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Campaign selection ?

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Is there a choice in selecting which CAMPAIGN to play ? I selected OR was given "Courage and Fortitude" -i don't remember which ? I am "stuck" on Razorback Ridge Mission-- forever it seems !!! Can one start a NEW Campaign if one hasn't finished C&F ? Thanks. JIm

There are three campaigns after the training two (Devon and TF Raff). They're not linked and are entirely independent. You could do them all at the same time if you wanted. C&F is just the first one in the list, I think. It also seems that there is a consensus that it is the hardest.

Just go into the game, pick campaigns and start a new one. You could start a new C&F if you wanted.

Personally, I'd recommend playing some attack Quick Battles against the AI. Hotseat, possibly, so you get the hang of the game and develop yourself some SOPs while seeing what's going on. For me, a large part of the appeal of campaigns and scenarios is the Fog of War, and stumbling into them while still struggling with the engine would mean I'd not get the best out of them, and replay isn't as valuable.

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"Just go into the game,pick campaigns and start a new one" does NOT work --i click "Campaigns' on the main screen ---the next screen shows "load new campaign game" heading BUT the "box" only offers C&F campaign NOT any other choice ? when i click it anyhow--- sure enough the first Over Hill and Down Dale mission shows --been there did that a long time ago. Help please. Jim

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Razorback Ridge

*** possible spoilers ***

I just completed this scenario and it is tough - probably cos it's a trap/ambush scenario - but you may not realize this reality till it's too late. You are very restricted to (the usual in CMBN) head-on assault with no maneuver as rivers hem you in on both sides. Meanwhile, on the far sides of both rivers are a quantity of enemy guns and arty which are mostly impossible to spot. They will decimate any thoughtless advance you may make.

Firstly, the platoon surrounded at the farm can survive ok quite nicely so long as you split up the decent platoon and place em to cover any approaches the enemy could use.

For the assaulting troops, after a few restarts I found that my best strategy was to leave the vehicles (and all the MG's) sitting behind in safety, and wait till one has access to the 81mm and 105mm arty. The arty is the key as you can use em to destroy anything ahead of you, plus use smoke to shield your inf from the enemy's guns firing on your advancing inf from both your flanks until they can hide behind hedges.

After barraging, I used Russian human wave tactics, moving as quickly as possible/staying in one place as short a time as I could (so moving before the enemy could bring down mortar fire etc) to overcome enemy resistance and I got a major victory by taking the first crossroads and the farm (only) without using my armor OR any of the MG's. It can be expensive in infantry however.

Oh, and at the start, be sure to load up with all the ammo in the jeeps and engineer truck as there is no resupply for the next and last scenario, La Haye.

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go into your game ("your drive"\Battlefront\Combat Mission Battle for Normandy) and open the "Game Files" folder, then open the "Campaign" folder. What's in there? There should be four (IIRC) campaigns in there. If not, then that would be the problem. If so, then I don't know what to tell you.

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Razorback Ridge

*** possible spoilers ***


You are very restricted to (the usual in CMBN) head-on assault...

It's usual in C&F, though there are exceptions, but where else? There are no such restrictions in QBs, and though I've not played many scenarios, there have been plenty of options (though usually mostly bad ones)

...on the far sides of both rivers are a quantity of enemy guns and arty which are mostly impossible to spot...

My FOs in decent positions had no difficulty at all spotting the enemy assets across the river, even before they fired.

They will decimate any thoughtless advance you may make.

Tru dat.

Firstly, the platoon surrounded at the farm can survive ok quite nicely so long as you split up the decent platoon and place em to cover any approaches the enemy could use.

My tip is "Be ambitious with this platoon". If you've got anywhere near a full platoon you should be able to get into a position to use your arty to clear the backstop german positions. It takes one rifle or BAR team to defend the workshed back door. Beware of the aforementioned guns on the other side of the river though.

...Russian human wave tactics... can be expensive in infantry however.

Oh, and at the start, be sure to load up with all the ammo in the jeeps and engineer truck as there is no resupply for the next and last scenario, La Haye.

Good point about the ammo, but is an infantry-expensive victory any better given that you get no replacements before La Haye either?

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"My FOs in decent positions had no difficulty at all spotting the enemy assets across the river, even before they fired."

