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What prevents cheating in PBEM now

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Maybe, I just need to re-title the thread.

Cheaters, what makes them what they are ?

or 5 Sure signs you are dealing with a cheater,

or was it If I cheat, does it mean I am a murderer also.

I just dont know, the topic was getting so far off from where I started, I really just dont know.

Any suggestions will be apprieciated.

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Maybe, I just need to re-title the thread.

Cheaters, what makes them what they are ?

or 5 Sure signs you are dealing with a cheater,

or was it If I cheat, does it mean I am a murderer also.

I just dont know, the topic was getting so far off from where I started, I really just dont know.

Any suggestions will be apprieciated.

If I meant to murder someone and instead it was an accidental death, was that cheating?

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At this point why should you care what I think about you.

I dont care what you think about me, i just care that you know you are talking guff.

Yes, my conclusions are speculations, never stated they were fact.

You implied they were though, you believe they are facts to the point that you are willing to espouse them as wisdom for all to learn from, thats why you wrote what you did so dont try and wriggle out of that.

But I have already lived a majority of my life, used these methods as to judging people and have been very successful with selecting people in life that have supported me, my bussiness and my family. Thus bringing me much success.

What methods ?!, i thought there was only one ?!, you play a game with someone, if you catch them cheating they are cheats and if you dont they are not.

Also you are saying that the ends justify the means, well i can say i have had as much success as you say you have had and i do not have a system to test peoples trustworthiness that im aware of, i just hook up with people and take my chances, in fact you are better off learning the science of facial micro expressions if you want a sytem that is scientifically tested to reveal peoples real feelings, probably a lot more accurate than golf.

I really do not care if the concept holds up to some scientific test.

I know you dont, otherwise you wouldnt have said what you did, anyone with your way of thinking would never appeal to reason.

I never said a person could not be different than how they act within a game.

Your whole philosophical premise is based on that fact that you do think game behaviour reflects character.

I just beleive I find it to generally be true and since you do not like that concept, you have let it known here, but I will continue to view people as I will and risk the fact I might misjudge at times.

Its not that i dont like the concept, i dont like the lack of thinking you have applied to the subject to come to your conclusions and to carry on using a system you suspect maybe flawed when it comes to judging character shows how you are more enmoured with your idea than any attempt to get to any truths.

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Maybe, I just need to re-title the thread.

Cheaters, what makes them what they are ?

or 5 Sure signs you are dealing with a cheater,

or was it If I cheat, does it mean I am a murderer also.

I just dont know, the topic was getting so far off from where I started, I really just dont know.

Any suggestions will be apprieciated.

Thats what speech experts would say is deflection, after having failed to answer adequately or rationaly any of the points i have made you revert to fake confusion to try and imply that no one has actually challenged you reasonably, just gone out to confuse you so your initial premise is still correct, the fault is with the challenger.

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So can you cheat in PBEM or not?

No, unless you either look at your opponents forces and set up zones before the battle if its supposed to be a double blind game or play a battle that you have played before but your opponent hasnt and you make him think its your first time too :)

Or you could hack the game and give your side Lightsabers, Blasters and Imperial walkers.

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Boy, looks like I missed a fun thread (until now).

I think we're all clear now that there's no possibility of cheating? The CMx1 system was just "poorly" executed by requiring that extra turn swap. It didn't make the system any more secure. Which is why people hounded on us to get rid of the extra file swap :) Unfortunately for CMx1, it was a mess to make that change so we never did it.

Regarding the powerful cheating... there was an interesting talk given by a researcher last week on US Public Radio. He has a new book out (forgot the name of it!) where he looked into a wide variety of big name cheaters/liars in politics, sports, business, finance, and probably other areas. As part of a more involved answer the author said that it was his opinion that the more successful one is the more likely he/she was to lie/cheat. A variety of reasons given. So make sure you don't play successful people and you should be better your odds of not doing battle with a cheater :D


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Boy, looks like I missed a fun thread (until now).

I think we're all clear now that there's no possibility of cheating? The CMx1 system was just "poorly" executed by requiring that extra turn swap. It didn't make the system any more secure. Which is why people hounded on us to get rid of the extra file swap :) Unfortunately for CMx1, it was a mess to make that change so we never did it.

Regarding the powerful cheating... there was an interesting talk given by a researcher last week on US Public Radio. He has a new book out (forgot the name of it!) where he looked into a wide variety of big name cheaters/liars in politics, sports, business, finance, and probably other areas. As part of a more involved answer the author said that it was his opinion that the more successful one is the more likely he/she was to lie/cheat. A variety of reasons given. So make sure you don't play successful people and you should be better your odds of not doing battle with a cheater :D


Ironically the guy who started this thread who was so down on cheating argued his method to test for cheaters contributed to him increasing his success in life and therefore the odds that he is actually a cheat himself :)

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Depends on how you measure success. If you measure success as being wealthy, powerful, or famous, then that radio speaker might be correct. If you measure success as being happy and content, having a good home life and good friends, then perhaps not.

He's obviously talking about the common concept of success, why would you even consider he was talking about any other concept of success ?

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He's obviously talking about the common concept of success, why would you even consider he was talking about any other concept of success ?

What is the common concept of "success"? "Success" is a very nebulous concept when used without a qualifier. You can be successful at business, for example, but a dismal failure at having a happy and content family life.

But, you know that. I have the hypothesis that to you, "success" is "winning" arguments on online forums, under the pseudonym of "noob". :-P

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What is the common concept of "success"? "Success" is a very nebulous concept when used without a qualifier. You can be successful at business, for example, but a dismal failure at having a happy and content family life.

But, you know that. I have the hypothesis that to you, "success" is "winning" arguments on online forums, under the pseudonym of "noob". :-P

Success in a western capatalist society is whatever the bulk of the advertisments tell you, and thats is being all or one of the following: wealthy, good looking, popular and famous.

What most people regard as success isnt nebulous, just relative, but not the advertising industry, whose version of success is the one that gets the most publicity so its the "common" one in terms of frequency and impact.

As for me regarding winning online arguements as a success i would have to disagree, my motivation for criticism is correcting what i think are mistakes in perception or thinking, so if i find through an arguement that i am the one thats wrong and changing my view is the rational thing to do then losing an arguement is fine :)

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my motivation for criticism is correcting what i think are mistakes in perception or thinking, so if i find through an arguement that i am the one thats wrong and changing my view is the rational thing to do then losing an arguement is fine :)

I see that noob is still at it.

That is one way of stating it, I like to think of it as some type of self appointed policing of the forum, he is here to rid the world of any possible mis-understandings that could be posted on the forum from such as the likes of myself.:rolleyes:

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Depends on how you measure success. If you measure success as being wealthy, powerful, or famous, then that radio speaker might be correct. If you measure success as being happy and content, having a good home life and good friends, then perhaps not.

As for how I meassure success, to some extent the western world has not tainted my concept of success and this fine fellow describes the types of things that true success is. So my thoughts were more on these lines.

Also adding in the concepts of what most materialistic people think of also.

I do not lack the things of confort, but find they bring no happiness other than when I can give them to others which lack or has needs that I am blessed not to burdoned with.

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