it was the only way to get water for the map then I would buy it just for that.
  2. I didn't realize that this was not an option. Too bad.
  3. How did this become a "Why do I play war games" thread? For the original subject. If you are interested in what is in the game buy it, or don't. It's your decision.
  4. Nice. I was going to go EOD and went through all the interviews but had been at Lewis less than a year so they couldn't take me. By the time my year point rolled around I was having too much fun being a squad leader and had gotten married. For some reason my wife didn't want me playing with explosives any more than I already did. Maybe I should change the name of this thread.
  5. The worst are the EOD guys. We finished a trench live fire and had a claymore that didn't blow. The blasting cap went off but it just blew a hole in the mine (kind of spooky actually). So instead of setting up some perimeter and doing the whole "we're going to blow this up" thing that they normally do they just kicked it in a hole, put a blob of C4 on it, and set it off. They didn't even give us a "Fire in the hole!" We just suddenly heard a big bang and were showered with dirt and rocks. The EOD guys thought it was hilarious.
  6. Probably some medic. No infantry soldier that I ever knew would do something like that.
  7. You don't want to give them to the infantry. Can you imagine what would happen if you gave one of those things to a 19 year old kid who grew up on Grand Theft Auto? They might actually want to use the thing.
  8. They will send a squad around to "Persuade" you that it will be a good idea.
  9. One of my old PSGs used to duct tape a bayonet to his Mk19.
  10. That's the problem. I have tried using Hunt but they still take the scenic route.
  11. I think they should stick the Javelin on everything. With relatively light weight and softlaunch it should be an easy mod.
  12. Can I vote again. Yes, warts and all. Sometimes it ticks me off but, hey, so did CMx1.
  13. Interesting. I thought I saw my guys do it once but I wanted to see if I was seeing things. I wonder if it is really a feature and what we saw wasn't just a bug that turned out well.
  14. I forgot that there are no bridges to hide under. I wonder about for future expansions though.
  15. I can't remember how they said they were supposed to do it but I do remember getting the initial briefings on the system and having them tell us that it had a command guided mode. (There I go telling how old I am again.) They probably decided to do away with that rather than put wires or a jammable radio on the thing. So has anyone seen one do a direct attack?
  16. It was supposed to but they may have taken that out. Been since 2000 that I played with it last.
  17. Does the Javelin in game have a command guided and direct attack mode or does it always use top attack, fire and forget?
  18. I have seen a couple that seem to be on roids and take several hits to kill, either main gun or ATGMs, but have yet to run into any that won't die.
  19. I think you just got really unlucky. I have pretty good results with my Javelins but not perfect. It is possible for a tank to survive a hit or even several if the numbers come up right. If it keeps happening then I would be more inclined to call it a bug.
  20. I have given up trying to figure out how my troops are going to move when I tell them to go to different parts of a building complex. At first I thought, well there is a door right there so I will just tell them to go to that level. Imagine my surprise when the squad proceeded to go down to the first floor of the section they were on, run around to the other side, run into a section, up to the roof, over to another section, down to the first floor, and into the little courtyard and I guess start heading for the ground floor entrance to the section I ordered them into. I guess that is where they were headed because they were slaughtered by the squad that was in the section I ordered them into as they ran across the open pavement. Then I saw that there was no wall and silly me I tried to order my guys to walk through the nonexistant wall and into the building. More running around to find a door that also did not exist. Then I ordered my guys into a multi part building, each part having its own door. With a straight path into the left most doorway with orders to go to the 1st floor my squad proceeds to run through the middle door, climb to the roof, jump to the roof of the target building, down three flights of stairs, past the enemy position (who kills half the squad), and down to the first floor where they finally begin to fire at the single enemy soldier. Needless to say, the pathfinding AI is #1 on my list of fixes. [ August 20, 2007, 08:12 AM: Message edited by: sgtgoody (esq) ]
  21. But you didn't have someone add the snappy caption till much later. Presentation and delivery are often more important in comedy than content.
  22. Why did I know this would eventually turn into this? I must be psychic.
  23. You know what he means Speedy old boy! War is bad enough without having to wrestle with moral ambiguities. </font>
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