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Syrian Campaign «Stepsons of Jihad» (1st RED VS BLUE campaign)


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Campaign «Stepsons of Jihad» was started a long time ago, we with Alek started create it a 1,5 years ago.

Here some information about this project.

First RED-vs-BLUE campaign - development history


RED-vs-BLUE Campaign Battle Reports


Syrian Campaign «Stepsons of Jihad»,15 Battles, VERY HARD


In 2001,11th September, the brutal action of terrorism begun a new era of global confrontation and antagonism: Global War of Terror, on the one hand, the Eternal Jihad, on the other. The most powerful country in the world, United States, on the one hand, and numerous, fanatical group of radical Muslim movements, on the other hand, entered the war.

It is 24 July 2008. International imperialism began its aggression against our beloved Syria. The geopolitical confrontation between radical Islamists and the world of American global system made another turn. At this time our Syria was the victim of political intrigues. Using the confusion after the recent terrorist attacks and the rhetoric of the new Syrian government, a country the United States and the Allies began a war against Syria

Our Syrian forces - Battle Group of 58th Armor BDE of 7th mechanized division and 11th Special Forces Regiment defended in a battle order front at West on the desert area near of Al-Qaryatayn town in the Syrian center part.

British Module, v.1.31,needed.

It's time to take revenge on the Crusaders! ;)

Download here

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Finished playing this one. Completed four battles and suffered a tactical defeat at the end of this. Did quite well in the fourth battle knocking out no less than 6 Challengers and a number of British APCs though even this was insufficient to win the game as I was unable to prevent the British from taking most of their objectives.

It would be good to have the campaign battles available as battle scenarios as well and the same goes for all of the campaign games.

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Finished playing this one. Completed four battles and suffered a tactical defeat at the end of this.

Pool of battles maps is a simple, linear

But some battle is "critical"

4.Radio Syria :

draw or better. Use MLRS "GRAD" for "better condition" in enemy lines ;)


Nobody said that it would be easy :)

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Usually I take the US or NATO units so had little experience of commanding the Syrians against NATO. Given that the Syrians only have T-55MV that puts the Syrians at a serious disadvantage in an open field fight. Not that I have any problem with that. I could have mounted a better defense in the earlier games had I had more experience with the Syrains. But I doubt President Assad's executioners would buy that story :-)

For a first go I think I did ok particularly in that last battle but could have done much better. Thanks again.

Any chance of putting the various campaign battles on the battles folder as individual actions?


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Right now, I am into the heat of the battles (one third to a quarter of the campaign done). The Red are no match for the Blue on open grounds. They can hold it a while in suburbans areas. For the time being I am getting in RT minors defeats most of the time. In the actual battle, the first in a suburban area, I am faring a bit better. The T-55's are however, still iron coffins when trying to engage Challengers. Even at close quarter range, hidden among houses courtyards providing cover, they can't destroy them ! The tank hunters teams don't fare better. They can destroy and or stop the tracks, but they seem, most of the time, to aim badly. Numerous RPG's want aside and or over their target.

For the rest, the maps, the topography and none the less the senarios are very good. If I want to manage a possible victory, I should reconsider the way, I am using my Red forces. I believe in fact that the scenarios tactics used, are very well thought and seems to get straight out from a Military course.

Alex and Alek scenarios briefing and their troops deployment made me think that they have a military background. If that is the case, it is used here, for the best that CMSF can give, that is as far as a simulation can.

Pretty good job done, Alex and Alek.

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4th battle map is realy to get victory, for example :


Definitively. Yeah,with Radio Syria 4th battle, the tide of the Red pulling back with heavy casualties and not being able to inflict the same to the Blue seems to slow down.

For the first time the Reds are able to relinquish and or hold grounds without too much casualties while the Blue are sustaining their first high casualties since the beginning.

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The difficulty to fight for Syria-hard, but little accustomed.

I went through all the battles are more or less, 8 is hard, 13 is hard, maybe 11 or 12 too.

3 - easy to do, if you know what the enemy-computer. AI in its actions does as a reaction to the event. " A men can do the planning befor action - "I want to work out the place artillery , or helicoptersatack there »-AI not do that.

There is no need to do as "blue" mission-to kill everyone. Syrians have no global supremacy, and each battle map needs to be done local successes. A little beat here, a little bit to kill the enemy there, and so on. Overall success - "all at once" as for " bluu " is dousnt for Syrians.

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  • 1 month later...

For those who do not have the patience to play each mission through the blue waves of fire ;)

There is a package for the play at separate battles

«Scenario-PACK for «Stepsons of Jihad» campaign.»

There are for red-side against AI only: (

Free for use in scenarios, own battlemaps, h2h missions and so.


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  • 7 months later...
For those who do not have the patience to play each mission through the blue waves of fire ;)

There is a package for the play at separate battles

«Scenario-PACK for «Stepsons of Jihad» campaign.»

There are for red-side against AI only: (

Free for use in scenarios, own battlemaps, h2h missions and so.


