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Question about AT weapons in 1.31

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After a few battles with the new 1.31 patch i noticed that something is missing for panzergrenadier. They can take panzerfaust rockets in the marder but there is no launcher. Is it a mistake or does it mean that panzergrenadier won't have any AT weapon. ?

Milan, Gill, and Javelin teams have a 20 sec delay, to dismantle the weapon before moving. When i give a move order, they move without delay, is it a bug ?

If it's not a bug why give a delay to those weapons ?

Will we have another patch to correct those little problems ?

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I did a few Quick battles to test 1.31.

German troops in Fuchs have the rocket laucher and the rockets.

In Marder there are only 2 rockets but no launcher.

Panzergrenadier can't use panzerfaust without the launcher. I thought they already had it but when tanks came, they only shot grenades.

There is no icon for the launcher. I tried with the AT team only but the 2 guys only had the rocket and they did not use them. they started to use grenades with very bad result for them.

I noticed that in other vehicles, you have the laucher + rockets, but not in the marder.

And there is also the time to dismantle Milan and Gill AT missiles...

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Not sure what happened, but here's the deal now:

The only German vehicle with a Panzerfaust launcher is the Fennek Recon. No Marders, Fuchs or Wolfs carry PF launchers.

The only German unit with a Panzerfaust launcher is the Gebirgsjager infantry section (and the 8-man section only, not the 4-man platoon HQ sections).

This leaves a whole lot of individuals designated as "antitank" specialists that have no access to any AT weapon. Ironically, the one unit with access to acquirable panzerfausts (Fennek recon platoon) has no AT specialists.

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Nope, not the case. And was exactly the reason I started only the German campaign putting the Dutch and Canadian campaigns on hold til after the patch fix. Now it looks like the German campaign has to go on hold and I can start the Dutch and Canadian campaign instead.

Just kinda swapping one for the other! Crazy that fixing one breaks the other one. Stinkin' patches! :)

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Hmmm, I've heard about this... All your troops need to do is gain a higher motivation level. Then they can take the Panzerfaust rounds and slap them hard against a rock, or their helmet (or their buddy's helmet) and _lob_ the rounds at the enemy. C'mon BF.C, it was done with 60mm mortar rounds, can't it be done with Panzerfaust rounds?


Good find.


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I know that for maurders there was no launcher in 1.3, I am playing Germans in a MP game with a boat load of marders.

IIRC in the German campaign, I don't remember ever grabbing a launcher, though I do remember reloading rockits from Marders.

So I don't think this is a new issue unless there were changes in the other vehicles.

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Definitely a new issue, Waaarg. When I started the German campaign back in V1.30, my Panzergrenadiers in their Marders (in mission 1) came to the battlefield not equipped with any launcher, and I had them grab one each from their Marders. If the Marders now have no launchers onboard (and I admit I haven't checked), then this has certainly changed from 1.30 to 1.31. Looks like some TO&E change went awry...

So I just checked it out in-game and it's true. The Marders now have no launchers on-board, just rockets. Methinks it may have been intended to give the launchers directly to the PG squads and take them out of the Marders (to avoid too many PFs being available), but something went wrong and the squads never got the launchers. Certainly not the way it's meant to be...BF please check this out!!!!

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Hrm it's quite possible that I am totally remembering wrong (highly probable). Was sure till you posted stoex, and am leaning towards my memory being suspect. I'll check old saves just to confirm.

I checked a couple of my saves in my German campaign and loaded up an old save of that poem I mentioned, and only my rifle squads who have launchers at the start of the mission have launchers or ammo. I don't know of a past game I haven't taken launchers or ammo in deployment. I spend a lot of time digging out ammo and weapons from transports. Is it possible we are getting Dutch and German transports mixed up? One other NATO army uses panzerfausts, and IIRC launchers as well as ammo are in transports.

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I'm also sure that there was the launcher in Marder with 1.30 version of the game.

I see a few things that should be corrected :

1 launchers for panzerfaust for german troops

2 the time to dismount a weapon before the team can move

3 Troops shooting all AT light weapons (AT4, LAW etc..) in the same time on the same target.

I did a quick test with British troops.

One group shot 6 rockets at the same time on a bmp 2.

Question : is it realistic ? is it possible to shoot 6 rockets from inside a building without problem ? I think it's a waste of ammo and that there should be a delay between each shot.

Always with the Brits : grenade laucher respect a delay to dismantle the weapon but not the machine gun teams.

So if there is a 20 sec or less delay why don't they respect this ?

