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dragonwynn last won the day on February 15 2022

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    Concord NC
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    military history (all), tactical level combat games, MMOG's, photography (nature primarily) reading, sports etc......

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  1. No I doctored the screens in photoshop just for a little artistic flair. Not some of my better work lol.
  2. Thanks Canadian Cat that worked. I was able to purchase the Syrian troops into my blue core units and they look the way the mod intended them too.
  3. Dang man I didn’t even think of that. Must be getting senile lol. Thanks I will give that a try.
  4. Thanks I’ll let you know once it gets to the testing phase. Starting work on the second mission now.
  5. I finally finished the Arghandab Valley Master Map (see other thread) and have began the initial design for a Canadian campaign using this beast. The Campaign, Hearts and Minds will depict the actions of the 2nd Bn Royal Canadian Regiment beginning in May of 2007. While based somewhat on actual units the campaign is semi-historical at best. Each mission will use downsized chunks of the Master Map. It took me 45 minutes just to downsize the master for the first mission to give you an idea of how big the map is. Im sure those with beefy ram systems will handle this better as I will include the master map in the final download. A quick overview: You will be in command of a battalion from the RCR, one platoon of Leopard C2 tanks of the Lord Strathcona's Horse, a company of combat engineers as well as a Kandak of ANA as core units. Other supporting elements will make an appearance as well. Your mission is to gain control of the valley from the Taliban and win the hearts and minds of the local population. You will be operating out of a FOB as well as a PB(Patrol Base) and there will be a variety of missions to hopefully give a good feel for what the fighting was like. I have tried to be as accurate as possible in my unit designations and stuff but I may ask for some help from some testers once it moves along to iron out any discrepancies. I am using a number of mods, which will be tagged to this campaign and of course I will give credit to those authors. The ANA was derived from Zeroboy's excellent ANA uniform mod which came from Syrian skins but I had to change the uniforms to Dutch to get them to show up as Blue Force along with the Canadians. I still can't get the face skin he made to show on them and their weapon load out isn't quite correct as well as the vehicles, so some stretching of the mind may be required. I really wanted them in the campaign. I will keep it updated as the campaign moves along. Here is a link to some screenshots from the campaign. http://www.mediafire.com/folder/w6w54pbk134tzxx,zamtqs38zmqkrqh,bmi3m82jwadkk3o,pxae5qxszjfyapa,r5isk7vfqrqfzqr/shared Mike
  6. I am in the beginning phases of one for the Canadians. It will be a Afghanistan campaign.
  7. Thanks a bunch that's some really good info as I am going to do a Canadian campaign once the map is finished. My map won't quite be as accurate as that but hopefully will give a good feel for the area.
  8. Thanks guys. It is a bit of a beast but hopefully soon a campaign will be born from this map.
  9. A few new screenshots off this master map. Its almost finished. http://www.mediafire.com/folder/ad5d9f4mt45zjtq,6f378tecq8fms34,f9mgrg77p98kmp0,fo1mlnwo3g7xj0y,4uzjk143si53rzh,xiyhjru4b3pmqjh,t6bw8r1jxesi84n/shared
  10. can you reupload your cross of iron campaign?

  11. A few more very quick screenshots of the map progress. It's getting closer. When done, if there are any Afghanistan vets on the forums I would like to send the map to you to take a look at and recommend any improvements. I have tried to create a realistic map of this region as possible but I am open to any suggestions. As mentioned above nearly every meter of the map has micro terrain to battle through. http://www.mediafire.com/folder/dqkvz2bm3j6k3my,djoqn48j69l9ktg,hoti5waqq7o3afs,0f95x24195bixct,iy206gcdab5pjoa,0e8532f6tjttfat,rka7ccbxdt4gtgb,xepm848rpz7jdj7,iwwkrnswa4kr0jx,msdn9eau11ibomi,8ol852i8tdvgdms,hf3skax7md8ufg3,fcsotpjvtqmzpex/shared
  12. It's included with the download for my USMC campaign al Fajr. You get the campaign, master map and individual scenarios in the download.
  13. Thanks for the input guys. The map is still under construction but I’m thinking of trying the choice scenario depending on how I feel when the map is done. If I choose one it will be Canadian as I haven’t done a Canadian campaign yet and they were very active in this region of Afghanistan. We shall see.
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