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How To Install Mods


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  • 2 weeks later...
They have to be numbered appropriately as in "mod.bmp"; "mod 2.bmp" etc. (There is never a "mod 1.bmp" btw.)

I renamed one decal file , but, it still won't show up. The turret numbers and generic modded hulls show up as they should. I am stumped about the decals with the various Pz Div logos not showing up.

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Go into the editor and load up like 7 or 8 versions of the same tank type (like 8 Panther A's or whatever the mod is you are trying) and then view them on the map and see if modded textures are showing up. The game picks textures at random so you may of missed them or a piece of equipment might have blocked one...(some turret numbers get blocked by random pieces of equipment).

If they still aren't showing. Let me know specifically which tanks you are having trouble with and I'll walk you through the naming process.


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Go into the editor and load up like 7 or 8 versions of the same tank type (like 8 Panther A's or whatever the mod is you are trying) and then view them on the map and see if modded textures are showing up. The game picks textures at random so you may of missed them or a piece of equipment might have blocked one...(some turret numbers get blocked by random pieces of equipment).

If they still aren't showing. Let me know specifically which tanks you are having trouble with and I'll walk you through the naming process.


Thanks, Mord. I'll take you up on your offer. Let me explain the exact situation. CW module NEDFORCE battle scenario German side has eight Pz V G Panthers. I've loaded the Aris mod for this vehicle. The turret and hull skins show up just fine. The turret skin displays the tactical numbers as intended.

The glitch is that, regardless of the installation of the Pz Div insignia/logo decals, the generic Aris hull mod skin appears. I checked out all eight Pz V Gs in the NEDFORCE battle scenario and none contain any Pz Div logo. This is very minor, but, I'd like to learn how to install mods properly. I could help explain the process to others once I know.

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No problem, man.

Try this. First if you don't want the plain hull to show, either remove it from the z folder or rename it to whatever...Ex. panther-g-hull...Renamed Aris panther-g-hull. Now it won't show up.

Okay pick the hull you want to show.

In this instance we'll use panther-g-hull_HitlerJugend from Aris' Panther G mod version 2.

Rename it to panther-g-hull. Now all the hulls will show the HitlerJugend symbol on them.

If you wanted to add all the various hulls you'd rename them thus; panther-g-hull, panther-g-hull 2, panther-g-hull 3 Etc.

Just remember to always go in numerical order and the number 1 is replaced by a blank space. There is usually never a number 1...there's an exception to this but I can't remember what it is.

Let me know if this works for you or I need to explain it better.

Good luck.


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"the number 1 is replaced by a blank space"

In case that sounds like one needs 2 spaces, one does not. Simply do not have a number 1 at all.

NB: As the exception... There IS a requirement for an extra space for certain STUG models (IIIg skirt and StuH42 early skirt IIRC) - it's some BF error that is hard-wired, so Aris couldn't do anything about it.

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No problem, man.

Try this. First if you don't want the plain hull to show, either remove it from the z folder or rename it to whatever...Ex. panther-g-hull...Renamed Aris panther-g-hull. Now it won't show up.

Okay pick the hull you want to show.

In this instance we'll use panther-g-hull_HitlerJugend from Aris' Panther G mod version 2.

Rename it to panther-g-hull. Now all the hulls will show the HitlerJugend symbol on them.

If you wanted to add all the various hulls you'd rename them thus; panther-g-hull, panther-g-hull 2, panther-g-hull 3 Etc.

Just remember to always go in numerical order and the number 1 is replaced by a blank space. There is usually never a number 1...there's an exception to this but I can't remember what it is.

Let me know if this works for you or I need to explain it better.

Good luck.


This turned the trick quickly. It worked.

The key is that the file name for the hull that I want to appear had to be renamed " panther-g-hull ". I did not realize that this was the key.

What did not work for me was when I simply added a " 2 " at the end of the file name that Aris designated for the hull skin with the HJ decal. The game will utilize the file named by the key file name " panther-g-hull ".

Thanks a bunch.

Didn't somebody mention somewhere that there is some kind of software that provides a GUI to easily manage mods/decals/ etc?

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What did not work for me was when I simply added a " 2 " at the end of the file name that Aris designated for the hull skin with the HJ decal. The game will utilize the file named by the key file name " panther-g-hull ".

Correct. Aris original file is named "panther-g-hull_HitlerJugend"... I am guessing the first time you tried it you did this "panther-g-hull_HitlerJugend 2"?

But anyway the key to all your mods is to know what the base file name is, in this case panther-g-hull, panther-g-turret Etc. Then to have more than one panther you just follow the numbering conventions above. Unfortunately at this time CM randomizes those textures so you won't always get turret 2 with hull 2...or you might get three turret 2s on four different hulls BUT BFC said they are looking at maybe fixing that in the 3.0 or 4.0 upgrade so then we can truly have personalized vehicles...and no duplicates. It'd be neat as hell to have five or six panthers all with different numbers and such.

Thanks a bunch.

Any time.

Didn't somebody mention somewhere that there is some kind of software that provides a GUI to easily manage mods/decals/ etc?

There's a mod manager that FightingSeabee made...Here's the link. I don't know anything about it so, if you run into any problems start a thread and I am sure he'll be happy to help you out. He's a pretty amiable dude.



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" I am guessing the first time you tried it you did this "panther-g-hull_HitlerJugend 2"? "

Yes, that's exactly correct. That is the exact file name that I tried at first.

"But anyway the key to all your mods is to know what the base file name is"

Yes, and I did not know this before you helped. That is the best name for it: Base File Name. The key is that you must identify and manipulate the name of the Base File Name with the numbering convention space 2 space 3, and so on.