It's the same for Milan and Gill AT team.

I did not check for other heavy weapons team.

I think the javelin is a fire and forget weapon so why is there a delay of 20 sec to dismantle it ?

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We fixed a "bug" where too many German units had PF Launchers in hand, so I removed some. This included PzGren Squads who should not have had them by default, rather they should have to Acquire them like other mechanized Squads. What I don't understand, yet, is how they disappeared from within the Marders. That shouldn't have happened. We'll have that fixed for v1.32.


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Ok so what am I missing? I have a 1.3 install now, my last 1.21 opponent upgraded. I loaded up German Mech vs Syrian Mech and I got the same results as I did in 1.31.

Non-Rifle squads were unable to acquire launchers from Marders, only rockets. Rifle squads could not see any launchers, only rockets. I split off an AT team from a Rifle squad, in case certain German units were restricted from using the launchers (last thing I could thing of), and loaded team of 4 with no Panzerfaust back into the Marder. Results were the same. Could take ammo, but no launchers.

Dutch however do have launchers in the vehicles, and I remember thinking that was odd, Germans being less flexible than the Dutch with German weapons.

Still, more inclined to look at what I am missing, as this many people remember launchers. But I honestly don't remember anything different than this.

*edit* Forgot I had FRAPS. Pictures are small, but you can see the Rockets at the bottom and small arms at the top. Dutch you can see the Launcher up top. Can resize if needed.


Rifle Squad 3


Rifle Squad 3 AT Team split off, No Launchers:


Non Rifle, not issued Launchers:




Tried to save a SS of my splash screen showing version but its way too small.

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My experience is the same as yours Waaarg. In 1.30, there were no launchers in the Marders, though the PzGren squads had them. Now in 1.31, there are no launchers in the Marders(same) or with the PzGren squads(changed).

Thank you for chiming in. I thought I was trippin as I was positive when I first posted, and due to being alone, it seemed more likely I was wrong. At least now I can stop trying to figure out where I am screwing up.

I have checked Fuchs too. Same deal. Checked rifle and non-rifle (HQ, MG, Sniper all the same). And just to be sure, dismounted rifle (starts with a G) squad, split off AT section to remove launcher. Re-mounted A team (non-AT), hit acquire and still no Launchers. 2 of the primary vehicles for German transport and 2 out of 2 are missing launchers in 1.30. I am confident any other vehicle that has Faust rockets are missing the Launchers.

Steve, one question (line...its actually 2 with a bunch of commentary). It sounds like regardless of when it happened, something did happen. It sounds like German transports were supposed to have Pzfaust launchers. By removing the Launchers from infantry squads putting the Launchers back into the vehicles, gives Germany more AT capability and flexibility. Each Pzg rifle platoon will have +1 Panzerfausts assuming each vehicle gets 1. Each Company would gain +5, and so on and and so forth (well, guess there is just so on). Numbers don't convey how much flexibility being able to acquire launchers on non-rifle squads gives you. H

ow does this effect balance? Are you able to tell when this happened, and if so did it happen late enough to not impact balance? This isn't the same as gaining +1 Jav per platoon, but its still significant, at least in my play style. I noticed the video walkthroughs, he didn't do much pre-mission prep. I do, I spend a considerable amount of time equipping AT options and loading up on ammo. This is huge for me, as I struggled with no AT options outside of rifle squads.

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Waaarg, thanks for doing a test. Now of course I'm wondering whether I've gone off the deep end :D. I remember clearly loading up my PzG squads with launchers (not just rockets) from the Marders, and in particular I remember thinking about whether I wanted to equip my Platoon HQs or their 2IC teams with a PF as well, since there was one in their vehicle also. I decided against since I thought it might weigh them down too much, and I probably wasn't going to need that many PFs anyhow in mission one (no vehicles expected in REDFOR).

Anyhow, I'm not going to reinstall to version 1.30 just to find out, and I trust your test anyway, so I'll just let it rest now - since we all concur there is a problem now in that there aren't enough PFs in-game. Now all we need to do is get along without PFs until v1.32 comes around :).

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Yeah, most likely all thoses dudes sporting the AT icon actually had access to AT weapons at some point. Or maybe their intended role is to jump on tanks with hand grenades? ;)

Oh, and since there are a bunch of Fenneks with PFs that their passengers probably don't need, don't forget you can split your PG squads and put send part to the Fenneks to steal the launchers during setup phase. Which reminds me:

BF please restore "acquire" to the editor!

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