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Everything posted by MarkEzra

  1. Just in case try his: Open your exisiting CMSF file. Do you find a file inside with the same name? If so, open it and copy/past it's contents to your original CMSF file. That should overwrite and update you. This happens when you are a bonehead, like me! If there is no file then guys with better (obviously) technical skills are sure to help. Welcome aboard
  2. Good Lord, Taki...put down the kool aid! That stuff will kill us all. Spotting is an algorithm with a heavy dose of chance and a dash of probability. To simulate "Real World" vision in a 3D environment on even the scale CM mimics would require a great deal of programing I'm sure. But more importantly it's gonna require me winning the lottery so I can afford the computer to play it. And ya know what...it still won't be right. My personal view as a guy testing the game: I want it to be the best it can be. I read every comment that players make...both positive and negative. But especially the negative. It is always very helpful when a player with a specific viewpoint provides some kind a facts. In my tiny slice of the game that means a save file (WEGO is best) that demonstrates whatever's not right. Each of us, as wargamers, has some internal vision of "how it OUGHT to be". And it's always good to voice our views...with or without supporting data... It's how the hobby improves. If that weren't the case we'd all be pushing around cardboard markers and using slide rules. What I have learned in this hobby is: I don't have a corner on what's the right way to make ANY game be better...but my opinions do matter. Relax...enjoy the ride!
  3. You are giving two opposing orders. How to deal with this is simple enough. First order your vehicle to reverse. Next, give your infantry a move order to where you want them to disembark. Add a 5 sec delay and you'll get the results you want. My personal view of the "disembark" function key is: Excellent for setup and acquire actions and in game play dismount in VERY secure areas. Poor for use in combat situation. best use "quick" to some defensive area nearby but far enough away to suffer few casualties when your vehicle brews up!
  4. I play PBEM and use "SendThisFile" to pass the turns. It's Free, and unlike my gmail and other email accounts, it works 100% of the time. I linked the incoming and outgoing CMSF email files to my desk top. Takes the effort out of finding and sending the turns. I do not know of a PBEM helper that works with CMSF. If you find one be sure to tell us!
  5. My Personal Opinion is: Buy the base game CM:SF V1.11 direct from BFC. Small wargame companies don't grow on trees and we NEED to support those companies that do attempt to cater to our needs. The only time I bargain shop is with ALL OTHER genre...FPS, Puzzle, Mystery, whatever...They've got a Huge Fan base...Wargaming is minuscule and generally on life support even at the best of times.
  6. That's Thomasew discovery, not mine... It would help if others would try to duplicate his results...
  7. Thanks Thomasew! Can others please confirm if they have USMC Module or are running just plain vanilla?
  8. Please try this with WEGO and send me the save. Are you experience any other behavior like crashes or graphic anomalies?
  9. Answer: 1. I replay certain scen many times. They become comfortable, old friends 2. Yes The multiple AI plans make replay far more fun. So I'll give a scen a second look EVEN if it wasn't so hot the first go round. 3. Absolutely 4. H2H via PBEM. Since I usually supply the map/setups I try to match Blue/Red or do exact Red vs Red, Blue vs Blue. Single player games are usually QB Blue vs Red or those few old friends in answer #1
  10. Hi Slaphappy: Do you have the same "sometimes it plays sometimes it don't"? If so can you identify any setups that trigger the problem. Like is it always an attack mission or always UnCon or anything specific?
  11. Drescher: Thanks...I've sent this pic and your comments on to BFC testers
  12. I've been waiting for someone like C3K to answer your question. If I say it's worth the effort to DL...well...let's face it I'm a FanBoi... so me saying get it got no weight. But if C3K gives you the nod...you can take that one to the bank. So stay safe and get the patch.
  13. Perhaps when you play a QB battle you could first save it. Then if the problem hits you could send me the save.
  14. Almost all BFC QB maps are made on my PC. Those that were not have been altered (sometimes greatly) by me. When testing the game I very often used QB's. The exception to that was testing for a specific bug or action. In those cases I made small test scen. At no time did I have any crashes, vanishing troops, blackened video card stuff or other distorted game play. Just that Unit selection and QB maps didn't work very well. On the maps I devoted many hours and feel pretty good about the result. The Unit selection is something I'm going after next. I want to list the settings needed to get specific types of units...like all T-90's ect. Hopefully I will come up with some kind of cheat sheet to reduce the unit selection frustration we all get. To my knowledge the issues you and a few others describe HAVE NOT BEEN DUPLICATED. This is the problem. How can BFC fix a problem it cannot see. That it's happening to you and a few others is disconcerting. And I certainly don't doubt the veracity of your claims. Obviously something is wrong somewhere. And that problem affects a very small number of players and has so far gone under reported and unresolved. Your info regarding V1.08 is something that may help BFC to narrow the search. And I will report that. As you may know, Steve @ BFC has recently been commenting on this issue. So they are aware. Hopefully they can track down whatever it is.
  15. Welcome aboard...You won't need to read a thing...you'll never need to buy a book....Just post your question and the Grogs here will do the rest. They've bought all the books and can always quote them Chapter-page-and text... of course when the fight breaks out regarding the accuracy of one author over another, things might get a bit confusing. LOL....There is a Tactics forum http://www.battlefront.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=69 and several players have devoted a lot of time to help players new to wargaming...Glad to have you on the forum
  16. This was the conclusion I came to as well. It also made the orange exclamation mark MUCH more palatable
  17. This doesn't sound good at all. Steve has already stated that BFC will look into it. I can assure you I'll be following along and doing anything I can to help.
  18. Troops of all kinds redeploy. What occurs next is dependent on all the conditions one would think. When players get a few games under their belts they'll notice many a new laid defense after troops bugger off. During testing I observed a Syrian Mech infantry sqd take off after an M1 tank round made a new door opening for them...Oh no..the dumb bastards are running forward... Now my thoughts went to bug reports immediately. What those Syrian troops actually did was redeploy into a building out of site of the M1. Couple of minutes later that advancing M1 lay smoldering from the rear end RPG shot from my now incredibly brave and smart troops. They finished off the crew with rifle fire. All this done with no input from me. Players will see many different responses after troops bug out. But isn't that what happens to troops under stress? By the way: the normal re-deploy is to the direction of the maps setup (friendly)...but can be influenced heavily by the best local cover...this apparently was the case in my example.
  19. I believe the bunker is treated like a static tank is...immobilized, so yellow. The troops that occupy the bunker are treated individually, so have their on status colors.
  20. Just a little something about the QB Timer. I just finished a Random blue attacker vs Red defender. This was a med sized battle I think that's a 30 min battle. But the QB battles as time variable. It was a big map so the blue force of BMP and inf on foot had a good long walk, ran into my ambush and still needed to climb a small hill to get the objective. The QB AI gave them the time they needed to reach their destination. I notice this happens all the time. It's like the AI adjust the clock to allow for maneuver and attack.
  21. I'm going to try o work through SOME of the murkiness that is a QB unit selector and list what it generally takes o get whatever... it's a task I've set for myself after the Holidays.
  22. 1. Use Attack Village Small 2. Choose USMC Infantry and Medium Infantry 3. Reduce Attacker force by 10% I got this twice in a row:
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