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Marco Bergman

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Everything posted by Marco Bergman

  1. Here's a dump from the last full beta version. ------------------------------------------------- [-address <hostname>] [-hostmode <server|client|standalone|standaloneserver>] [-fullscreen <true|false>] [-terrainquality <1-40>] [-difficulty <0-30>] [-lodbias <0.1 - 2.0>] [-packetsize <bytes>] [-extrasounds <true|false>] [-useshaders <true|false>] [-skybox <true|false>] [-displaydepth <bit depth>] [-displaywidth <width>] [-displayheight <height>] [-antialiasing <samples>] [-usesound <true|false>] [-statnet <true|false>] [-username <your name>] [-sounddriver <name>] [-voicename <voice name>] [-localport <port number>] [-serverport <port number>] [-numbots0 <number>] [-numbots1 <number>] [-maxclients <number>] [-scenario <filename>] [-deploymenttime <seconds>] [-deploymentradius <distance>] [-usevbo <true|false>] [-useterrainvbo <true|false>] [-useambient <true|false>] [-uselos <true|false>] [-modmode <true|false>] [-mod <name>] [-cachetextures <true|false>] [-useparticles <true|false>] [-usefoliage <true|false>] [-usehighres <true|false>] [-usealternatecolors <true|false>] [-rendershadows <true|false>] [-collisiondamage <true|false>] [-enterlobby <true|false>] [-ogre <true|false>] [-gametype <name>] [-gamelength <minutes>] [-skin <filename>] [-lobbyname <name>] [-password <password>] [-wireframe <true|false>] [-usemusic <true|false>] [-usehdr <true|false>] [-dynamicbots <true|false>] -address <hostname> The DNS name or IP address of the server -hostmode <server|client|standalone|standaloneserver> Specifies whether to run as a server, a client, or as a single player game -fullscreen <true|false> Run 'full screen' or in a window -terrainquality <1-40> Lower numbers cause terrain to render at HIGHER detail (use high numbers if you have performance problems) -difficulty <0-30> Lower numbers increase the skill level of AI players -lodbias <0.1 - 2.0> Lower numbers use lower quality models for rendering (can help with poor performance) -packetsize <bytes> Try to make outgoing packets at least this size (server only) -extrasounds <true|false> Toggle extra sound effects (may slow performance if enabled) -useshaders <true|false> Turn off vertex and fragment shaders if your video card can't properly support them -skybox <true|false> Turn off the skybox if you have a P.O.S video card (visual quality will suffer) -displaydepth <bit depth> Bits per pixel for rendering surface (16, 24, or 32) -displaywidth <width> Display width in pixels -displayheight <height> Display height in pixels -antialiasing <samples> Number of samples for fullscreen AA (0, 2, or 4) -usesound <true|false> Enable or disable audio -statnet <true|false> Enable or disable network statistic monitoring -username <your name> Your name as it will appear to other users -sounddriver <name> OpenAL Sound Driver name -voicename <voice name> The voice scheme to use for voice macros -localport <port number> UDP port number on which to receive messages -serverport <port number> UDP port number on which to accept connections -numbots0 <number> Number of AI players on team 0 -numbots1 <number> Number of AI players on team 1 -maxclients <number> Max number of players that can join this server -scenario <filename> Name of scenario file to load (server only) -deploymenttime <seconds> Number of seconds for deployment phase (0 to disable deployment) -deploymentradius <distance> Size of deployment area -usevbo <true|false> Enables/disables use of vertex buffer object extension for model rendering -useterrainvbo <true|false> Enables/disables use of vertex buffer object extension for terrain rendering -useambient <true|false> Enables/disables ambient sounds -uselos <true|false> Enables/disables limited intelligence based on line of sight -modmode <true|false> Enables/disables mod preview mode -mod <name> Sets the mod to run -cachetextures <true|false> Enables/disables pre-caching of textures -useparticles <true|false> Enables/disables particle graphics -usefoliage <true|false> Enables/disables foliage graphics -usehighres <true|false> Enables/disables high res textures -usealternatecolors <true|false> Enables/disables alternate colors for red/green color blindness -rendershadows <true|false> Enables/disables shadow rendering -collisiondamage <true|false> Enables/disables collision and falling damage -enterlobby <true|false> Enables/disables the lobby -ogre <true|false> Enables/disables OGRE mode -gametype <name> Sets the game type -gamelength <minutes> Sets the length of the game in minutes -skin <filename> The filename of the skin file that controls GUI appearance -lobbyname <name> Sets the name of the server as it appears to game lobbies -password <password> The password that allows clients to obtain admin status -wireframe <true|false> Whether or not to render terrain as wireframe -usemusic <true|false> Whether or not to play music -usehdr <true|false> Whether or not to use HDR rendering -dynamicbots <true|false> Whether or not bots deactivate as humans join ERROR: dropteam /? ^^unexpected argument
  2. Could you provide detail on these, please?
  3. I have managed to find a workaround for the Neomagic 256AV problem in CMBO of white being displayed as purple on my old Toshiba Tecra 8000. Laptop: Toshiba Tecra 8000 Video driver: Driver here DirectX 9c Resolution: software mode Windows 98SE The solution consists of alt-tabbing to desktop once game has loaded, changing desktop colours to 256, and alt-tabbing back. After playing, you need to reset the desktop colours back to what you normally use. If 256 colours are always selected, the game still shows purple - it seems the act of changing to 256 colour mode resets something. Resolution of the game is software mode, so the graphics are slow and nasty, but at least the colours are ok. The screen is very dim when you alt-tab from CM so I found it easiest to open display properties first, with 256 colours highlit (but not entered) before running the game. Then all you have to do is discern the OK button when you've alt-tabbed back to this screen.
