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Some Peng Challenge Threads are more interesting than others

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..... And Slagpile Oz, I have yet to see much bile spewing, biting sarcasm or challenging on your part! Step to it, lad!

HA HA I see what you did there, you got my name and changed it a bit and made a funny.

LAUGH ! ?? I almost did

I had a real smirk at that one,

well no it was more of an eye roll really .......

but when I think about it it was more of an eyebrow raise, you know like when someone says something really lame and you feel really embarrassed for them?

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... you know like when someone says something really lame and you feel really embarrassed for them?

No, I don't know anything about that. Usually, when someone in here says something lame (and that happens about 2.76 times per post. More, if they're Dutch) you point and laugh and point some more while laughing and then you draw their attention to it, expound upon it and raise questions about the morality of their ancestors because of it.

You make of it a whole cloth, textured with ridicule and dyed with foolishness.

And after you waved it over their head for a moment or two, you blow your nose in it and tie it about their head, like a babushka!

What is this "embarrassment" of which you speak?

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Face it NooB, you just got owned by an SSN.

Joe, is this the sort of Deputy Justacarrot Backup Thingamajig you want to have? Dried, chopped, rolled and smoked by an SSN??

Time for revolution! Boo is Ghadaffi and the MBT is NATO!! Let's bomb his a$$ into Ohioan oblivian!!!

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Face it NooB, you just got owned by an SSN.

Joe, is this the sort of Deputy Justacarrot Backup Thingamajig you want to have? Dried, chopped, rolled and smoked by an SSN??

Time for revolution! Boo is Ghadaffi and the MBT is NATO!! Let's bomb his a$$ into Ohioan oblivian!!!

Calm down there, lil Stukes, no need to go gettin' yourself all tizzed out.

My, what a tender and delicate creature you must be if that's what you consider getting owned. Dutch greenhouses are filled with hardier breeds than thou, methinks.

And reading your second line leads me to suspect you're looking to take over my job. Are ya there, Sparky?

Hey Joe! How'd you feel about a displaced Aussie being your Auxiliary Backup Deputy Justicar?

Does the thought fill you with glee?

Or something else?

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...{snipped} ...

Hey Joe! How'd you feel about a displaced Aussie being your Auxiliary Backup Deputy Justicar?

Does the thought fill you with glee?

Or something else?

Let me put it this way ... I have no direct EVIDENCE that you've ever been totally incapacitated due to overindulgence in anything and everything alcoholic ... Stuka, on the other hand ... well we don't really need any direct evidence do we.


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HA HA I see what you did there, you got my name and changed it a bit and made a funny.

LAUGH ! ?? I almost did

I had a real smirk at that one,

well no it was more of an eye roll really .......

but when I think about it it was more of an eyebrow raise, you know like when someone says something really lame and you feel really embarrassed for them?

What's this, some kind of warm up exercise? Like those eyelid lifts you do in the morning to prepare yourself to tackle the really difficult exertions like breathing?

I mean, that wasn't really supposed to be the real thing, was it? We're still waiting for the rapier-like wit to kick in, are we?


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What's this, some kind of warm up exercise? Like those eyelid lifts you do in the morning to prepare yourself to tackle the really difficult exertions like breathing?

I mean, that wasn't really supposed to be the real thing, was it? We're still waiting for the rapier-like wit to kick in, are we?


SSNs these days ... it wasn't like this in the Olde Pool.


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And I speak with the self-recognized power of an Olde One!

And then I realised with growing horror that I had fallen in amongst Cthulu and his minions.

Which for the first time, actually explains ...a lot... about this thread and its inhabitants.

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And then I realised with growing horror that I had fallen in amongst Cthulu and his minions.

Which for the first time, actually explains ...a lot... about this thread and its inhabitants.

Look Rainman (sorry, I know it was easy but he just floated it over the plate, what was I supposed to do ... Ignore it?) I would have hoped that someone who joined in 2005 (and has racked up the totally impressive post count of 84 in that time) would have tumbled to the essential elements of the Peng Challenge Thread by now.

