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When Will the Peng Challenge Thread Patch Be Released?

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You're really focused on those aren't you? Do you really think that's healthy? Are you seeing somebody about this?

Was it not you, a mere 2 posts back, who was lamenting the dearth of parading of our much coveted dangly bits?

As they say, be careful what you wish for, you might just get it.

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See? Here's where you were wrong about that post. You saw it as lamenting, whereas the rest of the right thinking world realized it was, in fact, rejoicing. A triumphant paean, if you will (Or won't, for that matter). For 11 hours rays of glorious light shown about the MBT and fat-bottomed cherubs rained rose petals down upon our noggins.

Dickens, in his Dickinsian way would have remarked

"It was the best of times. It was the best of times."

Redundant bugger, wasn't he?

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"grunt, grunt, point, Boo?"

It's good to see that living in the wilds of 10-esee have taught you the finer points of communication.

Why you could probably go back to Philly and teach a class on elocution, but no one would sign up for it because they'd think it was just a ploy to get them on Death Row.

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I like Manhattan, it pleases us. I will make it my house.

Years ago I worked on a project that attempted to determine the best path for attempting to "safely" remove nuclear waste from a proposed plant on Long Island (yes, this was the late '80s, early 90's). A project chock full of GIS mapping data, population densities, and risk analysis.

Throughout the project, we all debated whether towing a trailer full of radioactive elements right down through the middle of Manhattan was a wise course of action. One of those typical "shortest route vs catastrophic risk" analyses. Unfortunately, that route was deemed one of the least desirable (on the plus side, there were an awful lot of lawyers in that area).

I can now see that we erred greatly in our recommendation... if I had known then what I know today, I would have sent the disposal route straight past Stuka's new home for the win!

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And to the surprise of no one... no one really notices.

OK, I have some disquieting things to say about some of our brave lads here.

Apparently, Nidan1, StikkiePixie and Costard are huge slackers who owe me turns.

Now, I realize that Nidan1 either just hosted or is about to host Stuka-Nuka-Puka-Pants and so is either busy fumigating his place or trying to line up a squad of fumigators to sterilize the double-wide.

But the other two have no such excuse.

I could have tossed Seanachai's name in there too, but decided, "Why bother?" Seanachai isn't returning files. Big deal. The sun rose in the east again, oh, whatever shall we do?

Evidently, he's far too busy posting syrupy angst on InYouFaceBook.

D' ya hear me Olde man? Ah'm a-mocking you in the MBT! Came an git me!!!

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See that is where it all went wrong, who would want to remove nuclear waste from Manhattan ? The stuff might even give the place a lift!

Not Manhattan you dolt, from Long Island, through Manhattan.

Let me try to explain in terms that your simple Aussie brainpan can handle,

Suppose we needed to transport, say, rancid vegimite, from Wagga Wagga to a ship in Geelong where we could off load the noxious stuff and then dump it in the Tasman Sea.

Now for the hard part so pay attention, would it be wise to transport the vegimite through Melbourne with its large population, or find a less populated route.

See its quite easy, all you need to do is look at a map occasionally.

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Not Manhattan you dolt, from Long Island, through Manhattan.

The notion was that it would be removed from Long Island to Manhattan and not continue through and hence would give the place a lift, pretty simple really.

I must remember that you fellows are ignorant of nuance and are incapable of lateral thought.

My bad.

Edit: Oh and by the by before you start reeling out the few Australian place names your feeble mind can hold, look at the map and you will see Jervis Bay is much closer for shipping to Wagga than Geelong.

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