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Marco Bergman

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Everything posted by Marco Bergman

  1. My revised Commonwealth Sherman HR Summer CMMOS pack is ready, uploaded, and awaiting CMHQ's posting pleasure. Containing 168 textures, This mod includes the following units: UK 11th Armoured Division UK 4th Armoured Brigade Canadian 1st Hussars Canadian South Alberta Regiment Polish 1 Dywizja Pancerna and the following vehicles: Sherman I with 3 piece nose and vision blocks Sherman I with cast nose Sherman III with 56° glacis Sherman III with 47° glacis Sherman V Sherman I with 3 piece nose and vision blocks http://home.earthlink.net/~gordonemolek/si_2.jpg http://home.earthlink.net/~gordonemolek/si_3.jpg http://home.earthlink.net/~gordonemolek/si_4.jpg Sherman III with 47° glacis Sherman III with 56° glacis http://home.earthlink.net/~gordonemolek/siii_3.jpg http://home.earthlink.net/~gordonemolek/siii_4.jpg http://home.earthlink.net/~gordonemolek/siii_5.jpg http://home.earthlink.net/~gordonemolek/siii_6.jpg Sherman V All with the appropriate engine decks, hull details, etc. If you ever wondered just how these models of Sherman differed, this mod will show you. This mod uses CMMOS 3.0, (which is also awaiting CMHQ's posting pleassure) and is designed to fully support the fancy new features thereof: 1) You can now set 'favorite' texture sets for each or the 5 nationalities. These will be remembered, and automatically loaded when the appropriate icon is selected. 2) on-demand convert-to-low-res available, for those large battles. Due to file size, this monster has been split into 3 pieces: Bergman_si_siii_sv_rulesets.zip (985K) The instructions and rulesets bergman_si_siii_sv.zip (13881K) The main textures bergman_si_siii_sv_bloc.zip (10125K) The rubber bloc textures The rubber bloc textures are optional. Also some extra track textures: Bergman_Allied_Tracks_CMMOS.zip (142K) Now I'm off to bring the Firefly ans Sherman IIs up to this standard. Edit: A Mac friendly version and low-res versions will be posted in the next day or two. Michael Dorosh has the mod-base version. Thanks to Gordon for hosting my pictures [ 12-10-2001: Message edited by: Marco Bergman ]</p>
  2. Thanks, John and Warphead. Looks like I'll give Fleischer a miss and try to find some of John's recommendations.
  3. I am thinking of purchasing a good reference book on Russian tanks, suitable for mod work. Does anyone have this one: Russian Tanks and Armored Vehicles 1917-1945 (Wolfgang Fleischer) since I'd like some more info on it before paying that much money. Specifically, does it have nice detailed shots of all those interesting twiddly bits? Any information or alternate suggestions would be appreciated.
  4. Thank you for the info. You shall have textures before Monday. I suppose I should also include those funny looking steel tracks the US often used... http://home.earthlink.net/~gordonemolek/sv_1.jpg [ 12-10-2001: Message edited by: Marco Bergman ]</p>
  5. If you email me some pictorial evidence, something might happen. Thank you for your delicately worded demand.
  6. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Scipio: By the way, I wonder why Maximus has nothing to say here. And now my questions: Why am I blamed here? Why must I defend myself? [ 11-20-2001: Message edited by: Scipio ]<hr></blockquote> Maximus was banned after posting as Cubbies Phan after being banned... if that makes sense. Personally, I think we should leave Scipio alone, people. My position is that people who don't want thier work modified HAVE that right, and we ought to respect it. If that is Scipio's wish, and he has clearly stated this, then we need to accept that. And if he wishes to pull his mods, well that's his right too. Seems to me we ought to be thankful for what we recieve, not demand what we think we deserve. [Edited for hitting the wrong button too soon...] [ 11-20-2001: Message edited by: Marco Bergman ]</p>
  7. With reference to the disclaimer issue, all mods OUGHT to have one included of some form. As regards use of other's work, experience tells me that anything not explicitly PERMITTED in the disclaimer should not be done without direct contact with the mod author. As a last resort if you can't contact someone, start a thread asking for them. That's worked most times people tried it. Gordon said: <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>For instance, I often ask the original author's opinion of my changes.<hr></blockquote> But never more than 6 requests per night :eek: Concerning the file-naming question, I'll go along with what people want, although how are those 3 letter name codes going to be allocated? Guess I should stake my claim for MB right now... For Mac file names, is there any other arcane information we might need to know, apart from 31 characters max and no spaces in the name?