But then you're a Goobernational and obviously not a very bright one at that so allow me to make it plain for you ... SOD OFF!

Boo Radley this is what happens when NO RULES ARE POSTED!


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Is this Peng thing you wankers refer to so much in these threads:

a) a comedic savant that may be closer to the middle left of the Belushi - Farley 'fat stupid guy' spectrum?

B) a name someone adopted from an overturned chinese take out box that lay on the floor next to his convulsing body for two days and is now a symbol of strength that represents surviving the compound effects of diptheria and bad kung pow chicken food poisoning?

c) an acronym / brand name of a penus enlargement product that is well used (but largely ineffective... pun intended) by the purveyors of these threads

d) the omnomatopeia of the sound that the first AP shell impacting upon the upper glacis of the first ever cyber beta panther model ever made in Combat Mission?

e) A new iteration of the slang term "dirty sanchez".

I am dying to find out which path the olde historians of the Peng challenge thread will actually take to get to its earliest foundational moments.



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Gamey update. Nidan1 still clueless. Boo's better got a real good plan.

stikkypixie we all understand, only too well, that English isn't your first language ... hell, we're pretty confident that humankind isn't your first species.

But even you can do better than this ... not a lot better, we get it, but better.


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Leto;1245730']Is this Peng thing you wankers refer to so much in these threads:

a) a comedic savant that may be closer to the middle left of the Belushi - Farley 'fat stupid guy' spectrum?

B) a name someone adopted from an overturned chinese take out box that lay on the floor next to his convulsing body for two days and is now a symbol of strength that represents surviving the compound effects of diptheria and bad kung pow chicken food poisoning?

c) an acronym / brand name of a penus enlargement product that is well used (but largely ineffective... pun intended) by the purveyors of these threads

d) the omnomatopeia of the sound that the first AP shell impacting upon the upper glacis of the first ever cyber beta panther model ever made in Combat Mission?

e) A new iteration of the slang term "dirty sanchez".

I am dying to find out which path the olde historians of the Peng challenge thread will actually take to get to its earliest foundational moments.



You see Boo Radley, once AGAIN we have SSNs wandering in without regard to the proper procedures and it's all because you were too BONE IDLE LAZY to post any rules!

Hirohito ... yes.


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You see Boo Radley, once AGAIN we have SSNs wandering in without regard to the proper procedures and it's all because you were too BONE IDLE LAZY to post any rules!

Hirohito ... yes.


Right, Joe it is the lack of rules which has allowed the SSNs to just wander on in as saucy as you please. It's obvious, because everyone KNOWS that the rules are all-powerful! The rules are inviolate! The rules are like some kind of omnipotent forcefield which keeps SSNs out of the MBT (Long may it wave). Whenever we have rules, we NEVER have SSNs, do we Joe?

"SSNs at the gate? Fear not because WE HAVE RULES!"

"We do? Whew! Wow, I was worried there for a second, but we have rules, and as we know EVERYBODY ALWAYS obeys the rules".

Joe? Have you ever been mentally stable?

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Leto;1245730']Is this Peng thing you wankers refer to so much in these threads:

a) a comedic savant that may be closer to the middle left of the Belushi - Farley 'fat stupid guy' spectrum?

B) a name someone adopted from an overturned chinese take out box that lay on the floor next to his convulsing body for two days and is now a symbol of strength that represents surviving the compound effects of diptheria and bad kung pow chicken food poisoning?

c) an acronym / brand name of a penus enlargement product that is well used (but largely ineffective... pun intended) by the purveyors of these threads

d) the omnomatopeia of the sound that the first AP shell impacting upon the upper glacis of the first ever cyber beta panther model ever made in Combat Mission?

e) A new iteration of the slang term "dirty sanchez".

Y'know, I actually tried to count up all the spelling errors in Bleato's post, but my calculator ran out of storage space.

I am dying...

Oh, if only that were true! You tease!


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