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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by SgtMuhammed

  1. I haven't seen that. In fact it seems to be running a lot smoother for me than before.
  2. Thanks Steve, I think there has to be some sort of happy medium. You are going to have some sort of reaction in addition to smoke.
  3. That is why I used to love vehicles with the very fast turret. Chasing half tracks with a Tiger was often a chore if they had any cover.
  4. So when are the first winter mods coming out? Seriously though, is anyone going to post a how-to workshop? I would like to make a set of European forest vehicles. Right now all the scenarios and maps I am making are for Germany.
  5. I HATE the 2nd ID patch. I havnt even sewn it on my class As. It looks like some kind of indian reservation deputy badge, the coloring is also ugly </font>
  6. It is interesting that light armor used to scamper like mice in CMx1. I don't doubt that it is different in the new engine but I WOULD like to know why.
  7. Now the launcher comes with a missile so if you just take the launcher you will have 1 missile.
  8. That's why lots of bigger battles say to run on WEGO rather than RT.
  9. I just had that happen as well but it was my Brad. I was testing a scenario I made and rolled a Brad into where I knew an enemy position was. The RPG team that I wanted to fire on the Brad just sat there and ate 25mm while the squad next to them watched. So I moved the Bradley around to present a better target and still no RPGs. So while I was snooping around with the camera at ground level I see a lone Syrian lob a grenade and my crew immediatly dismounts and are shot to pieces. Does the game now take minimum range into effect for RPGs? I don't think it did before as I have had guys firing RPG's and AT4s at point blank range. I will also have to check what orders I gave my infantry as they seemed totally passive.
  10. JasonC, Great site. Do you know of one that gives a fuller listing of German infantry divisions?
  11. Lehr was one of my favorites. They didn't keep their wealth of equipment though. By the time of the Ardennes they had about the same equipment as the other Pz Divisions.
  12. Is your dad a Marine? They do longer range stuff on the KD (Known Distance) range. I don't doubt his qualifications but he will tell you himself that range and combat shooting are as alike as driving and Grand Theft Auto. The high ratio of rounds to casualties is because most fire isn't aimed at anyone. The vast majority of fire is aimed at locations where the enemy might be or could be or that's where I would be if I were him. Aimed shots at a definite target are few and far between.
  13. You stop the supply of toilet paper and you have an effect on morale. If you kill the supplies then the best military in the world becomes as effective as a Boy Scout troop. The Uboats didn't only sink ships with advanced weaponry, lots of grain and butter found its way to the bottom of the sea. Soviet and American subs were designed to kill targets, period. Anything that helps them against enemy boomers will help them against an enemy convoy. The F15 was specifically designed to shoot down enemy fighters but that didn't stop them from having it drop bombs.
  14. Or at least mess up the NBC system. I believe that is the exhaust vent.
  15. Ah, my mistake. Credit where credit is due, it was one of my alltime favorites.
  16. With 1.05 you should be able to run that map just fine. I made a 2x2 based off my Hohenfels map and in 1.04 it wouldn't work. Now it runs pretty smooth.
  17. I actually saw those working the first time I went to NTC in '91. I always wondered why I never saw them again. Interesting about the Soviet designs. So the game should be launching vehicle smoke whenever the Syrians move out to attack.
  18. You do realize that you are arguing this point with people who have actually done this for a living? Given that Iraq and A-stan are anything but a jungle what is your explaination for the fact that the ratio is now well over 250,000 rounds fired (actually I've seen estimates up to 400,000 but I'm being conservative) per casualty. The longest range on the M16 qual range is 300 meters and lots of guys don't even shoot at them because you can score expert by knocking down everything else. They save the 300m rounds for closer targets. Combat shooting is in no way shape or form the same as firing on the range or in the back country other than the fact that you pull the trigger and the round goes downrange, hopefully.
  19. Same difference, you don't shove your weapon through the opening.
  20. Same difference, you don't shove your weapon through the opening.
  21. Same difference, you don't shove your weapon through the opening.
  22. If it is intentional then those gunners need to do pushups till I get tired. You don't stick anything out a window.
  23. If it is intentional then those gunners need to do pushups till I get tired. You don't stick anything out a window.
  24. If it is intentional then those gunners need to do pushups till I get tired. You don't stick anything out a window.
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