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When Will the Peng Challenge Thread Patch Be Released?

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(Blather)... Oh and check you Psyc books mate, all humans think in pictographs... (more blather)

I am pretty sure you meant "your psychology book". You might want to look at your “spelling book.” We call it a dictionary.

Just because every Australian is issued their own copy of the DSM-IV at birth does not mean the rest of us are building extensive psychology libraries to help us get through life. If one of the books your therapist left you after she had to be institutionalized says that humans think in pictographs, great. In your case, this could be literal: is there a tiny snot imp that chisels pictures into that calcified, raisin-brain of yours? Is he the one that keeps adding “dangly bits” to every piece of blather you’ve been posting?

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I truly think that a guy who names himself after an enigmatic, reclusive, bogeyman should not be pointing fingers and crying "loon".

Now, now, now, young Magpie_Oz, the great leveling characteristic of the MBT (Hakka Palle!), is that it doesn't matter who you are, or what your background might be. You have the right and opportunity to mock every living soul in listening distance. And if you know their phone number, you can call them up and abuse them. Why, our own Berli has been known to call Seanachai in the wee hours of the day, just to wake him up and when I call Peng, I make sure I call him right at suppertime.

So, feel free to embrace your inner idiot. Just wash your hands when you're done.

And along those lines...

I had no idea :confused: just how much fun :D this little critters can be :P

I mean chuck one in :) and it is good for PAGES of abuse :eek:

Yes, they may be fun and I admit that it's never been formally prohibited in the Rules, but the use of smilies IS greatly frowned upon in the MBT (Don't Tread on Me! Or my Wife!). It is something which is not appreciated. Nor, for long, tolerated.

In other words, knock it off. Lad.

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Ah, the plan advances.


Now THAT is funny.

Beats the hell out of random ramblings of one thrown into chaos by nuance and simple abbreviations and thinly veiled threats from a smileyphob.

BUT in deference to the strange level of hidden respect I have for the members of this forum I have done some further research to check my knowledge and it turns out that around 20% of the population does NOT think in pictures........ what a dull little world it must be for them.

So I amend my last to "most humans think in pictographs"

Oh and keep up the "lad" thing condescension is fine if it makes me out to be younger.

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The transference of superior genetic material has once again worked its wonder.

My grandson has taken his first unassisted steps, and has now entered the ranks as an official bi-ped.

I suspect he will be breaking records in the 100 meter dash before long.

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The transference of superior genetic material has once again worked its wonder.

My grandson has taken his first unassisted steps, and has now entered the ranks as an official bi-ped.

I suspect he will be breaking records in the 100 meter dash before long.

So your wife's genes are once again expressing themselves and letting your grandson overcome your unfortunate contribution. Good to hear.

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So your wife's genes are once again expressing themselves and letting your grandson overcome your unfortunate contribution. Good to hear.

*plucks a banjo string, eliciting a tense, high pitched tone just before the string breaks*

Ayup, no slack around these parts...

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I can feel a Coventry coming on.

Well, lest the lad take you too seriously, I want to point out the Coventry has only been used for serious offenses that even MaggotPie could figure out on his own. Smileys and even excessive references to dangly bits probably get some sort of freedom of speech protection around here. (Although his recent use of smileys does seem to be with the sole intent of inciting violence....)

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My grandson has taken his first unassisted steps, and has now entered the ranks as an official bi-ped.

How simply splendid! My warmest congratulations. And just in time to help celebrate his imminent eligibility to receive his first Social Security check! In your family I'll bet the popping of champagne bottles must almost drown out the sighs of relief.


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A nice sunny day in the big Apple, just jim dandy for a day at the ball park. Glad none of you are here save for nidan1 who is on the train to my hotel as we speak. Sux to be you.

the rest of us are glad we are not there too except for perhaps Maggie the Cowpie from Oz. I am guessing that he/she is your number one fan.

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A nice sunny day in the big Apple, just jim dandy for a day at the ball park. Glad none of you are here save for nidan1 who is on the train to my hotel as we speak. Sux to be you.

No, I think 'sux to be Nidan1' would be more accurate.

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the rest of us are glad we are not there too except for perhaps Maggie the Cowpie from Oz.

I support my fellow Australian in his infiltration operation behind the "Twinky Curtin" and his luring of Nidan1 to his doom but I harbour no desire to join him.

I am guessing that he/she is your number one fan.

You just don't get Aussie's do you? Maybe one day you will and it will be an excellent first step out of that tar pit you are all struggling in. We'll be waiting for you at the top, undecided as yet whether I shall offer a hand or put my foot on your head.

Yes, poor Nidan1 was tapped to carry out Operation Nuke-A-Stuka. It's a dirty job, but somebody had to do it.

We have equipped our man in the US with a large closhe as a counter to the US desire to nuke all they do not understand.

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You just don't get Aussie's do you?

Oh, we get them all too often. Somehow they manage to sneak over the border despite our best efforts.

We'll be waiting for you at the top...

But you see, given your orientation on the globe, your top is everyone else's bottom.


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But you see, given your orientation on the globe, your top is everyone else's bottom.

Commonly held misconception but of course everyone knows that the heavy side of an object is always at the bottom else it would fall over, ergo we must be at the top given our lack of land and people as compared to the northern hemisphere.

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What is this? A slide show?

Gen. von Teletubby, don't waste your time with visuals here. Show us some real wit! before we show you the door...why wait eh? there's the door...sod off!.

Caio Baby!

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