Thats a pity they are for red side only, I like playing red but more than that I like being able to play both sides. Personally I wish I could play both red and blue in all of the campaigns(I could completely repulse the coalition invasion)

I did rather well during the campaign(made it up to 6think of allah, killed over 300 coalition at the cost of 600 of my guys) But I did that by more or less sticking with the deployment and plan that was set up at the beginning of the battle(not exactly through my own genius) Whereas the attacking coalition forces didn't seem to be attacking according to any effective doctrine at all.

I figured if I could play the blue side I could deploy the British in a more effective manner and more than that(since I never really made any change in the troop deployment) it would be a me vs me fight. I would be leading the Brits against the same(highly effective) troop formations that I had been using as the Syrians. Of course I did make one very important adjustment to the Syrian formations at the beginning of each battle, I told everyone to hide and to never attack British troops except in ambushes at 100 meters or less(preferably 50 meters or less) because at long range the British have every advantage, but at short range the odds are even....mostly.

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  • 6 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
For those who do not have the patience to play each mission through the blue waves of fire ;)

There is a package for the play at separate battles

«Scenario-PACK for «Stepsons of Jihad» campaign.»

There are for red-side against AI only: (

Free for use in scenarios, own battlemaps, h2h missions and so.


Спасибо Алек :)

Just downloaded this. Is there a mission 'z_15'?

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Maybe BF could start a fashion and clothing area so that these good folks would have somewhere more appropriate to post for those who are interested in a new shoulder bag etc.

It's a truly brilliant move to get more women on these forums. Do BF's strategic machinations know no end?

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  • 5 weeks later...
Ñïàñèáî Àëåê :)

Just downloaded this. Is there a mission 'z_15'?

Íà çäîðîâüå.

No :(

Have no "helth" for 15th mision.

But my work at "Stepsons of Jihad" helped me to know something about Syria.

I am very pity its unfortunate people, no matter who "for the revolution" and who "for the regime"

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  • 8 months later...

I love this campaign and playing as the Syrian Arab Army.

It is very difficult, especially given the superiority of western equipment and firepower. Everytime I destroy a Challenger tank I cheer.

This being said, I'd like to see Syrian Republican Guard and T72s as well as Shilkas. Scud strikes would be cool too.

Great job overall though.

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Seqouia is quite right about the Scuds. It would be nice to have a version with better quality Syrians bt, having played (and lost) this campaign you do need to take full advantage of terrain and engage vehicles you actually can kill at a time when it will be most effective. For example, if defending a town, don't attempt to put your MLR on the outskirts. In particular this means your tanks which die easily in a shootout. If you try to engage US/UK armour in the open you are entering a shootout you can't usually win and your men die in droves. Tank battles look like Desert Storm.Which is the right result of an open field action between technologically mismatched armoured forces.

But, if you are clever and deploy inside the town setting up ambushes along key intesections etc you have a better chance of engaging at close range. If he sends his infantry iin alone they lack the heavy fire power of the tanks and his IFVs will be really vulnerable if he goes in mounted. If he sends his tanks in with the infantry hey are quite vulnerable to close range flank shots.

From the Syriian commander viewpoint your goal is not really to win the battle as such (though nice if you do) but to extract the maximum possible price for the destruction of your force (make up your mind to go for a "win" on points and am to kill as many Western troops/vehicles as you can. Go for easy "soft" kills like infantry and IFVs but take close range flank shots at MBTs (best chance to knock them out - and you don't have to kill many. This is what the Iraqis tried to do in OIF showing that they hd learned one lesson from their 1991 defeat. And the Syrians, if they were wise would have seen this plus other examples such as what happened to the Russians in Grozny orthe IDF n the 2006 Lebanon War, specifically at Bint Jbeil

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Scud accuracy/utility has much to be desired in terms of close support; but couldn't they be useful, as an area bombardment weapon and/or weapon of desperation? Apparently, the SAA and the Libyans have used them to (try and) hit opposition forces.

Regardless, the tactics you describe are definitely full of merit, when they can be pulled off. It seems that even at close quarters, western tanks have the edge and their spotting ability is almost uncanny. It would be nice to be able to back the 'ol 55s into buildings/rubble or set up anti-tank weapons in blasted down areas. The close in ambush tactic often gets negated by those horrendously destructive air strikes (nothing like seeing your valued T-55MV --I have a soft spot for these old tanks--burning at the bottom of a crater) that manage to hit targets inside or outside of build up areas.

Having some stronger weapons available to the SAA in this game might help make up for the often overwhelming firepower and accuracy of the invaders. T 72s, heavy AA weapons, and better quality soldiers would not be out of the realm of reality--even if SCUDs as tactical weapons are a big stretch. Sure, good tactics will often make gains, but when every move you make is known in advance or immediately to the enemy who does not miss when he shoots, it gets disheartening fast.

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The thing with modern warfare (unless it's red vs red) is that the main victory goal is to have minimal blue casualties, while it's expected that red will suffer and endure massive casualties.

Some may enjoy the challenge of red in these unequal contests, but most folks don't - which is why most don't enjoy playing the Soviets in WW2 games. Having said that, I have been having a blast playing the red vs red campaigns like ROAD TO DINAS (I think by PAPER TIGER?). Superb, but very long campaign. A great way to learn the pros and cons of red forces.

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