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Hehe, I work for the state now and did federal time as well and that reminds me of the following joke.

When NASA first started sending up astronauts, they quickly discovered that ballpoint pens would not work in zero gravity. To combat the problem, NASA scientists spent a decade and $12 billion to develop a pen that writes in zero gravity, upside down, underwater, on almost any surface including glass and at temperatures ranging from below freezing to 300 C. The Russians used a pencil. :D

Nothing about this joke is true of course but every joke does have an element of truth to it.

They left off part of the joke. All sorts of useful technology was invented or improved while developing that silly fictional pen. ;)

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I love that NASA joke :D

My personal claim to fame is having a dinner and crashing at the pad of a guy who did the programming for the Sgt. York targeting system. This was long after the famous 60 Minutes exposure of the pork project it was. Boy, that was a fun conversation to have!

Which in turn reminds me of a project I once got wind of. Seems that in the Dallas/Fort Worth area during the late '50s-early '60s a certain defense contractor got a contract to develop a project called SLAM (super-sonic low altitude missile). I don't recall the particulars but I gather it was to be an air to ground missile for the delivery of tactical nukes. Evidently the project hit a stone wall early on, but Pentagon oversight of the Air Force being what it was, the engineers working on it were able to keep it going for several more years. Every six months or so they would send in a progress report that stated in essence, "Yeah, we're making progress. Please send another ten million $." Actually, about all they were doing was sitting around the office drinking coffee and shooting the bull. But they were well organized. They even had come up with a stick-on decal that began appearing in public places all over town and the surrounding area. They were somewhat enigmatic as they had no text, just a distinctive design, but everybody in the know—which eventually came to be just about everybody in the aerospace community in Dallas/Fort Worth—would recognize it.

How do I know about all this? Because in 1963 when I passed through Dallas on my way to Los Angeles I was told the story and given half a dozen of the stickers to put up in LA, which I eventually did. I've often wondered if anybody coming across one in a phone booth there ever recognized it for what it was.


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Michael: tell us the truth: was that you on the grassy knoll? Putting up stickers? :D

Not at the historic moment. I was back in the city a month later however, and searched the grassy knoll for clues that the feds might have missed. No luck though. Might be why I am still alive today.



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It seems to me the discussion on firing AT inside buildings is about the size of the room with regard to the backblast etc., not so much about them being fired inside buildings per se.

As a possible solution, what about creating a fortification which can be placed on buildings to represent effort expended on preparing a room as an AT firing point? Knocking or blowing through walls, for example.

And by the way, "wot, no demo?".

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BANG BANG BANG ....... " oh. he ... ummm blinked, yes that's it, he blinked in an aggressive way, now where's his missus? " ;)

I was joking with my coworkers about that today as a matter of fact.


Former #1 Terrorist- *Raises hands over head*


Navy Seal- ...WTF, I said don't move dumbas...errr, oh well, you know what I mean.


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