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Yes, that's exactly correct. That is the exact file name that I tried at first.

I suspected as much when I read your first post and saw the turrets were working but the hulls weren't but wasn't sure. Screw ups can be as simple as an extra space before the number or one letter being mistyped...LOL I have done both of these many a time.

Yes, and I did not know this before you helped. That is the best name for it: Base File Name. The key is that you must identify and manipulate the name of the Base File Name with the numbering convention space 2 space 3, and so on.

Correct! It's simple as pie after you've got that down. That system basically works for anything that can be modded. If you have any more questions ask away. We'll be sure to help you out.


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I suspected as much when I read your first post and saw the turrets were working but the hulls weren't but wasn't sure. Screw ups can be as simple as an extra space before the number or one letter being mistyped...LOL I have done both of these many a time.

Correct! It's simple as pie after you've got that down. That system basically works for anything that can be modded. If you have any more questions ask away. We'll be sure to help you out.


I hope that this has been a helpful and informative exchange for everyone who might want to try to install some mods. It requires no special knowledge and there's always help if you have a question. This "Z" folder system makes it easier !

The modders out there spend a great deal of time on their artwork. They really deserve a medal for their selfless service and devotion !

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  • 1 month later...

For those Mac-users interested, I performed a test with symbolic (and hard) links. Not working. Most might find this topic worth of skipping :-]

In short:

Apparently you can't use a symbolic link for the 'Z' directory inside your CMBN package contents. I'm posting my results in case somebody else is wondering about the possibility.


Mac application is a single file wrapping. When adding mods, one has to use "Show package contents" and create the Z directory inside.

Question is, that are these mods gone, when there's a program update? I don't know that yet, and I couldn't find answer from the Forum nor from the FAQ either. (Plus the fact I like nerding around, so I decided to give this a test.)


I created a 'Z-source' directory to my CMBN directory in the Library (same location, where save game and PBEM files are located in). Idea was to store all mod files here, and create only a symbolic (or hard) link inside CMBN program.

I was hoping that mod files would survive any updates to the program, and I only needed to renew the link itself. Plus the fact I would have had a direct, searchable view without opening the program file itself.


Usage: ln -s {destination to be linked to} {name of the new link}

ln -s /Users/
/Library/Application\ Support/Combat\ Mission\ Battle\ for\ Normandy/Z-source/ /Applications/Combat\ Mission\ Battle\ for\ Normandy.app/Contents/Resources/Data/Z

And how did it work? I got the link up and running, but with few tests I quickly found out it did not work. CMBN runs like there was no mod files at all.


I also checked the read/write/execute rights and the file owner. I went that far that I used sudo with ln command (to have 'root' as the owner) and chown for Z-source directory. No help.

I wanted to test a hard link, too. I tried different switches (-n, -f, -t etc). But I found out that ln command has been nerfed by Apple and creating a hard link is a hard thing to do. I got an answer "Z-source is a directory." Daa, yes it was a directory - what did you expect you silly OS? :-P

In regular UNIX/Linux system does not care about if the source is a directory or not - for them it is just another file. But apparently not with MacOS X and HFSJ... So I gave up that idea (for time being).


This test turned out to be one of the most useless ones. Perhaps the Mac version even keeps the mod files also through updates, I don't know yet. I shall keep my files backed up elsewhere just in case.

But as said, I did it mainly for my own interest, and I wanted to post the results in case somebody else starts pondering about the same.



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  • 6 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Hello I recently installed the 2.0 Patch... and then reinstalled all of the previous mods I had, back into the Z Folder.. in my Data folder as instructed.. never had problems.

However.. I do see some of my mods.. like the tracers, sound, explosions, and British unifrom mods. I have two mods for Germans.. the Veins German Uniforms.. wich I thought was basically just Heer.. and I have the Waffen-SS Erbsentarn Camo Uniform and 2 Single Decal SS Helmets.. but do not see them anywhere?

Do I need to change the order of Veins and the above so that I see the Later? They apparently worked fine before 2.0?



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There have been some threads about renaming mods to make em work with the new version. Right now I have probably hundreds of mods in each game and it's a bit of a mess to figure out which are working and which are not or need to be renamed. Very frustrating.

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There have been some threads about renaming mods to make em work with the new version. Right now I have probably hundreds of mods in each game and it's a bit of a mess to figure out which are working and which are not or need to be renamed. Very frustrating.

Yeah I hear you.. I am only using about 15 right now. I can tell my Veins Explosions, tracers, etc is working.. LOL The British Mod I have is working, and the German Uniforms I can deal with, just wish I could use some others. Like Panzer Lehr, and the 12th SS used very different camo and Tunics.. (Panzer Lehr used differnt cut Tunics anyways) And the 12th SS was a mix of 44Dot, Italian and the wools and Smocks.

We will get it sorted out... someone will post on how to rename your mods.. Im not too savvy at editing stuff.. but so far the Z folder works great... with of course the exceptions some mods are not working right now.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I see a drop down list in the editor to give a specific unit a specific uniform/camo. Is it possible to add something to the list, shall we say if I have a set of splinter and a set of italian camo available?

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  • 3 months later...

I am having a play around with the Scenario Editor, and i got hold of Aris CMBN Terrain Mod, but i do not see the Terrain in the editor.

Its in the Z folder

What am i doing wrong?

Is there any one who has time to email or use Skype with a map making nob?:eek:

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snakee, terrain mods merely change the look of the .bmp texture image. So say you have Aris' terrain mod in your z folder: you pick and place "weeds" tiles in the editor; the visual you see when you open the game will be Aris' version of the weeds terrain tile image.

Hope that helps.

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