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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by SgtMuhammed

  1. As a guy who has used this gear I would love to get into a real tactical and technical debate. However, as I said, it is hard to do when the game doesn't work well enough that you can be sure that what you are seeing is a reasonable simulation of the situation on the ground. You might also be careful when giving too much credit to guys just because they are using or have used the equipment. Many soldiers know little more about their equipment than how to check it out of the arms room. I would love to be able to discuss infantry stuff with the guys who are doing it now and then see how close the game can come. Right now, though, it is pointless.
  2. Have you noticed that not many of the old crowd are making scenarios for this one. With CMx1 you recognized the same designers for all three games. I would love to see some things from Kingfish, Treeburst, or Franco. I have some from rune but he is about it except for the ones on the disk. Mostly new designers with CMSF. Not that it's bad, I just though it was interesting.
  3. I guess that is nicer than saying that they screwed up.
  4. I get the same mission time whether my FO is mounted or not and calling fire with the vehicle itself is the same as using a normal, non-FO unit. So far all I have seen them do is provide the enemy with an easier way to kill my FO's.
  5. It would be even better if you could do something silly like, oh I don't know, drop smoke with, say, an artillery piece. I know it sounds strange but I have heard that some armies have actually considered the possibility. hand held smoke should be much more effective than it is. Right now it is totally useless, not so in reality.
  6. Maybe they are simulating that the batteries on everyone's GPS went dead and they have forgotten how to read a map.
  7. It's hard to work up a discussion about the details when basic flaws in the program prohibit you from exploring them.
  8. Has anyone noticed whether or not they do anything? Do they improve spotting, because they do nothing to reduce mission time or seemingly even accuracy.
  9. Have they boosted the HP on those things or does the extra weight slow them a lot?
  10. That thing seems almost as top-heavy as the Avenger.
  11. Are there TRPs in the game, or some version of them? I haven't seen any and haven't played with the editor that much yet. You should definitely be able to set up preplanned targets, especially if you are making a deliberate attack.
  12. So far I have yet to notice any benefit from Recon Hummers or FIST vehicles. It may be internal but I have yet to notice anything.
  13. I will pay more attention next time or conduct some deliberate experiments. Thanks.
  14. When spotting rounds are used arty is indeed deadly accurate but when they aren't I have noticed fire coming in several hundred meters off target.
  15. When playing around with the thing at NTC I was able to see the bolts on a Bradley roadwheel hub at about a click and a half. I can't remember the exact magnification but the CLU is pretty powerful.
  16. I have lots of fun right up to the point where I get pissed off and turn the game off. I am trying my hand at the editor right now, trying to create some scenarios based on missions I ran as OPFOR in Hohenfels. I am putting together the maps when I have free time from homework. The editor takes a bit of getting used to but so far I like the results. My main beef continues to be the infantry model. 1:1 representation is nice but I realize how much harder it is to make 50 guys in a platoon act correctly than to make 4 or 5 units do so. I am also not convinced that even top end PCs have the horsepower to pull this off correctly.
  17. I don't know if anyone else has had this problem but it seems that calling for fire is wildly inaccurate close to 50 percent of the time. I am not talking about distant targets at the edge of visibility but rather plainly seen targets with experienced FO's. Several times I have called fire on a building to which my FO's have a direct line of sight and seen that fire fall several hundred meters off target. Adjust fire works now but while it is adjusting, rounds continue to be wasted on the original location. I have also noticed that only about half of my calls for fire result in spotting rounds being fired. The ones that do fire spotting rounds are always very accurate. I have noticed this happening with all types of fire from Emergency on down and with or without FIST vehicles. On a side note, has anyone noticed fire support vehicles actually being a benifit?
  18. I knew it involved a lot of drinking and clouded judgement.
  19. Admit it Nidan, you were in the Corps when they were climbing up the mast to shoot down on enemy gundecks. Weren't you in that pub when they started the whole thing.
  20. I have notice this with all vehicles. Well not with Hummers, they don't live long enough. They will often begin rotating for no appearant reason. Even when it means turning their flank or rear to an actual threat. I have noticed this in both WEGO and RT. Maybe we just don't get it.
  21. However it works, I have repeatedly seen squads completely oblivious to the enemy squad that is shooting at them even under hunt move orders and in the same room.
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