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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by SgtMuhammed

  1. What's your arty situation? If you are having problems with that building complex then drop back and nuke it from orbit. Or you can have your tanks pop rounds into it.
  2. "I said punch me when I count three you a-hole." "Every freaking bush, do you have to smell every freaking bush?"
  3. Yeah, the AAV reminds me a lot of the M113 but with a lot more room. It is definitely transpo and fire support only, not an assault asset.
  4. It is a realism decision. Syrian artillery doctrine relies much more on preplanned barrages and centralized control. The result is that it is not nearly as responsive as the US system. Melnibone, It may actually work out that way. I'm not sure how quick the AI is to cancel missions, I will try to find out.
  5. The problem is probably that the FO himself couldn't see the target combined with the fact that your forces were engaging it with direct fire. The AI is hesitant to fire near enemy troops and prefers to try to resolve encounters with direct fire. Where you can usually expect fire is on your assembly areas if the FO can see them or on your support positions. Remember, while AI arty is there, the AI just isn't as good as a human player. It can't recognize that it might be desirable to nuke a building that is engaging your guys even if you can shoot at it with direct fire. If it did then it would be WAY too easy to get the AI to waste all its arty on nothing targets. You will always have the advantage over the AI when it comes down to using indirect fire. From a technical point of view their should be nothing about your scenario that would prevent the AI from calling fire.
  6. Repeat after me: Hill top = TRP. I'm just saying.
  7. This problem has been identified and will be fixed in an update to the campaign. It should be out soon.
  8. Of course we got complaints about the Thunder campaign being too easy. One thing that I notice gives people a lot of trouble is with the difference in fighting style. With the Army it was much more technology intensive. The brunt of the fight could be carried out by the armor, Bradleys, M1's, and to some extent MGSs backed up by the plentiful Javelins. For the Marines you have to shift your focus. Infantry is much more important to Marine tactics than to the Army. Marine squads hit hard and can take more punishment than their Army counterparts. They are the primary assault arm, everyone else is to support them. You really have to adjust your thinking with the Marines. You can't just run in and level everything with 120mm, 25mm, and Javelin fire, you have to send groups of guys in to dig the bad guys out. Luckily this is something the Marines are VERY good at. The campaign is hard because the designers tried to make the missions as realistic as possible without making it a US firepower demonstration. There are many other really good scenarios that you can cut your teeth on to get used to the Marine fighting style. Think of the campaign as graduate school.
  9. Boy, if you buy the full version some of the user levels are diabolic.
  10. Yes, you will be able to litter the battlefield with them but they aren't a playable unit.
  11. Nice. I think this is the only one I haven't solved on my own yet.
  12. I just had to buy the full version. I don't know if you can access it without having the full version but this is a neat one. http://FantasticContraption.com/?designId=2747780
  13. You can already place burning tanks, and they shouldn't count in the victory conditions anymore.
  14. I wanted to put balloons on them and use them as blimps. For some reason that wasn't adopted.
  15. "Guys, I gotta show you something. Here, hold my beer..."
  16. Patrick, Whose MOD is the one on the right the colors are way to shiney.
  17. I have heard that about the BBs as well. I know that with their upgraded fire systems they were able to fire a spotting round, track its trajectory and then have the FDC input corrections and fire for effect before the spotting round even landed. Sweet. Yes, the part of the US Navy is being played by the 155mm field piece.
  18. You just haven't found it yet. The map is based off a Google Earth image so I didn't set it up specifically for the scenario although I did tilt it a bit to the west so the highway wouldn't look crapy. Scout around, if you can't see anything from a spot then they can't see you either. Sometimes you can think too hard about a problem. Remember the KISS principle.
  19. During OIF the most commonly used weapon quickly became the M1 coax. Seems like someone else read their Patton.
  20. Yeah, that's it although it is more commonly know as the Pooh mission (much to the chagrin of some ).
  21. The 16 inchers on the Iowas work out to 406mm. It was like firing VW Beetles at people. Beetles packed with explosives!
  22. I generally use anti-armor against buildings. It seems to give a tighter pattern, at least to me it does. If I am targeting an area or linear group of buildings then I will use general if the target is fairly large but anti-armor if the target is fairly compact. There are safe avenues of approach and areas you can use as assembly areas. A couple things to remember about AI arty: They will only fire at targets they can see. If you move out of sight the mission will get cancelled. The computer can't guess like you can so it has a very hard time adjusting to you if you keep moving. Remember that your guys can do things from inside a building nearly as well as they can from the roof. Javelins and FO's can be on the upper floors. Keep at it. No one asset is the absolute key, combined arms is.
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