  4. Suppose I should finish this: uses the Pz38A model, so that you can still have Pz38 by using later version. (Turret is common.) But it will have to wait until I've finished working on Dropteam.
  5. I think you'll find in practice details like bolts and panel lines will work just the same as currently, but that the lighting engine will handle differential shading of entire faces based on light source. As long as all the details are shaded the same way, it isn't too obvious. I recently ported a Stuart III for some guys to some game (I forget the name) that worked that way for lighting, and the results looked fine.
  6. This is without question the best mod Gordon has ever done. (And I should know, because I've tested them.) I recommend it to everyone. Go buy a copy right away!
  7. Just for interest's sake, why are email files converted to text? Why can't they be in some weird CM binary format, or even compressed/decompressed by the game engine? I've always wondered about this. First thing I do with a PBEM file is zip it... due, no doubt, to being on 56K modem.
  8. Daimler and Humber AC (high-res) are being worked on. Will include snowed-upon and whitewashed versions.
  9. Thanks Wicky. The line drawing is new to me; matches a painting I've seen so I might have enough for the rear face. All I need now is the hinge detail for the engine cover - the whole thing lifts up.
  10. I need a decent reference photo of the top of the engine deck and the back wall of the fighting compartment of the Humber Scout Car so that I can finish this mod. Any help would be appreciated.
  11. Available at http://www.cmmods.com Containing more options than anyone sane would consider including, this is not a small download, sorry (5.5Mb). Italian theatre versions in green and green/black camo, 1st, 6th and 7th Arm.Div. versions, lots of baggage (or none at all), aerial recognition panel versions, RAF-style roundel versions, roof-top and turret stars available... for a total of 74 textures. Not recommended for those who dislike making decisions. I have considered making a single-option version for ease of download, but am unsure which version to include... any requests? CMBO version should not be too many days away, but CMMOS version will be a while off. [ October 31, 2004, 01:21 PM: Message edited by: Marco Bergman ]
  12. The intent has always been there, but free time and health hasn't. Currently I'm working on finishing a major ammount of work on Daimler AC for CMAK/CMBO and Humber SC for CMAK/CMBO. After that, we shall see again. But my long-term goal is to mod for CMMOS all the vehicle types that New Zealand forces used in the Med.
  13. This mod will be properly announced when the CMMOS version is finished testing. Italian theatre (mac & cmmos) and CMBO version (mac and cmmos) are underway, so I'd appreciate it if nobody issues versions of this mod tweaked into those until I'm ready. (Real-life issues are slowing me down somewhat.)
  14. Removing the cab roof entirely doesn't work, because 1) You get large, horrid see-thru stripes on the rear stowage box, where the base of the front window was, and across the dash. 2) there are multiple DARK ghost edges floating in the sky where the roof was. The best compromise I have been able to find so far is shown below (very preliminary shot, working towards Ford CMP truck cab.)
  15. Ben, that's a very creditable first mod. It's a good idea to start with adding detail to stock textures, and the skills you hone there will never go to waste no matter what direction your modding takes you. The only suggestion I have with this mod is to keep a close eye on your lighting direction. I always try to shade my mods as if the light is comming from above and to the front, about 45 degrees. This means shadows should go diagonally towards the lower rear corner, and highlights should be on the upper front edges. You have the highlights just right on the can, could possibly have a touch more on the top grousers, but I think perhaps you could do with some more shadow at the rear end of the grousers. At the moment it looks as if the light on the grousers is being cast straight downwards. Just a minor suggestion, not a criticism. Also you might find the bottom shadow looks a bit better if it has a soft edge instead of a hard edge? Oh, one other point. The CMAK files are already sized at what would be high-res or very high-res in CMBO. Your 2x side texture won't make slower Macs very happy. I try to keep to the default texture size for CMAK unless it's just too small. If you wish to discuss this further, please feel free to email me.
  16. Awaiting Gordon's camo magic for Africa, Italy and Europe. Should work in CMBO. CMMOS, naturally. (Is it ready. Mike?)
  17. You do make pretty mods. I remain amazed at just how many you can turn out.
  18. Good copy of a US pontoon I photographed at Overloon War Museum in Holland a couple of weeks ago. Works in all three games. CMHQ's New Mod List
  19. Good copy of a US pontoon I photographed at Overloon War Museum in Holland a couple of weeks ago. Works in all three games. CMHQ's New Mod List
  20. One of the machines I beta-tested with is a P2-400 with a Geforce2 MX400 64Mb, and 256Mb ram (+ Win95). It is perfectly usable for ~2500 pt battles with the graphics at default settings but ambient sounds off, no downsampling. Turns do take a while to process, however. A ram upgrade would be nice but your video ram is the chief problem here.
  21. Now in final testing. Unless errors are discovered, and CMHQ willing, should be available very soon.
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