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The Silence Is Driving Me Nuts, Please Help Me !!!

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Yesterday i posted a thread entitled "CMBN Omaha to St Lo multiplayer H2H Operation" announcing i was going to run a multiplayer operation using CMBN to resolve the tactical combat and John Tillers Noramandy 44 to do the strategic moves, my thread has had over 500 views yet only one person has offered to play it, i dont expect universal praise or a flood of enquiries but i would like to know why 499 people arent responding at all, whats wrong with it ?, is it the rules ?, the concept ?, is it not historical enough ?, is it too simplistic ? tell me , give me feedback !!! I'm dying of curiousity here, the silence is killing me, id rather people come on and say it sucks and why and then maybe i can change it to what people want rather than this wall of silence !!!

I know there might be a lot to digest so come and say "hey, im reading it, ill get back to you" or something like that, but this silence is terrible.

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Yeah man, just relax, I think it will come along fine just as soon as everyone has been settled down to the game :) On the plus side, it will give you plenty of time to brainstorm and ponder and work out the kinks of the mechanics of the Tourny etc, but also much of the work cannot progress without having your hands on the actual software can it?

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Thank you sweet jesus for these replies :)

I can see your points and its "down the road" for me too as i still have stuff to do, but i thought i'd announce it now as i spotted a thread covering the same ground so i thought if i get it out now the people on the thread or anyone could give me some feedback and maybe make suggestions or just say " Im game when its ready, sign me up" :)

However im glad its out now and when i come to have it ready to play ill just have to make a big announcement with full fanfare but as was inferred CMBN could be bugged to hell and take 5 patches to get right so i will shut up now, ive said my piece, im going back to my cave now, and if anybody has concerns over my commitment, to this project as it will take a long time to complete, you will be glad to know i am housebound due to bad health so i am at the PC 24 / 7 but im not so unhealthy that i will die half way through it :)

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i think OM hit it on the head. probably most folks waiting to get their hands on the product, play some single battles, and just generally get a feel for it before they'll want to join in on a campaign. but i definitely would keep working on it, eventually, folks will want to play a game that has a "big picture" to go along with the tactical battles. don't abandon the ship!

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i think OM hit it on the head. probably most folks waiting to get their hands on the product, play some single battles, and just generally get a feel for it before they'll want to join in on a campaign. but i definitely would keep working on it, eventually, folks will want to play a game that has a "big picture" to go along with the tactical battles. don't abandon the ship!

I love you BFC community, thank you for these words of encouragement, just what i needed :)

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I'll play either side, got used to Germans from picking them for so many east front games. Just use me to fill the side that needs to even it's numbers.

I'd suggest using your thread as a means to get interest / poll. Once the game comes out start taking a more involved roll call for those who truly have time to play and pm them for email address.

Seems like your pretty far along organizing, we just need the game to be released already.

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Noob - I have been around since 2001 and in that time I have seen several campaign proposals burst apart, and some actually start and die, and I think of very few which have actually had legs. Onion Wars being the only one still running and which I was briefly in.

From my perspective you have Tillers map which is a bonus. However you are only a 116 poster in seven years here which does not show much obvious commitment to CM. This is a minus.

The reasons most campaigns breakdown are RL & battle fatigue. With three prime positions in your plan what chances two will fall by the wayside. I did read your proposal but with I think 35 battles and a convoluted turn structure that seems bad. The good news is you have a genuine target to aim for in ST Lo and presumably a historic time line as a guide, possible cut-off point.

However whilst CM:bn is new all wise people will want to get the game system under their belt before embarking on something where they are playing for a team - which makes for added pressure not to screw up.

I think that running campaigns is mostly attractive when handled within a club where resource and club pride make it a safer bet that it will actually go the distance. And you have a pool of reinforcements : )

Don't take it personally - you may ,for all I know, have a history of running Napoleonic campaigns which would change the situation considerably : )

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Noob - I have been around since 2001 and in that time I have seen several campaign proposals burst apart, and some actually start and die, and I think of very few which have actually had legs. Onion Wars being the only one still running and which I was briefly in.

From my perspective you have Tillers map which is a bonus. However you are only a 116 poster in seven years here which does not show much obvious commitment to CM. This is a minus.

Have you actually looked at my website ? and might i add statistics can be misleading and what does it matter how many posts i make if they are all constructive, ever heard of the term quality over quantity ?

The reasons most campaigns breakdown are RL & battle fatigue. With three prime positions in your plan what chances two will fall by the wayside. I did read your proposal but with I think 35 battles and a convoluted turn structure that seems bad. The good news is you have a genuine target to aim for in ST Lo and presumably a historic time line as a guide, possible cut-off point.

I refer you to my website that i have revised, as i did say this was a work in progress, also what do you mean by 35 battles ?