  8. Semantics aside, there is no apparent concensus on this topic. When I did the US Shermans I slipped in a rather muddy version. One tester liked it; the other 4 hated it. "Too dirty!" "Can't see the detail" etc... So I settled on the current lightly dusted look. I have recieved emails from people who don't even want baggage or markings. So I'm never going to please everyone. The upcomming (ilness delayed) UK Shermans are dimmer and grimier than the previous ones, and far more kit-cluttered. I shall however consider making a mud set, but it will have to be a seperate pack I suspect (due to download sizes).
  9. I object to the label "cartoonish". This implies bold colours and reduced detail, which I don't feel is a fair statement.
  10. pspbrwse.jbf is a PaintShopPro browser file which someone has left in the zip by mistake. It can be safely discarded. [edit for fumblefingers] [ 10-29-2001: Message edited by: Marco Bergman ]</p>
  11. Your image viewer has saved the file as a greyscale picture. MSPaint limits the colours available to match the greyscale palette, even though it still displays the colours in the selection area. I just had a play with MSPaint to verify this, and it seems there ISN'T any way around this. MSPaint wouldn't even load another palette, so you are stuck. You need to grab another drawing program which will let you convert the picture from 256-greyscale to 16 million colours, and then you can do what you wish. MSPaint is just too limited to be of any use to you here. Suggest you try to find a shareware copy of PaintShopPro. Get an older one like PSP4 if you can find it, and you won't drown in lots of features you'll never use. Also, PSP6 onwards expires after 30 days, but earlier ones don't. If necessary I can email you PSP4.12. It is less than 2Mb, from memory.
  12. A quick skim through my pictures of NZ Stuart Recces in Italy shows the following photos of NZ 4th Arm. Bgde Stuart Recces: * no bow MG, welded on roof, ammo carrier with engine deck stacked high. * group of 3, welded on roof, no external MGs ,supply carriers with stacked engine decks. * Bow MG, .5 & .3 on top. * group of 3, no bow MG, 1st and 3rd have .3s pintle mounted in a gun shield. (#3 towing a trailer) * .5 on top. * bow mg. .5 on top. * .3 on top.
  13. Textures mostly completed; download time is indeed my issue. 56K modem from New Zealand to CMHQ is SLOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. We're talking at least an extra hour here. However it seems there are greedy people who want it, so I shall consider how best to include it all. WineCape, Gordon & I have discussed this in passing. I shall ask again.
  14. Please respond if you do; if nobody replies I am going to drop this from the UK Sherman pack I'm finishing up. Why? Because when providing textures for Sherman I, Sherman III and Sherman V it requires another 17 HR hull top and 14 HR hull rear textures... an extra 7.9MB If nobody uses it, I can save myself a lot of time and options... Comments welcome.
  15. OK, here's what to do: Using Notepad, open Buildings.txt. ( you'll find it in the \CM Mod Option Selector\FileLists directory.) To the end of the file add the following lines: 674 675 676 677 678 Save the file, and that's it.
  16. Yes I'd considered the homework angle. But I thought that in the case of genuine algebraic difficulty a solution might lead to insight.( I used to be a part-time maths tutor). It cost me nothing to take him at face value; I enjoyed the equation. If he's just a lazy slacker it'll cost HIM far more when he fails the next test...
