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Fundamental Issues for the Peng Challenge Thread: It's Fun and Mental!

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ROIGHT! Listen up then ladies, this here is the Peng Challenge Thread also known as the Mother Beautiful Thread (MBT for short), the CessPool or just the Cess.

If you don’t know that, it’s because you are an SSN (Scum Sucking Noobie, that is).

Now, as an SSN, you only have one thing to do. SOD OFF! That’s our little way of telling you to hit the road, take a hike, hie thee hence and git stoofed.

WHAT? Still here are ye? Well, aren’t you the cheeky one. If you plan on staying around, here are the rules. Read them. Learn them. Live them.

(XLV) Challenge someone! That’s why it’s called “The Peng Challenge Thread” . No, you may not challenge a Kanigget or an Olde One. Nor may you challenge a squire. You can only challenge an SSN such as yourself. If you fail to do so, you can SOD OFF! Oh, and anyone bothering any of the lovely and charming ladies of the Pool, will have to deal with Grue, and no one wants that now do we?

(ibid.) Challenge with wit, panache and hatred. Use what wit you have not as a cudgel, but rather as a rapier…or a Ginsu Steak Knife. If so, you can accrue many points that can be used later in our gift shoppe. If you have no wit, you can SOD OFF!

(L.S.M.F.T.) You need to have an E-mail address and a location in your profile. Why? The better to send PBEMs and to mock you. If you have no E-mail or location in your profile, best be putting them in now or you can (Sing it with me, children!) SOD OFF!

(Ipso facto) Act as if you have a pair, but don’t go on about YOUR pair. It’s embarrassing for everybody. Also, kindly leave your prejudices and racism at the door. if you can’t do that...wait for it...you can SOD OFF!

(Bippity Boppity Boo (Hey, that's me!)) If you have any questions, please feel free to SOD OFF!

( Ha! Weren’t expecting that one were you? Idjit!)

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Now that, by Gawd, is a set of rules. Rules to live by and be ruled by.

Well done lad, you're a credit to whatever sub-branch of the species you belong to there in Ohio.

Sadly I have to perform my duties now so ...aaaaOOOOgah, aaaaOOOOgah, aaaaOOOOgah!

Be it known to one and all or some fraction thereof, the Olde Ones in Conclave met, having appointed a Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread and having recognized in him the wit and perspicacity know to only a few, are pleased as punch (or some fraction thereof) to allow him the high honor and great privilege (or some fraction thereof) of anointing new Knights of the CessPool.

Therefore, said Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread does hereby and fifthwith acknowledge and affirm that the Squire known as Buzzkill ... sorry, sorry, my mistake ... Buzzsaw is now and shall hencefifth be known and recognized as a Knight in Ordinary of the Peng Challenge Thread and shall receive all rights and privileges thereunto allowed.

Arise Sir Buzzsaw of the House of Ruin ... sorry, sorry, my mistake, House of rune ... and make your liege as proud as he can be under the circumstances of having created yet another runeian ... I mean, how proud would one zombie be to have created another.

But still, congratulations (or some fraction thereof).

Sir Joe Shaw, JFLPCT

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After some research into the matter at hand, I discovered Mr. Emrys is absolutely incorrect.

Ah, no, you're absolutely wrong.

...Michael's assessment is quite crap.

And after some thought, I decided that Emrys is absolutely full of $hite.

...you´re - once again - absolutely delusional...

... Michael Emrys is absolutely insane.

Michael Emrys seems to have bollocks it up.

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Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's swell, but what about the sit down buffet he owes us?
Well I can't speak for the rest of the lads there but I really thought he outdid himself. The lobster was flown in especially from Maine and the Stenographers who served it were personally selected by Big Al of Big Al's House of Stenography and Internet Services.

Oh that's right ... you weren't there ... could it be you weren't invited? Well that's a black mark against the lad's name I suppose.


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Boo's invitation must have turned left at Albuquerque.

It was a great night, shame you weren't there Boo...*snigger*

Well I'm launching a full investigation, we can't have our loyal and trusted Auxilliary Backup Deputy Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread treated in such a cavalier fashion.

Heads will roll ... they'll probably be lettuce heads but the principle will be upheld.


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Really, Stuka, you must stop stalking me like this. I know that it broke your heart when I informed you that I am not gay, but you really must get over this childish infatuation.

I've no doubt that it must be distressful to have suffered the public humiliation of TOTAL DEFEAT at the hands of young Buzzcut, but just striking out at your betters like this will only make things worse. You should go away (far, far away) and think for a while (a long, long while) about turning your life around. Pull yourself together, turn over a new leaf, clean up your act. There's still time to change the road you're on.


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Well I can't speak for the rest of the lads there but I really thought he outdid himself. The lobster was flown in especially from Maine and the Stenographers who served it were personally selected by Big Al of Big Al's House of Stenography and Internet Services.

Oh that's right ... you weren't there ... could it be you weren't invited? Well that's a black mark against the lad's name I suppose.


Joe, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that you got so drunk that you are a little confused about that soiree. (Really I have never seen anyone chug a bottle of Chateau Margaux that fast – well done). That was the planning dinner for my knighting ceremony. There will, obviously, need to be many more stenographers at the real event. Actually, even I am a little foggy on what decisions we reached? (Other than the fact that Boo is not invited and Emrys is not allowed to dance on the tables, that is.)

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...some weird $hite about gayes that is supposed to throw us off the scent...as if we cared anyway.

No Michael, your sad attempt at a double negative to enquire as to my leanings whilst attempting to maintain the facade of your own non-hetero culture (not that theres anything wrong with that) will not work...I am NOT interested OK!

Whilst it is faintly flattering to note your interest I fear you may have to look a little closer to home to find true love...have you considered buying a dog?

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Well, thanks to my superior manhoovering skills, I have defeated Nidan1 YET AGAIN, with a Massive... 51-49 draw.

Yes, even though I had him on points in EVERY FREAKING CATEGORY, due to his gamey, code hacking nefariousness...ness... it was a draw.

Stupid game.

Tough darts.

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Tough darts.

What the hell does that mean? Tough darts??? As opposed to tender darts?

Is that another bizarre and obscure Noo Yawka saying, like "Go pound salt"?

What is it with you people? Are the prevailing winds still carrying radioactive crap from Three Mile Island? Or is it just the proximity to that toxic dump called New Jersey?

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What the hell does that mean? Tough darts??? As opposed to tender darts?

Is that another bizarre and obscure Noo Yawka saying, like "Go pound salt"?

What is it with you people? Are the prevailing winds still carrying radioactive crap from Three Mile Island? Or is it just the proximity to that toxic dump called New Jersey?

Yes, yes, no, no.

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