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Everything posted by MarkEzra

  1. Random force selection allows Red Only or Blue only...no overlap. My first thought is a bad DL/ install or installing over existing game... Something like that. Might be best to contact help desk and get a ticket started
  2. Identical setup as displayed. Syrian Army set auto. Game plays fine. From previous experience (numerous CM titles) I believe there are 3 general areas to trouble shoot when the QB Game is CTD: 1. The QB Map is at fault (that would be all my problem) 2. The QB TOE has a problem. (Like having Units of a non installed module showing up) 3. The Game installation had some kind of glitch So if you are able to actually get to the actual setup/start on the 3D board please save it BEFORE starting a turn. Then we might have better luck reproducing the CTD and can pass it on to BFC
  3. Can't duplicate CTD . What is needed to chase this bug down is a screen shot of the Units screen. Did you use recommend for both sides? are you playing Human vs AI? Selecting the same map each time? Random map Selector?
  4. Changes in The QB Map Description: "Best Play" time setting gives the player a good idea of How fast or slow the AI is set to Attack or Counter Attack. For example: If the Best Play is 30 Minutes the AI will start its attack or counter attack well within the time it might take to reach it's objectives. So the player should consider Not just the time but the size of the map when selecting a game. In no way does this hamper the players' choice of time. Just a suggestion. "NOTE" is a way of addressing not clearly defined map features, like Water Depth or the existence of Fords. The information is available not only during map selection but at any time during the game via the Menu. New Quick Battle Map “Amphibious” Type! QB Map Design Features Setup areas are very clearly defined for each Group Orders Each Objective Has 2 Attack or Defend Orders All Meeting Engagement Maps have no AI first turn Artillery Strikes of any kind! All Probe Style Maps have no AI first turn Artillery Strikes (exception The AI can lay Smoke on first turn) Assault and Attack Maps still Have AI Artillery plans for first turn but with limits. The AI Attacker targets Objectives only The AI Defender no longer targets EVERY possible line of attack the Human Player has available. The Attached pdf Changes in The QB Map Description.pdf
  5. I think you will be able to open this one. It's CMFI-GL (But I am always a little ahead of the players) If you can't open it I will DL an example CMSF2 whenever it becomes available.... Or this CMBS is ready to Play QB Meet "Rural Open-Forest" Desert Map.zip Rural Open-Forest (1520 X 1424) 12-18m.btt
  6. On the other hand I have a 4000 x 4000 desert hills map that runs perfectly well. Not a lot stuff on the map and the elevations are minimal when the map size is considered
  7. Yep Larger maps (2000 X 2000 and above on my machine) will have Longer save and load times with slow scrolling when using dense application of elevation. A very good way (natural) way to use elevation is just like the lines of a topographical map...avoid square placement but rather use gently bending lines to work the larger aspect of the map. Then work the elevations in a more pointed way to suit what goes "ON" the map.... houses, roads, trees, bridges, water, ect. That's when you'll what to focus the dense application of elevation code.
  8. Send me an email with a list the CM Games you own and I will match up a scen or QB map to study. I would suggest you do the same with as many scen designers as you can. You'll see a lot of styles and techniques.... It is an art form. markDOTezra3591ATgmailDOTcom
  9. Here is something to always keep in mind: Elevation keys trake lots of memory. Use them sparingly and effectively. Especially in large Maps. I always consider my maps to be art. But functional art they must be. If the average player PC can't run the map easily it won't get played
  10. Interesting. I'm working on a Huge Tunisian map with a focus on Sidi Bou Zid Valentine's Day '43... A thing of high desert beauty. I just love the time and place
  11. Thing 1: The Blue units on the board at the beginning of the game are to have something to do besides slugging down beer and eating pretzels... Really! The Amphibs are reinforcements. The FO is a MUST for Human Player 1st turn arty- air strikes. Thing 2: The Engineers were used against wire and mines when I was doing the original scenario. Also They were a compact unit which allowed fewer order slots. Thing 3: As the author of A Day at the Beach I made a decision NOT to be realistic so much as fun. Honestly - No Marine would plan such a hap hazard beach assault with No intel, a couple of Helo's and pretend Naval Guns . The Scenario was designed to display the New game features and to blow stuff up.
  12. I have followed this with some interest. Designers are by nature passionate. They want you to feel as well as think. Time compression can be used to great affect when used in company with distance, difficult terrain, or weather. Add to these stressors Units limited in size or capability and the designer is moving the player towards the nightmare of command. There are some great Combat Mission designers who have honed their craft since the early days of CM. They evolved has the games' editor and AI offered more tools and choices. But these artisans often feel handcuffed by the one absolutely uncontrollable factor-- The Player. How a player "feels" about a specific scenario-- its' balance, time, triggers, units, and objectives vary so widely as to be, in the end, somewhat useless. I grant that the novice designer can learn from creative advice. And Great designers can, too. But as a general rule the designer must follow his or hers' vision...Not the players. One final thought (and what triggered me to write) There are NO lazy designers.
  13. Boy do I get That! One thing you'll want to hold off on is making AI plans and creating/setting up units. Might want to re-work the map with the thought that New tiles and unit groups are coming. Too much reliance on what was may get in the way of what is coming... which is Very Cool
  14. It's only a problem if you continually review your moves with the Art of War or Von Clausewitz. And then Only if you rely on it for every move... So your OK and I'm OK...OK?
  15. @homewrecker Welcome! Game testing starts with one question: Is that right?
  16. A Great Line from SPR: "Where's the Rally Point?" … "Anywhere BUT HERE!" And so it goes in CMSF2.... as the title of this thread mentions: Rarely. Sometimes all we can do is patch up our differences rather than the game, and hope for a New CM Tomorrow. I VOTE for that
  17. Something to take note of in your testing: The 2nd story balcony "attached" to a single story Building technique (very cool and I have done the same myself) may confuse the AI more than the enemy gunfire
  18. The Quick Battle Maps are very well along. No QB Map shipped in CMSF2 is an untouched hold over from CMSF1. And there are a LOT OF THEM
  19. HUSMC amphib vids using the Night View setting CM Shock Force 2 2018-10-19 19-38-23-07.wmv
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