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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Its the best, keep it going

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I just tried Panzer Command Ostfront to see what it was all about. Against the old CMX1 games it is better, in many ways you can see how it tried to improve on them.

But compared to CMBN, dont make me laugh.

I really cannot see how anyone that tries these games cannot roll over into the CMX2 engine, I have heard all the complaints, read the issues and think. What in the HE11 are they comparing it to. This game so outclasses Panzer command. Many of the things people complained are wrong with this game is worse with it.

The ability to command units, get information about units and see units perform commands correctly all work better here and is easier to access than that game.

I was not trying to compare graphics, because that game is so behind the times there. The only thing that was nice was they did have somethings battlefront has never given in their game as for terrain features, things like trains watertowers and such. We can hope someday they will.

As for options on how to play the game, CMBN still is better, not perfect. but it gives you the tools to make it reusable in many ways, but I did only have the demo, so I might be mistaken here.

So yes I want to see cmbn improve. But I really just wanted to post a Huge "Thank You" For this game has now placed all my other games on the shelf, likely for good. This Is the new level of my expectations and I cannot understand those that cannot see the gem this game is. They are fools and do not deserve to play it. Let them enjoy the things of the past, but right now, this is the leading edge of tactical games. Love it baby.

I have also noticed, that since it has been over 3 months. the issueing of commands have become so instinctive as to how to input them, it is very fast and easy. I went back to CMX1 and found it to be a slower system, even though I have played that for at least 8 years.

So dont listen to much to the complaints (including mine) this game is fantastic.

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Concrete cable-pylons; grain silos; CASTLES.

And yeah, great game all-round, it is natural for grogs to have a long long shopping list - but it's a great game outta-the-box.

Noticed Achtung Panzer had a demo for Op. Star out finally - is the best of the rest, am curious to see how it stacks-up (by that I mean... does it have MP yet?).

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. The only thing that was nice was they did have somethings battlefront has never given in their game as for terrain features, things like trains watertowers and such.

Yes, i was like you, but then i realised there's more to life than trains, watertowers and such, i just don't care about the absence of railway themed items anymore and it's liberating, for the first time in my life i feel free.

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Yes, i was like you, but then i realised there's more to life than trains, watertowers and such, i just don't care about the absence of railway themed items anymore and it's liberating, for the first time in my life i feel free.

I wonder whether the attachment to such railroady things stems from the days of 1/72nd scale figure gaming when a ready source of such 'flavour objects' was the model railway hobby?

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LOL! When I was a young teenager, I used to play tabletop wargames on my Grandfather's huge train set in the loft of his house. It was the perfect set up for that. My grandpa had houses, trees, orchards, hedges, and bushes etc all carefully placed to make a realistic looking village surrounded by fields for his trains to run through. Then I arrived with my kit on a Saturday afternoon and started blowing things up. (I had lots of Churchill tanks.) Great, great days...

I downloaded the PCO demo but it was too much like CMBB for my taste. Don't get me wrong, I loved CMBB but after a few months of 'Shock Force', there was no going back. And I am a RT player. I don't want to be restricted to WEGo again. It takes so l-o-n-g to complete a mission. I prefer to play my scenarios through in one sitting.

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The main reason I have no interest in the other games anymore is because of the infantry. even though they still do plenty of odd things at times. They are much more real in how they fight and die and what is going on with them. The game has become important to me at that level, where as it was only the tanks and heavy stuff before that mattered. The infantry was pawns I used, but never thought about. Now, in cmbn, I find myself at times focused on moments in battles, hoping that one guy might get the jumb on the enemy as he rouinds the corner, or will my anti tank guy manage to fire his zook in time when he crest the ridge, or sending men to help downed fellow soilders, knowing I need them to pick up their weapon also. watching ammo loads and planning on how to get more ammo or when to hold fire. making sure about command and how to keep them at the front but also keep them safe.

The game has just become alive at a level that has not been there for me before. The old close combat games would be the next closest thing I can think of. But this is so much more than they ever were. So I spend my time with this game and just hope for new good things to come.