I replayed this scenario (WEGO/Warrior) and had four sets of spotters with binocs doing nothing but looking at the right flank, and they only got to see one MG and one ATG after a few minutes. I NEVER got to spot the third gun or all of the foxholes.

On the left flank I had two sets of binoc spotters looking for 10+ minutes and they only got to see one set of foxholes with a mortar in it. Never got to see the other guns and foxholes until the endscreen.

I do not understand how you managed to spot em easily.

In addition, in one run thru, the isolated platoon had the fight of their lives, in another they were never seriously tested. So, it depends on luck or AI plans. Based on what I saw in my game, I would not recommend being aggressive with them as they are surrounded by MG's and enemy troops (in my version anyhow) and there are a LOT of enemy troops waiting at the final victory locations.

imo, it's better to cease fire early and take a lesser victory than waste men trying for a better result, as losing guys hurts you at La Haye.

While I had fun with all the scenarios in the "Courage and Fortitude" campaign, I thought the Razorback Ridge scenario was a bit bogus. No one in their right mind would attack down such a restricted narrow corridor with massive ambushers on either flank. It reminded me of what the Germans went through when they were trying to retreat out of the Falaise Pocket. But, to attack INTO it?? Rather an unrealistic and unnecessarily punishing scenario imo. But, a "fun" interesting learning experience showing that you can win and NOT use the armor and MG's.

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Maybe you have deleted the campaign files when you deletd the save files? Though they are in different folders but can this be the case? If yes, then just reinstall the game and you'll have the campaigns back.

You probably hit the nail on the head !!!!!!! and it also dawned at me to reinstall the game when i decide to finally give up with the G-D Razorback mission-- too bad i will never see La Hoya. Thank you.

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  • 4 weeks later...
It should look like this


although Devils Descent and the Road to Montebourg will only show if you have download them, as they do not come with the game disc.


Actually, slightly OT, but, if we add Bluecher's also-excellent Die Letzte Hoffnung campaign, is this the complete list of available campaigns for CM:BN?

I've played all of them through already (luckily I've had a lot of spare time this summer), and I can't see any more in the repository, so I'm now CM:BN-less!!! I don't really do scenarios, 'cos they're simply too short a fix for me and lack the immersion and involvement of a campaign.

Just wanting to know if perhaps I'm missing some campaign nuggets somewhere.



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Actually, slightly OT, but, if we add Bluecher's also-excellent Die Letzte Hoffnung campaign, is this the complete list of available campaigns for CM:BN?

I've played all of them through already (luckily I've had a lot of spare time this summer), and I can't see any more in the repository, so I'm now CM:BN-less!!! I don't really do scenarios, 'cos they're simply too short a fix for me and lack the immersion and involvement of a campaign.

Just wanting to know if perhaps I'm missing some campaign nuggets somewhere.




Forgot The Outlaws.

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I thought the Razorback Ridge scenario was a bit bogus. No one in their right mind would attack down such a restricted narrow corridor with massive ambushers on either flank.

Take a good look at the 29th Divisions attacks towards St Lo in mid-July 1944.

Balkoski "Beyond the Bridgehead"

Johns "The Clay Pigeons of St. Lô"

Cawthon "Other Clay"

are all readily available.

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Take a good look at the 29th Divisions attacks towards St Lo in mid-July 1944.

Balkoski "Beyond the Bridgehead"

Johns "The Clay Pigeons of St. Lô"

Cawthon "Other Clay"

are all readily available.

LOL and it isn't hard to find worse on just the American side. I have been working on this Huertgen map and am figuring I don't even want to try and make a campaign with it as folks will say the same thing. Who in their right mind would push a regiment across a tiny hard to access bridge right into the midst of German defenses with no armor support facing parts of 4 German Divisions including a Panzer Division. :-P But they did and a lot of good men paid for it. At least in the campaigns in the game the attacker succeeded. I figure if I try to make this into a campaign I will get lynched. I think I'll stick with providing a map.

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SS11955: You could ask for another players saved game files just for the purposes of getting to otherwise "unreachable" scenarios in a campaign.

Thank you --BUT i am tech ignorant and know not how to do that.---- Since that time i have progressed through to the last" Road to Montebourg" campaign start--- terific improvement over previous Campaigns ! this game is GREAT --can't wait for Futures !!!!!!!!Jim

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