  17. [ ( 0.091*28.82 ) -x ] *92.736*100 = 7.264*100* [ 41- ( 28.82-x ) ] [ ( 0.091*28.82 ) -x ] = { 726.4* [ 41-( 28.82-x ) ] } / 9273.6 ( 0.091*28.82 )-x = { 726.4* [ 12.18+x ] } / 9273.6 0.091*28.82 = { [ ( 726.4*12.18 ) +726.4x ] /9273.6 } +x 0.091*28.82 = [ ( 726.4*12.18 ) + 726.4x + 9273.6x ] / 9273.6 9273.6*0.091*28.82 = ( 726.4*12.18 ) +10000x x = { [ 9273.6*0.091*28.82 ] - ( 726.4*12.18 ) } / 10000 x = 1.54736 edited for missing x [ 10-04-2001: Message edited by: Marco Bergman ]
  18. Now that Old Dog is retired from CM, I need a dedicated test person. (Never realised how much I depended on you until I had to do without, Bob.) I need a CM mod fanatic who: * Can generate and post scenic preview pictures * is comfortable installing multiple textures by hand * understands and uses CMMOS ( especially the rulesets, for debugging ) * can receive 5-8Mb emails, AND forward them * will check any textures received promptly, and respond with helpful criticism * is groggy enough to help spot detail flaws * doesn't mind waiting a week or two, then being hit with files for days in a row * is going to stay with CM for the long haul Warning: you will inevitably get hit with the mod overflow from Gordon too. This is a not insignificant consideration. I know I've had a few offers in the past, but unfortunately I lost all my old emails in the Great PC Meltdown, so I apologise to anyone who feels slighted. If you are interested, please respond ONLY by Email. People responding in this thread will disqualify themselves automatically for being unable to follow directions... Regards, Marco
  19. WarDepartment Technical Manual TME 30-451 "Handbook on German Military Forces" quotes the standard MINIMUM thickness of Pillboxes and casements as 6 foot 6 in. (section v p5) Here's a few wall & roof thicknesses: Type 630 (75mm gun) 6'6" Type 685 (210mm gun) 11'5" + 2'6" of soil Type 621 (shelter) 6'6" Type 636 (Observation post) 6'6" "Tobruk" 1'2" (no roof)
  20. Would it be possible to give the links in the updates please? From down here on a modem it takes ages to bring up the CMHQ site just to chase a link...
  21. The program has full rulesets for all UK & US vehicles. As long as textures have the appropriate suffixes, the transformations will be made. These are the supported suffixes: _uk _uk_bloc _uk_camo _uk_bloc_camo _uk_panel _ca _ca_bloc _ca_panel _po _po_bloc _sa _ff _ff_bloc _us _us_bloc _us_lv _us_bloc_lv _us_cav _us_bloc_cav _us_camo _us_bloc_camo These are the standard batch-file suffixes, and when added to any UK or US vehicle will be applied. I have not yet got the CMMOS version of the Carrier mod, however during beta testing I renamed the files in my review copy as above, and it works just fine. What are the extensions on the files? [bring back the spelll chekker!] [ 09-01-2001: Message edited by: Marco Bergman ]
  22. http://www.afv-uk.net/cmoutpost/Armor/Marco/marcos_armor.htm
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer76: What are the prices for computers/parts in New Zealand. Panzer<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sorry for the late response. My mouse died. Try using windows without a mouse and see how far you get... anyway that's another NZ$109 down the drain for an Intellimouse Optical. Some current prices: (NZ PC World, August 2001) HP Vectra VL400 (P3-933, 128MB SDRAM, 30GB HD, 17" monitor, Matrox G450, CD ROM: NZ$6217 Dell Dimension 4100 (P3-866, 128MB SDRAM, 20GB HD, 17" monitor, GeForce2 GTS, CD ROM: NZ$3803 TL Powerstation (Athlon-1200, 128MB SDRAM, 20GB HD, 15" monitor, GeForce2 MX, CD ROM: NZ$2990 And for a top-spec machine: TL Dream Machine (Athlon-1330, 512MB SDRAM, 45GB HD, 18" LCD, GeForce3, CD-RW, DVD: NZ$8995 $3000 is a lot of money for a toy. I'd like a GeForce2 MX, but the cheapest is NZ$329, so I'll wait a bit longer.
  24. I have to say that most of the people responding here have systems which seem to be far in excess of that which most of the people I know here in New Zealand posess... My work machine for 3D CAD is only a P3 600. Many people I know have P200s One friend runs CM on a P200 & 8Mb Voodoo 2. In LR it runs just fine. I have a PII 400, 256 Mb RAM, 8Mb TNT Vanta. I have been known to use some HR mods }:c) Ambient sound and HR grass are out for me, but apart from that everything runs fine. I for one will be happy if BTS doesn't move the required specs too far forwards, or else I won't be modding for CM:BTB I'm afraid. My money is required elsewhere.
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