However whilst CM:bn is new all wise people will want to get the game system under their belt before embarking on something where they are playing for a team - which makes for added pressure not to screw up.

Subject already been discussed, please read other posts before you jump in.

I think that running campaigns is mostly attractive when handled within a club where resource and club pride make it a safer bet that it will actually go the distance. And you have a pool of reinforcements : )

I am a one man club.

Don't take it personally - you may ,for all I know, have a history of running Napoleonic campaigns which would change the situation considerably : )

So why didnt you ask me before posting this ?

I have run a similar campaign amongst friends using CMAK and used to organise big ACW battles with real figures in the days before PC gaming at my local wargames club.

Now could you explain to me what your intentions where by posting these comments as they come across as smug and patronising and im not taking it personally becuse you dont know me.

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Well noob, you asked for it tho bro. :) You have met wargamers before I believe, they tend to come off wrong sometimes even though that wasnt their intention. :P

Anyway after the game is released is prob a better time to gain recruits considering very few people post here and a lot will be looking here when the game is released.

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Well noob, you asked for it tho bro. :) You have met wargamers before I believe, they tend to come off wrong sometimes even though that wasnt their intention. :P

Well i would dispute your implication that all wargamers are the same, they are people you know, and people are diverse, you get Captain Bringdowns in all types of social circles :)

Anyway after the game is released is prob a better time to gain recruits considering very few people post here and a lot will be looking here when the game is released.

Yes i realised that after a few reponses to this thread which to me justified the thread, as it was what i wanted, a reason for the silence, damn sight better than the silence, now all i want is the silence.....ohhh sweet irony :)

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I love your enthusiasm noob, others will come on board in due time. In the interim, don't let the "experts" get you down... I may even be able to rustle up a couple of players once the game is released (a side benefit of having a few pbem partners).

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One way I hope to get around the "campaign fatigue" issue is to play my campaign solitaire (using a boardgame) and then just invite a human opponent to play whenever I have a specific map/OOB ready to resolve an interesting battle. Not sure how well this will work, but at least it's on my own timetable and doesn't require a dedicated club, etc. Noob, you might consider trying this, too, as a Plan B if your MP campaign doesn't materialize as you hope.

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One way I hope to get around the "campaign fatigue" issue is to play my campaign solitaire (using a boardgame) and then just invite a human opponent to play whenever I have a specific map/OOB ready to resolve an interesting battle. Not sure how well this will work, but at least it's on my own timetable and doesn't require a dedicated club, etc. Noob, you might consider trying this, too, as a Plan B if your MP campaign doesn't materialize as you hope.

I had a similar same idea last night and re wrote the playing method, however my method differs in that the players get to decide the moves by drawing arrows and or writing orders on screenshots of the operational game map i will be using, then i just play out the turn as a two player hot seat game following their orders.

Also if players get campaign fatigue im hoping others will take their place, and as for me i live for this game and its been an ambition, since i ran a similar one on a much smaller scale, to expand the scale and modify the rules based on previous experience, so once CMBN was announced i saw a golden opportunity to realise that ambition.

Thanks for the post :)

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To be fair it is a bit early in the day to set up an operational level game using CMBN. However, to accentuate the positive, use that to spend a bit of time working out the game mechanics a bit more so there's minimal teething issues later on. Also maybe try out a much-reduced level game (say just 24 hours around St Lo) with a few players before expanding?

The premise didn't look too complicated to me, I understood the operational level mechanics you were suggesting. However I wouldn't make it any more complicated, as I alluded to in your "Casualty" thread. Use the Admin to make the tricky decisions rather than trying to put numbers onto everything.

Oh, and write up a good AAR. :-)

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To be fair it is a bit early in the day to set up an operational level game using CMBN. However, to accentuate the positive, use that to spend a bit of time working out the game mechanics a bit more so there's minimal teething issues later on. Also maybe try out a much-reduced level game (say just 24 hours around St Lo) with a few players before expanding?

The premise didn't look too complicated to me, I understood the operational level mechanics you were suggesting. However I wouldn't make it any more complicated, as I alluded to in your "Casualty" thread. Use the Admin to make the tricky decisions rather than trying to put numbers onto everything.

Oh, and write up a good AAR. :-)

Well as the vast majority of responses to my threads have been positive and constructive im glad i got this into the system when i did and as you say i can use the time while people get used to CMBN to sort out the teething problems whilst also allowing the community to look in at my work and make suggestions like you have just done :)

Good idea about the casualty question, your response and others pertaining to the same issue have allowed me to come up with a solution, im going to let the team members decide what to do with their fought units after the battles.

I certainly will have a go at writing up an AAR report of the operstion whilst it unfurls with a public release after the completion, obviously this depend on time factors but if during the course of the operation i didnt get the chance to collate it thenonce its over it would be well worth doing it then.

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