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German Campaign in work: A bloody ride


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Hey everybody,

at the moment I am creating a German Campaign about the fighting of a company of the Panzerlehr-Division on 11th July 1944. This campaign includes 6-8 battles. Within the next 7 days I´m going to complete two, may be three of the battles. Before I take them into the campaign, I´d like to have them tested by some (I hope so) very critical volunteers.

Some more Info for testers, who are interested:

- The player commands the 7th Company of II.Btl./Panzergrenadier-Lehr-Reg.901 and supporting units.

- The campaign shows the fighting on 11th July 1944 from ca. 5am till ca. 19pm

- I have tried to make the campaign as historical correct as possible. This means, it will probably be quite hard to play - so, it is nothing for guys who like hollywood fights :)

- The fighting will take place in a landscape full of bocage and small creeks, all in all very confusing.

So, if anybody is interested in testing, my E-mail is: f-s-zbg@web.de



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Interestingly, I am just playtesting a campaign about 1/901 and associated Lehr elements counterattacking in the same period (Lehr In Action). It has about 7 battles so far and, if everything goes to plan, you get to assault back across the Taute-Vire Canal - before having to withdraw. Originally, the support Pz unit I had (130) had 12 Pz Vs (I had an account of these) but that proved far too strong, so I went back to Pz IVs. The fighting covers July 10-12, with the crucial part on the 11th. As you say - bocage and limited fields of advance means failure to achieve your objectives is punished.

Interesting to get your take on it - I will happily playtest for you.


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Oh sorry Rob :( I am stupid - have overlooked your post... :confused:

That´s very interesting, we create the action of units, which fight in sectors, that are separated only by a few kilometers. Of course I am very interested in your project. Unfortunately my time is quite limited and reaches barely to finish my own one some day. But you say you have playtesters ? If not, I´ll do my best to help.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey everybody,

today I have finished the campaign "A bloody ride". After the single scenarios and some parts of the campaign have been tested - Thank you very much for all the mails and suggestions/critics and so on - I now need some guys, who want to test the whole thing ( I call it Beta-version). And if these guys say it is really "a blody ride" - then this baby will be free for download :)

My E-mail:f-s-zbg@web.de

p.s.: some guys, I couldn´t answer during the last two weeks, have already got a mail :)



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey Aragorn and all the others,

tonight I have finished my work and can proudly present the campaign:

A Bloody Ride

An extensive stage of testing is over now and the result is a campaign which hopefully will bring you some fun - so, thank you very much to all the testers !!!

At least, I wanna quote one of them, who said at the end of his fight:

" I think, my soldiers have begun to call me the butcher of the Normandy" :)



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Just finished this campaign, it was pretty fun. Got a major victory on veteran. The battles played out pretty well.


I only had problems with the counterattack battle with all INF and 2 HTs. The mortars were hell, I crossed the river and just ceased fire to save casualties in a futile battle. I would maybe extend the map in the setup zone, kind of sitting ducks for mortars from the start.

Nice AT gun trap at the church in the second to last battle, would have bagged my only tank, but for some reason I chose to avoid the road and blast through the compound wall with HE. I then assaulted throught the breach with my panther and a pzgr platoon, totally surprising the AT gun and taking the church with out a casualty. This then allowed me to build up at the church to cross the river and win the battle.

The rescue KG Philips battle was interesting, I blasted an alternate path for them with engi to avoid the road which would have been a blood bath. I left all my pzgr mounted in HTs ready for counter attack and staged on the road behind the farms. The US Inf that attacked in the rear attempting to surround me got massacred by the grenadiers and HTs. This was just luck on my part that I was in the right place at the right time. I held the farms with just 4 panthers and 2 FO pouring down Arty.

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