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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by SgtMuhammed

  1. I am just getting sick of my guys getting shot at and not being able to shoot back. I don't care what the mechanics behind it is I just want it fixed.
  2. Totally unrealistic, no place actually looks like that. Those palm trees don't even grow in Syria.
  3. Hey M1, Can the TC hatch on the M1 still do that half closed thing so the commander can scan better but has some armor over his head? I don't think it is in the game.
  4. I kind of see the difficult interface as a built in command delay. Since I have started playing RT I have caught myself getting too focused on one part of the battle only to turn around and notice that things have gone to crap elsewhere. For anything much above a company I prefer WEGO. Mainly for my PC though. Some really big stuff is just impossible to play RT.
  5. So far I have only tried Blast once since upgrading to 1.04 and it worked well. My guys were about a 100 meters from the wall when I gave them the move order and they just went up, blasted it, and continued on to the other side. I haven't tried it with a building yet but I have noticed that troops will, sometimes, go through missing walls now. That never seemed to happen before. I have also noticed that sometimes if you order guys to move into a section of a multi-part building that has some of its sections destroyed that your troops tend to refuse.
  6. Which makes them useless in the game because you can't fit a squad in them. Not being able to really see the ground makes Humvee scouts basically useless in the game. In real life you can take advantage of sight lines and subtle differences in terrain to see without being seen. In the game you usually have no idea of how much of your vehicle is exposed or what they are able to see.
  7. Reminds me of listening to some of my tanker buddies when I was OPFOR. TC: Target, tank, right front. Gunner: Where? TC: Right there, by that big pine tree. Gunner: I don't see it. TC: Well come up here. Gunner: Oh, there it is. TC (After gunner returns to seat): Ok now kill it. Gunner: Well now I can't see it. TC: [Much randome cussing]!
  8. Damn it man! Do you know how tired my mouse hand is going to be after all this? Just kidding. I will probably go ahead and try to do a reinstall. I have had a couple games where the patches don't really seem to take without starting from a clean copy. I have noticed many improvements but it can't hurt to start from a clean canvas. I won't be losing anything I really want to keep as I haven't started making my own scenarios yet.
  9. I think they would rather we do a re-install instead of an un-install.
  10. I am beginning to think that maybe medic units would be nice. Even if just for flavor.
  11. Playing the Causway battle of the campaign, I ordered one of my HQ units to move from the roof of one building to the roof of another a short distance away. Being efficient and highly motivated, these young go getters decided that they didn't need to go down the stairs and so simply started running across the open space between the buildings (about 50 meters). I was playing RT so I don't have a save of it actually happening. This same unit also ended up with all three of its people on different levels. Same scenario, different units, I ordered an HQ out of a Stryker and onto a building. The ramp comes down, the icon begins to move, all is well and good. A couple minutes later I notice that the icon is only half way to where I ordered it. So I click and find that one man is in the building, though on the wrong floor, one man is about 200 meters from the target in a wall, and one man is stuck on the Stryker jumping in and out of the troop hatch on the top. Nothing I did succeeded in getting the unit back together, including new move orders or telling them to get back on the Stryker and try it again. Further, the Stryker was unable to move and the two MMG units in the Stryker were unable to exit. Same campaign different mission. I had two MMGs set to provide support for the platoon. Both are happily firing away when suddenly half of each team begins to run away from the MG. After a couple hundred meters they are shot down (I let them go just to see what they were doing). this has happened before (in 1.03) with half of an MMG team running almost across the entire map. Maybe they just felt like going for a little jog.
  12. I haven't really looked but does anyone know if the M1 TCs in the game can use the half closed position on their hatch? It should give them better scanning than fully buttoned but better protection than opened. Actually is this even an option with the M1 anymore? One small request, fire. Vehicles catch on fire, why not buildings or grass? The banner add shows all kinds of things on fire. Steiner, your hit rate for M16 is too high.
  13. I was just thinking the same thing. I must have rooted around the menus for several minutes trying to find the delete function. Sure would be nice to have one.
  14. Their tactics aren't too bad for a theatrical production. Better than a lot I have seen.
  15. Is this new? Since 1.04 I have noticed random shots coming from reserve troops. I will have to play in WEGO to make sure but there just seem to be shots coming from places where I know there are no enemy. I didn't notice this in earlier versions.
  16. I was almost expecting an airdrop or something.
  17. The number one thing to remember is: If you can be seen you can be killed. Slow down, WAY DOWN. Basic tactics are even more vital now than in a WWII game where you have more of a buffer. In WWII, if you are seen you get shot at. In modern warfare, if you are seen you get shot. Take advantage of terrain, get to know it. Zoom down to unit level and see what your guys are seeing. The representaion isn't perfect but it will allow you to get an idea of where you can send your guys. Be decisive. If you are going to take something don't just nickle and dime it. Take good routes and get there with lots of combat power. Along with this, isolate the point of attack. Don't just blunder into the enemy's killsack. Use whatever is necessary to limit the number of enemies that can shoot at you. If that means taking out minor flanking positions prior to moving to the main attack then so be it. Once you commit to your main objective you don't want to be getting clobbered from the flank.
  18. That's what I was thinking. The text cue must be independent of the actual arrival of units, unlike CMx1.
  19. Use the aquire command. You will have to use it twice. Once to take the launcher at the top of the list and then again to take the missiles at the bottom of the list.
  20. I have seen that as well. During the first battle of the campaign I get the message, "Group 2 has arrived" but no one is there. No arty, no air and certainly no new ground units. Shortly afterwards I get another platoon of Stryker infantry but the have their own message.
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