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Yesss I am AMPED about CMBN and it is only the tip of the iceburg! The fact that the future modules will not only include new units/objects but new features as well.is very exciting.

No PC game / sim is perfect, nor will there ever be one that is, I doubt.

I played a game like CMBN a while back called Kharkov 1943. It had some very good graphics such as buildings,vehicles,terrain and effects. However when it came to trying to navigate around the map and using the interface it was so difficult for me as to render the game unplayable. it was produced by a Russian company a while back.

So now if I am not playing CMBN, I am flying my other favorite SIM,IL2 1946 modded with UP3RC4 and Dark Blue world. It is to the WW2 combat flight sim community what CMBN is to the ground combat element of WW2. IMHO they are both simply the best of their respective gen're's

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Wouldn't it be great if BF could combine CM with a railroad simulator/game.

CM: RR Engineer would be about trying to deliver goods/troops around the place in the middle of a battle.

That would need a totally different game engine, because to warrant needing rail transport the battle maps and force sizes would have to be a lot bigger than they are now and most people find managing more than a battalion to much as it is with the present system.

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The main reason I have no interest in the other games anymore is because of the infantry. even though they still do plenty of odd things at times. They are much more real in how they fight and die and what is going on with them. The game has become important to me at that level, where as it was only the tanks and heavy stuff before that mattered. The infantry was pawns I used, but never thought about. Now, in cmbn, I find myself at times focused on moments in battles, hoping that one guy might get the jumb on the enemy as he rouinds the corner, or will my anti tank guy manage to fire his zook in time when he crest the ridge, or sending men to help downed fellow soilders, knowing I need them to pick up their weapon also. watching ammo loads and planning on how to get more ammo or when to hold fire. making sure about command and how to keep them at the front but also keep them safe.

The game has just become alive at a level that has not been there for me before. The old close combat games would be the next closest thing I can think of. But this is so much more than they ever were. So I spend my time with this game and just hope for new good things to come.

Bullseye, and therein lies the whole discussion about maps. The better the maps, the more the capabilites of the tac AI and the impact of relative spotting come out. The game truly shines when the conditions your pixeltruppen fight in are as close to real world conditions as can be included in the editor. The synergy there is simply amazing.

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What's the difference between a lightbulb and a pregnant woman ....you can unscrew a lightbulb.

Actually you can unscrew a pregnant woman, if by unscrew you mean terminate the pregnancy.

Actually, if you are Catholic you can't unscrew a woman. To a man brought up as a Catholic the consequences of screwing a woman isn't solely related to pregnancy. Sexual congress with a member of the opposite sex implies a commitment. That is, if a Catholic man has sex with a woman (Catholic or otherwise) he would feel obligate to attempt a relationship with that woman. I myself have had two disastrous relationships with women I had accidentally slept with.

I should also point out that sburke's joke about unscrewing light bulbs is another blatant example of American parochialism. If Americans had a more global perspective on illumination technology they would realise that light bulbs are not seated via a screw everywhere in the world. It has been my observation that most American's assume light bulbs have a screwed cap like this:


Whereas in Australia light bulbs have a plug cap like this:


In Australia light bulbs don't screw in, they plug in. So while it is correct (albeit sexist and demeaning) to say that you cannot unscrew a woman, the "joke" implies that you can nevertheless unscrew a light bulb. And in Australia you can't.

This so called joke fails on a number of levels. It is not only sexist and parochial, it is also dated in that it is premised on light bulbs being of the incandescent variety, whereas the international standard is compact fluorescent.

So the joke would more accurately stated thus:

Question: "What is the difference between a light bulb and a woman?"

Answer: "Women have no sense of humor (and I am hilarious)."

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In Australia light bulbs don't screw in, they plug in. So while it is correct (albeit sexist and demeaning) to say that you cannot unscrew a woman, the "joke" implies that you can nevertheless unscrew a light bulb. And in Australia you can't.

By gods you're right, from what you're saying the logical conclusion is that in Australia there's no difference between a pregnant woman and a lightbulb. :eek::cool:

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